2023-w3109 - 06 October 2023

Mkhuleko Hlengwa to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

With reference to the reported R500 million in revenue that her department will generate through the sales of various properties across the globe, (a) what total amount will be lost through commissions and taxes related to the sales and (b) how does her department plan to spend the remaining money from the sales?

Reply from the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation on 6 Oct 2023

(a) The process for the disposal of some of the identified superfluous properties is currently at the approval stage, whilst others are at an advertisement stage. The total amount for commissions and taxes will only be determined at conveyancing stage and when sales have been successfully concluded by estate agents.

(b) Subject to approvals by National Treasury, the generated revenue will be used by ...

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2023-w3012 - 02 October 2023

Emma Louise Powell to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

(1)What (a) are the details and/or a full list of all political party representatives invited to attend the 2023 BRICS Political Party Plus Dialogue and (b) was the selection criteria used to determine to whom such invitations would be extended; (2) what costs have her department contributed to the (a) BRICS Ministerial Meeting hosted in Cape Town on 1 June 2023, (b) 2023 BRICS Political Party Plus Dialogue hosted on 18 July 2023 and (c) BRICS Summit hosted in August; (3) what are the full and cumulative costs for (a) BRICS Ministerial Meeting hosted in Cape Town on 1 June 2023, (b) 2023 BRICS Political Party Plus Dialogue and (c) the BRICS Summit hosted in August? NW4077E

Reply from the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation on 2 Oct 2023

1. (a) The political parties of the respective BRICS Plus countries were invited by South Africa’s governing party, the African National Congress, to attend the BRICS Political Party Plus Dialogue. The South African Government was not involved in organising the BRICS Political Party Plus Dialogue. (b) The South African Government was not involved in the selection nor the extending of invitations to any political ...

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2023-w2977 - 02 October 2023

Ahmed Munzoor Shaik Emam to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

What steps has her department put in place to address the concerns that have been raised regarding South Africans of Jewish origin who continue to receive training in the Israeli defence force which poses a serious risk to the Republic?

Reply from the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation on 2 Oct 2023

The National Conventional Arms Control Committee (NCACC) administers the Prohibition of Mercenary Activities and the Regulations of Certain Activities in a country of Armed Conflict Act (Act 27 of 2006) that regulate and control matters related to the question posed. However, the competency and responsibility to enforce the law, gather intelligence, investigation and prosecutorial discretion, regarding the breach of the abovementioned laws does not ...

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2023-w2853 - 22 September 2023

Mkhuleko Hlengwa to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

Whether, in view of the statement by the President, Mr M C Ramaphosa, on 3 September 2023 that the panel investigating the allegation that Lady R was in the shores of the Republic to collect weapons for the Russian Federation have cleared South Africa of all wrong doing, the Government intends to take any steps against the United States Ambassador to South Africa, Mr Reuben Brigety, for making false allegations; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? NW3272

Reply from the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation on 22 Sep 2023

Following the allegations made by US Ambassador Reuben Brigety, he was dèmarched by the department. During the meeting between the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation and Ambassador Brigety, South Africa expressed deep disappointment and displeasure at the manner in which the allegations were made, especially since there are prescribed diplomatic protocols which should have been used to convey any grievance/concerns of the US ...

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2023-w2854 - 22 September 2023

Mkhuleko Hlengwa to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

What are the total costs incurred by the Republic in hosting the recent BRICS Summit in Johannesburg from 22 – 24 August 2023?

Reply from the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation on 22 Sep 2023

The Department of International Relations and Cooperations is currently not able to provide a definitive answer regarding the total costs for the hosting of the BRICS Summit as invoices are still outstanding from the appointed suppliers. Once all invoices have been received and paid, will the department be able to provide the requested information.

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2023-w2889 - 22 September 2023

Nicholas George Myburgh to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

Whether (a) her department and (b) any of the entities reporting to her (i) contributed in any way, materially or otherwise, to the Mwalimu Julius Nyerere Leadership School in Tanzania and (ii) sent any visitors and/or participants to the specified school; if not, what is the position in each case; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?

Reply from the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation on 22 Sep 2023

The Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) and entities reporting to department have not made any contribution towards the establishment of the Mwalimu Julius Nyerere Leadership School in Tanzania and have not sent any visitors and/or participants to the school.

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2023-w2881 - 22 September 2023

Emma Louise Powell to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

(1)What are the (a) dates and (b) relevant details of meetings and full minutes of all bilateral engagements between (i) her, (ii) the officials of her department, (iii) the Deputy President and (iv) the President and their counterparts in Uganda regarding the anti-homosexuality bill signed into law by the President of Uganda, Mr Yoweri Museveni, in May 2023; (2) what bilateral engagements will the Republic pursue with the (a) President of Uganda, (b) Members of the Executive and (c) Members of Parliament in Uganda regarding the alleged human rights abuses that members of the LGBTQIA community will now confront as a result of the anti-homosexuality bill that has been signed into law by the President of Uganda in May 2023? NW3305E

Reply from the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation on 22 Sep 2023

1. There have not been any bilateral engagements between the President, Deputy President, the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation and officials in the department with their Ugandan counterparts regarding the anti-homosexuality bill signed into law by the President of Uganda, Mr Yoweri Museveni, in May 2023.

2. South Africa is guided by its Constitutional principles which seeks to amongst others, promote and respect ...

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2023-w2880 - 22 September 2023

Emma Louise Powell to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

What (a) are the total costs and (b) is the breakdown of the specified costs to her department in respect of (i) the Parliamentary study tour to Europe to inspect vacant buildings in June 2023 and (ii) all monies contributed to the Africa Peace Mission to Ukraine in June 2023?

Reply from the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation on 22 Sep 2023

(i) The total costs incurred by the Department in relation to the Parliamentary study tour to Europe was Euro 4290.90 with the following breakdown:

  • Air Transport: 1287.00
  • Hotel Accommodation: 1563.45
  • Daily Allowance: 604.75
  • Ground Transport: 835.70

(ii) The Department did not make any financial contribution to the African Peace Mission to Ukraine.

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2023-w2855 - 22 September 2023

Mkhuleko Hlengwa to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

(1)Whether, with reference to her reply to question 628 on 22 March 2023, BRICS member countries now have a common understanding on what (a) process potential candidates should follow to officially apply for admission to BRICS and (b) standards and criteria should be taken into account when considering potential candidates, there is a common understanding of the process; if not, what is the position in each case; if so what are the relevant details in each case; (2) noting that the Republic is party to the Johannesburg II Declaration signed at the recent BRICS Summit held on 22 to 24 August 2023, which calls for all Member States to cooperate in the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms under the principles of equality and mutual respect, how can she explain Republic’s support for the inclusion of Iran into BRICS as Iran has been repeatedly flagged by the United Nations for serious human rights violations, including allegations of torture, as well as sexual and gender-based violence committed against women, men and children, especially in detention?

Reply from the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation on 22 Sep 2023

1. Yes, a) BRICS member countries have a common understanding on what the process for a potential candidate should be as well as the standards and criteria for the inclusion of a new member. b) BRICS member countries have reached consensus on the guiding principles, standards, criteria, and procedures of the BRICS expansion process which are outlined in the agreed upon BRICS Expansion document. ...

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2023-w2713 - 15 September 2023

Emma Louise Powell to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

Whether a recommendation to move the 2023 BRICS summit to China was made by the Inter-Ministerial Committee set up by the President to deal with how the Government was going to manage issues pertaining to the summit; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, on what date was the recommendation communicated to Cabinet; (2) What are the full costs incurred by her department in relation to the BRICS Foreign Ministers Summit held at the 12 Apostles Hotel from 1 to 2 June 2023? NW3104E

Reply from the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation on 15 Sep 2023

1. No recommendation was made to move the Summit to China. Instead, there was a focus on options that would maintain South Africa as the host of the Summit (being the Chair of BRICS in 2023) inside the borders of the country, whether in hybrid, or in-person format, to fully capitalise on the historic opportunity provided by the BRICS bloc expansion and the geo-political ...

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