NW1929E - 08 June 2012

Mohammed Rafeek Sayedali Shah to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

Whether any traffic fines were incurred with regard to any of his official vehicles in the (a) 2009-10, (b) 2010-11 and (c) 2011-12 financial years; if so, what (i) amount in fines was incurred in respect of each specified vehicle in each specified financial year and (ii) are the further relevant details in each case?

NW1875E - 08 June 2012

Deborah Anne Schäfer to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

What are the reasons for the removal of cases from the roll (details furnished) in the (a) 2006-07, (b) 2007-08, (c) 2008-09, (d) 2009-10 and (e) 2010-11 financial years?

NW1859E - 08 June 2012

Deborah Anne Schäfer to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

(1) Whether his department will pay the legal costs of a certain person (name furnished) for the (a) North Gauteng High Court case no 59628/2009, (b) Supreme Court of Appeal case no 263/11 and (c) Constitutional Court case no CCT 122/11; if not, why not; if so, what amounts have been (i) incurred and (ii) paid in respect of each specified case to date; (2) whether he intends to recover the specified costs from the said person; if not, why not; if so, (a) under which circumstances and (b) in terms of which (i) legislative provision, (ii) policy or (iii) decision and (c) what is the time frame in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development on 18 Jul 2012

29 AUGUST 2013 Mr P van Dalen (DA) asked the Minister of Public Works: What is the (a) make, (b) model, (c) year and (d) purchase price of each vehicle that was bought for official use by (i) him and (ii) the Deputy Minister since 1 January 2012? NW2116E Reply: The Minister of Public Works: No vehicles were bought for either the Minister of ...

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NW1870E - 08 June 2012

James Robert Bourne Lorimer to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

(1) Whether the State is currently prosecuting any cases related to illegal mining; if not, why not; if so, (a) how many cases are currently before court and (b) where; (2) whether his department has communicated with the (a) Department of Mineral Resources and (b) SA Police Service in order to identify programmes for combating illegal mining; if not, why not, in each case; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development on 18 Jul 2012

1) No 2) The Government will not take steps against Zimbabwe in respect of such an agreement as long as it conforms to international legality. UNQUOTE

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NW1907E - 08 June 2012

Diratsagae Alfred Kganare to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

Whether his department intends establishing Thuthuzela Care Centres in rural areas to provide support services for rape victims; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development on 24 Jul 2012

1) I am sure the Honourable member is referring to the state of readiness of the proposed National School of Government and not the Public Administration Leadership and Management Academy (PALAMA). We reviewed the way PALAMA was operating and arrived at a decision to establish a School of Government that will provide education, training and development programmes for the public service. The response below ...

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NW1742E - 01 June 2012

Erik Johannes Marais to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

(1) When was the current Director-General of his department appointed; (2) whether the Director-General was appointed in a permanent capacity; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development on 6 Jun 2012

- I wish to inform the Honourable Member that the Director-General was appointed on 1 January 2010, and is appointed on a three year renewable contract with effect from her assumption date.

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NW1591E - 25 May 2012

Cornelius Petrus Mulder to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

How (a) many claims in each year since 2002 were instituted against the Attorneys Trust Fund as a result of theft of trust funds by practitioners, (b) many of these specified claims were successful and (c) much money was paid out in respect of each of these specified claims?

NW1461E - 25 May 2012

Lulama Smuts Ngonyama to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

Whether the Government intends taking any steps in respect of foreign nationals that use South Africa as a money laundering and illicit business destination; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

NW1415E - 11 May 2012

Shahid Esau to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

What amount has his department spent on (a) catering and (b) entertainment (i) in the (aa) 2007-08, (bb) 2008-09, (cc) 2009-10, (dd) 2010-11 and (ee) 2011-12 financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2012?

NW1285E - 04 May 2012

Emma More to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

(1) (a) What are the (i) yearly rental and (ii) floor space of the (aa) current and (bb) previous premises occupied by his department’s head office and (b) when (i) was the current building occupied and (ii) does the current lease expire; (2) whether his department publicly invited tenders prior to the leasing of the current premises; if not, why not; if so, (a) when, (b) where was it published and (c) which (i) companies and (ii) properties were shortlisted; (3) what (a) floor space was offered and (b) annual rental was tendered (i) by each shortlisted company and (ii) with regard to each shortlisted property?
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