NW2110E - 26 July 2013

Sejamotopo Charles Motau to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

What is the (a) make, (b) model, (c) year and (d) purchase price of each vehicle that was bought for official use by (i) him and (ii) the Deputy Minister since 1 January 2012?

Reply from the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development on 19 Aug 2013

- I wish to inform the Honourable Member that, no vehicles have been bought for me nor the Deputy Minister, since 1 January 2012. The official vehicles, for use by me, and the Deputy Minister were bought in 2011. BACKGOUND INFORMATION The information relating to the vehicles are as follows: |Barcode |Asset |Purchase|Purchase |PO Number|GR |Supplier|Responsib| |Number | |Date |Price | |Number | |ility ...

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NW2016E - 26 July 2013

Deborah Anne Schäfer to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

What are the reasons that the charges against the accused in the Burry Stander matter in KwaZulu-Natal have been provisionally withdrawn?

Reply from the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development on 19 Aug 2013

I wish to inform the Honourable Member that the charges were provisionally withdrawn when the Prosecutor assigned to the case was hospitalised. However, there are further developments on the case and summons was issued to reinstate the case onto the court-roll. The case will be before the court on 21 August 2013.

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NW1958E - 21 June 2013

Michael Waters to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

How many people in total have been screened against the Sexual Offences Register?

NW1918E - 21 June 2013

Wilmot Godfrey James to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

List all the weapons that South Africa has (a) bought from and (b) sold to Syria in the past five financial years?

NW1829E - 14 June 2013

Dianne Kohler Barnard to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

With reference to the reply of the Minister of Police to question 844 on 28 May 2013, (a) what is the status of the investigations into the National Police Day of (i) 2010 and (ii) 2011 and (b) when will the outcome of the investigations be available?

Reply from the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development on 25 Jun 2013

PARLIAMENTARY QUESTION NO.: 1486 DATE OF QUESTION: 14 JUNE2013 DATE OF SUBMISSION: 28 JUNE 2013 Ms D Kohler-Barnard (DA) to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development: With reference to the reply of the Minister of Police to question 844 on 28 May 2013, (a) what is the status of the investigations into the National Police Day of (i) 2010 and (ii) 2011 ...

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CW343E - 07 June 2013

Dirk Benjamin Feldman to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

(1) Whether there are any deposits of a certain person (name furnished) in South Africa; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) what are the plans to repatriate the money to the (i) present government and (ii) said person’s surviving family and (b) how much of the said person’s money and/or assets are in South Africa’s keep; (2) whether there are any registered estates under the said person’s name; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?

NW1761E - 07 June 2013

Lennit Hendry Max to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

What amount did his department spend on (a) promotional items and (b) cocktail receptions on the occasion of his 2013 Budget Vote debate?

Reply from the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development on 25 Jun 2013

- I wish to inform the Honourable Member that no funds were spent on promotional material and the lunch reception was held at Parliament, and the Department utilized the Parliamentary catering services at a cost of R60, 474 .00. The impact of the Budget Vote Speech, is that Members of Parliament and the country are informed of the priorities of the Department for the ...

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NW1657E - 31 May 2013

Lennit Hendry Max to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

(1) Whether (a) he, (b) his deputy minister, (c) any specified officials and (d) any other persons have been issued with a government or official credit card (i) in the (aa) 2011-12 and (bb) 2012-13 financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2013; if so, in each instance, what is the (aaa)(aaaa) name and (bbbb) job title of each person to whom a credit card was issued, (bbb) credit limit, (ccc) outstanding amount as at the latest specified date for which information is available, (ddd) monthly expenses incurred for each month since receiving the credit card, (eee) reason for such a person being issued with a credit card and (fff) uses that such a credit card is intended for; (2) whether the credit limit of any specified credit card was exceeded at any time since it was issued; if so, (a) whose credit cards are over the limit and (b) what is the reason for the credit card exceeding the limit?

NW1476E - 23 May 2013

Petronella Catherine Duncan to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

What amount has his department spent on (a) catering and (b) entertainment in the (i) 2012-13 financial year and (ii) since 1 April 2013?

NW1456E - 23 May 2013

Armiston Watson to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

Why has South Africa not made a declaration under Article 36(2) of the Statute of the International Court of Justice?
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