2023-w3634 - 17 November 2023

Emma Louise Powell to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

(a) How has the Republic benefited to date from the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) of the Chinese government which aims to connect Asia with Africa and Europe via land and maritime networks to improve trade and (b) what total amount has the BRI invested in the economy of the Republic?

Reply from the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation on 17 Nov 2023

a) The Belt and Road Initiative is China's ambitious plan, which aims to link Asia, the Middle East and Africa through over-land and maritime trading corridors focusing on increasing interconnectivity between regions. Regarding Africa's common developmental agenda, the BRI is an important initiative that could realise some of the Continent's developmental priorities, particularly infrastructure development, which would facilitate intra-African trade. The BRI can potentially ...

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2023-w3591 - 17 November 2023

Emma Louise Powell to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

In the aftermath of the alleged attack on Israel by Hamas, what (a) is the formal position of the Government on the conflict in the Middle East and (b) are the details of the actions that the Government has taken in response to the conflict to advance peace and security in the region?

Reply from the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation on 17 Nov 2023

a) South Africa’s position continually supports all efforts aimed at the establishment of a viable, contiguous Palestinian State, existing side-by-side in peace with Israel, within internationally recognised borders, based on those of 4 June 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital, in line with all relevant UN resolutions, international law and internationally agreed parameters. Additionally, a viable and sustainable peace plan for the Middle ...

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2023-w3635 - 17 November 2023

Emma Louise Powell to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

Whether the Government is actively pursuing the attainment of a political settlement in Zimbabwe, following the disputed August 2023 elections in the specified country; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details of the political settlement that the Government hopes to achieve in Zimbabwe?

Reply from the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation on 17 Nov 2023

The Republic of Zimbabwe held its harmonised elections on 23 and 24 August 2023 to elect the President, Members of Parliament and Councillors for local government. His Excellency Dr Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa, leader of the Zimbabwe African National Union - Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) won the presidential elections by 52,6% of the votes and his closest rival and leader of the main opposition Citizens Coalition ...

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2023-w3585 - 17 November 2023

Mkhuleko Hlengwa to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

In light of the increase to $2.7 billion in 2021 of the Republic’s exports through the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) 2000, and noting the Republic’s opposition to international diplomatic positions of the United States of America (USA), especially with regard to the Republic’s neutral stance on the Russia/ Ukraine war that resulted in a scramble to avoid losing the opportunity to host the AGOA Forum in Johannesburg, what are the reasons for these diplomatic positions which threaten the Republic’s relationship with the USA with regard to AGOA, which has a meaningful and positive impact on the economy?

Reply from the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation on 17 Nov 2023

South African has exercised its independent and non-aligned foreign policy position which has remained consistent and has advocated for the peaceful resolution of conflicts through dialogue and negotiation as demonstrated by South Africa’s efforts to resolve several conflicts on the continent (e.g., DRC, Burundi, Ethiopia and South Sudan/Sudan). It is unfortunate that the US chooses to interpret this position as a threat to their ...

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2023-w3498 - 13 November 2023

Mkhuleko Hlengwa to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

Amid widespread calls and protest action to close the Israeli Embassy in Pretoria, what (a) is the Republic’s official position on hosting the Embassy and (b) are the relevant details and reasons for taking such position?

Reply from the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation on 13 Nov 2023

South Africa cannot have normal relations with Israel, as long as the latter is unwilling to sincerely negotiate a peace plan without preconditions with Palestine. South Africa cannot be a party in any way to Israel’s plans and actions that would see the ideal of Palestinian statehood reduced into balkanised entities devoid of true sovereignty, without territorial contiguity and with no economic viability. However, ...

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2023-w3526 - 10 November 2023

Vuyani Pambo to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

In light of how global solidarity and sanctions played a significant role in undermining the Apartheid project in the Republic, what is the government doing practically to show solidarity with the people of Palestine, except the perceived lip service and empty messages?

Reply from the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation on 10 Nov 2023

South Africa and Palestine are currently working on formulating practical strategies towards taking up the Palestinian cause to the ICC and ICJ to declare Israel as an apartheid state. South Africa will directly petition the ICJ to give advisory opinion on the legal consequences arising from the ongoing violation by Israel of the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, from its prolonged occupation, ...

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2023-w3176 - 30 October 2023

Mkhuleko Hlengwa to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

In light of the current dramatic escalation in tension and the fact that the Republic no longer has an embassy in Israel, what are the full relevant details of how the Government provides support to South Africans in Israel who wish to return home?

Reply from the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation on 30 Oct 2023

The South African Embassies in Tel Aviv (Israel) and Ramallah (Palestine) and the Consular Services at Head Office (DIRCO) are hard at work monitoring, collecting information and liaising with South African nationals who might be in distress and in need of consular services.

Since the conflict broke out on 7 October 2023, 120 South Africans in Israel and Palestine have contacted the respective SA ...

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2023-w3184 - 30 October 2023

John Henry Steenhuisen to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

What are the full relevant details of all persons who were issued with diplomatic passports (a) in the past three financial years and (b) since 1 April 2023?

Reply from the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation on 30 Oct 2023

(a) The full relevant details of all persons who were issued with diplomatic passports may not be divulged in terms of the following:

Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996;

South African Passports and Travel Documents Act, No. 04 of 1994;

Identification Act, No. 68 of 1997;

Promotion of Access to Information Act, No. 02 of 2000;

Protection of Personal Information Act, No ...

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2023-w3244 - 27 October 2023

Emma Louise Powell to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

(1)Whether, with reference to her reply to question 2854 on 22 September 2023, wherein she stated that her department was not able to provide a definitive answer regarding the total costs for the hosting of the BRICS Summit as invoices are still outstanding from the appointed suppliers, her department can now provide the total costs for the hosting of the BRICS Summit; if not, why not; if so, what was the total expenditure incurred by her department for hosting the BRICS Summit in August 2023; (2) what was the total expenditure incurred by her department for hosting the BRICS Parliamentary Forum in September 2023? NW4319E

Reply from the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation on 27 Oct 2023

(1) The expenditure incurred by the Department of International Relations and Cooperation in the hosting of the XV BRICS Summit was R 104 350 405.79.

(2) The Department of International Relations and Cooperation did not contribute financially to the hosting of the BRICS Parliamentary Forum.

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2023-w3040 - 10 October 2023

Emma Louise Powell to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

What amounts did (a) Russia, (b) China, (c) India and (d) Brazil contribute to the (i) BRICS Ministerial Meeting hosted in Cape Town on 1 June 2023, (ii) 2023 BRICS Political Party Plus Dialogue and (iii) BRICS Summit hosted in August?

Reply from the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation on 10 Oct 2023

i) The contribution of Russia (a), China (b), India (c)and Brazil (d) to the BRICS Ministerial Meeting hosted in Cape Town on 1 June 2023:

a) Nil

b) Nil

c) Nil

d) Nil

ii) The Department was not involved in the BRICS Political Party Plus Dialogue as this event was organised by the governing party.

iii) The contribution of Russia (a), China (b), India ...

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