NW2313E - 02 August 2013

Luzelle Henrietta Adams to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

Whether a case of robbery against two persons (names furnished) was placed on the court roll again after the prosecutor withdrew the charges against them?

NW2264E - 02 August 2013

Sejamotopo Charles Motau to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

What was the (a) make, (b) model, (c) year, (d) purpose, (e) date and/or dates, (f) financial cost and (g) sum total of kilometres driven in respect of each vehicle hired for use by (i) him and (ii) the Deputy Minister since 1 January 2012?

Reply from the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development on 19 Aug 2013

I wish to request from the Honourable Member that I be given more time to source and verify the requisite data.

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NW2314E - 02 August 2013

Luzelle Henrietta Adams to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

Whether the National Prosecuting Authority intends reinstituting any case against the alleged offender in the death of cyclist Burry Stander; if so, when?

Reply from the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development on 19 Aug 2013

PARLIAMENTARY QUESTION NO.: 1962 1962. Ms L H Adams (Cope) to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development: Whether the National Prosecuting Authority intends reinstituting any case against the alleged offender in the death of cyclist Burry Stander; if so, when? NW2314E I wish to inform the Honourable Member that the case will be before the court on 21 August 2013. The withdrawal ...

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NW2178E - 26 July 2013

Trevor Donald Lee to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

(1) How many consultants has his department contracted and/or appointed (a) in the (i) 2009-10, (ii) 2010-11, (iii) 2011-12 and (iv) 2012-13 financial years and (b) since 1 April 2013; (2) how many consultants contracted and/or appointed by his department (a) in the (i) 2009-10, (ii) 2010-11, (iii) 2011-12 and (iv) 2012-13 financial years and (b) since 1 April 2013 are former officials of his department and/or former public servants?

NW2143E - 26 July 2013

Lourens Lemmer Bosman to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

What (a) buildings under the administration of (i) his department and (ii) entities reporting to him are national key points and (b) criteria were used to classify them as such?

NW2093E - 26 July 2013

Deborah Anne Schäfer to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

(a) Who was awarded the tender for the assessment of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court of Appeal decisions being conducted by his department and (b) what were the terms of the tender?

NW2091E - 26 July 2013

David John Maynier to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

(1) With regard to the Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of Fraud, Corruption, Impropriety or Irregularity in the Strategic Defence Procurement Package, what is the (a) total cost since 1 April 2011 and (b) breakdown of such costs for the Commission since the specified date; (2) what is the (a) total cost and (b) breakdown of such costs for the Commission (i) for the (aa) 2011-12 and (bb) 2012-13 financial years and (ii) from 1 April 2013 up to the latest specified date for which information is available; (3) What amount has been spent on each specified (a) permanent and (b) part-time employee of the Commission; (4) whether any private sector companies have been retained to carry out work for the Commission; if not, why not; if so, in each specified case what (a) is the name of the company, (b) services has it provided and (c) was the (i) total cost and (ii) breakdown of such costs of retaining the company?

NW2089E - 26 July 2013

Helen Lamoela to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

Whether the Gender and Sexual Orientation-based Violence Task Team (GSOVTT) has held any meetings since 7 June 2012; if not, why not; if so, (a) on what date, (b) at which venue was each specified meeting held, (c) who attended each specified meeting and (d) what issues were discussed?

NW2088E - 26 July 2013

Helen Lamoela to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

(1) (a) How many Thuthuzela Care Centres (TTCs) have been established in each province, (b) in which (i) rural or (ii) other areas are they situated and (c) how many are fully operational service centres; (2) (a) what is his department’s projected spending on the TTCs in the current financial year and (b) what percentage of that amount is provided by (i) his department, (ii) local donors and (iii) foreign donors?

NW2040E - 26 July 2013

Mudene Smuts to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

(1) Whether charges of armed robbery or any other charges against certain accused persons (names furnished) were withdrawn in the Pretoria North Regional Court; if so, why were the charges withdrawn; (2) did the accused persons plead in the case; if not, why not; if so, what did they plead; (3) were the accused persons granted bail; if not, why not; (4) how long had the accused persons been awaiting trial?
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