NW1450E - 23 May 2013

Shahid Esau to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

(1) Whether South Africa has sold weapons to Uganda or Rwanda since 1994; if so, in each case, what was the (a) nature of these weapons and (b) price paid to South Africa; (2) what was the most recent date on which weapons were sold to Uganda or Rwanda; (3) under which line item on the budget is the revenue reflected?

NW1216E - 10 May 2013

Deborah Anne Schäfer to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

(1) (a) What are the reasons that Xuan Binh Dang and Huong Giang Chu alleged rhino horn poachers, have not been brought to trial since 2010 and (b) why were the alleged poachers not asked to plead up until 1 May 2013; (2) whether the non-availability of interpreters was the only reason the case was struck from the role; if not, what were the other reasons; (3) (a) when did his department make the first attempt to secure Vietnamese interpreters, (b) what were the reasons for not being able to secure interpreters, (c) who attempted to secure the requisite interpreters and (d) whose responsibility is it to secure interpreters; (4) were the accused given back their passports at any stage; if so, (a) when and (b) by whom; (5) have the accused been (a)(i) re-charged and/or (ii) charged with any other offence and (b) are they currently in custody?

NW1118E - 10 May 2013

A de W Alberts to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

(1) Whether Government, since the ratification of the International Convenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), reports to the monitoring convention body, the Human Rights Committee, every five years as required with regard to steps taken by Government to implement the ICCPR in South Africa; if not, why not; if so, (a) how and (b) by whom the reports are compiled; (2) whether public participation is permitted; if not, why not; (3) whether the public has access to these reports; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) whether any of the reports provide feedback on the implementation of section 27 that deals with die rights of ethnic, religious and language minorities; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

NW1196E - 10 May 2013

Dion Travers George to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

(1) Since 1 January 2011, how many applications under the Promotion of Access to Information Act, Act 2 of 2000, were received by (a) his department and (b) entities reporting to him, and in each case, how many were (i) granted, (ii) refused and (iii) deemed refused under section 27; (2) since 1 January 2011, how many internal appeals under the Act were received by (a) his department and (b) entities reporting to him, and in each case, how many were (i) granted, (ii) refused and (iii) deemed refused under section 77(7); (3) who is the information officer for (a) his department and (b) each entity reporting to him, and in each case, what are the contact details of the officer?

Reply from the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development on 23 May 2013

- The Department and one of the entities reporting to me are daily engaging with the matters relating to the Promotion of Access to Information Act, Act 2 of 2000. The tables bellows represent the information requested by the Honourable Member: |DOJ&CD |Number of |Period |Granted |Refused |Deemed | | |Application| | | |Refused | | |s received | | | |under | | ...

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NW1116E - 03 May 2013

A de W Alberts to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

Whether the Government intends to create a section 36(4) declaration on the Protocol on the African Court on People and International Law of the African Union that will make it possible for individuals to directly apply at the African Court; if so, (a) when it will take place and (b) what are the further relevant details; if not, why not, given (i) South Africa’s Constitution that make provision for the protection of individual human rights by the national courts and (ii) the fact that the Constitution requests that international law is taken into account in the interpretation of the Bill of Rights contained in Chapter 2?

NW1030E - 26 April 2013

Buyiswa Cornelia Diemu to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

Whether he has any plans to ensure that a higher percentage of female African senior advocates are appointed in the judicial system; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

NW964E - 26 April 2013

N J J van R Koornhof to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

Whether his department has had a concerted programme since 1994 to fast-track the advancement of black justices in the judiciary without causing friction with other race and gender groups; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

NW914E - 26 April 2013

A de W Alberts to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

Whether the Government will accede to the International Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR); if not, what is the reason for nonaccession to this convention; if so, what (a) is the timeline for the ratification and (b) are the further relevant details?

NW963E - 19 April 2013

N J J van R Koornhof to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

(1) Whether he has found that the recent Judicial Service Commission attempts at transformation targets (details furnished) are too late and divisive; if not, why not; if so, (2) whether his department has developed a systematic programme for achieving these targets further down the line; if so, what are the relevant details?

NW874E - 19 April 2013

Leonard Ramatlakane to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

Whether all the departments have implemented the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act, Act 3 of 2000, to galvanise the fight against corruption by promoting transparency and accountability; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
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