2016-w1516 - 05 July 2016

Leonard Jones Basson to ask the Minister of Labour

(1)Whether her department was approached by any political party for any form of funding (a) in the (i) 2013-14, (ii) 2014-15 and (iii) 2015-16 financial years and (b) since 1 April 2016; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; (2)whether her department provided any form of funding to any political party (a) in the (i) 2013-14, (ii) 2014-15 and (iii) 2015-15 financial years and (b) since 1 April 2016; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?

2016-w1435 - 24 May 2016

Gregory Rudy Krumbock to ask the Minister of Labour

(1) (a) on what date did her department conducted an inspection of the Chloorkop Primary School in Kempton Park, Gauteng, through the inspection and enforcement services in line with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 85 of 1993, as amended, (b) what were the findings of the specified inspections and (c) how often is her department compelled by law to inspect work environments in line with (i) the specified Act and (ii) any other legislation; (2) (a) when will her department conduct such an inspection at the specified school, given the structural damage to the school’s buildings (details furnished) and (b) when will such a report be made public?

2016-w1399 - 24 May 2016

Terri Stander to ask the Minister of Labour

Whether (a) her department and (b) all entities reporting to her are running developmental programmes for (i) small businesses and Yes (ii) co-operatives; Yes if not, why not, if so, in each case (aa) what are the relevant details, (bb) what amount has been budgeted and (cc) how many jobs will be created through the specified development programmes in the 2016-17 financial year?

2016-w373 - 24 May 2016

Hermanus Bernadus Groenewald to ask the Minister of Labour

(a) With reference to President Jacob G Zuma’s undertaking in his State of the Nation Address delivered on 12 February 2015, that the Government will set aside 30% of appropriate categories of state procurement for purchasing from Small, Medium and Micro-sized Enterprises (SMMEs), co-operatives, as well as township and rural enterprises, what percentage of the total procurement of (a) her department and (b) every entity reporting to her went to (i) SMMEs and (ii) co-operatives from 1 April 2015 up to the latest specified date for which information is available?

2016-w1426 - 24 May 2016

Michael Waters to ask the Minister of Labour

(1) (a) On what date did her department last conducted an inspection of the Sebenza Police Station, Gauteng, through the inspection and enforcement services in line with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 85 of 1993, as amended (b) what were the findings of the specified inspection and (c) how often is her department compelled by law to inspect work environments in line with (i) the specified Act and (ii) any other legislation; (2) (a) when will her department conduct such an inspection at the specified police station and (b) when will such a report be made public

Reply from the Minister of Labour on 24 May 2016

1. (a) There has been no inspection at Sebenza police Station.

    (b) Based on point 9a) above, there were no findings.

   (c) There is no stipulation in the Occupational Health and Safety Act regarding frequency of inspections for any workplace and there is no other legislation.

(2) (a) Inspection will be conducted on 24 May 2016.

(b) Inspection reports are not made ...

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NW1587E - 20 May 2016

Choloane David Matsepe to ask the Minister of Labour

(1) Whether the (a) Chloorkop Primary School in Kempton Park in Gauteng and (b) the Gauteng Department of Education have adhered fully to her department’s Asbestos Regulations, 2001, Government notice 155 of 10 February 2002; if not, in each case, which aspects of the specified regulations have not been adhered to; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether the specified (a) school and (b) provincial department undertook (i) initial assessments and (ii) follow-up assessments in line with Regulation 7 of the specified regulations, which pertains to the assessment of potential exposure, since the commencement of the specified regulations; if not, in each case, (aa) why not and (bb) what action did her department take to ensure compliance; if so, in each case, (aaa) on which date(s) were each of the assessment reports completed and (bbb) what were the findings; (3) whether her department has ever visited the specified (a) school and/or (b) provincial department since the commencement of the specified regulations to ensure full compliance; if not, why not in each case; if so, on what dates in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Labour on 20 May 2016

1. During the inspection, the focus was on the complaints relating to structures, facilities and electrical installation. There were no records that were found at school indicating the presence of asbestos and the Deputy Principal also indicated that she was not aware of any presence of asbestos at the school

2. An inspection was conducted at Chloorkop Primary School in Kempton Park on the 25th ...

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NW1722E - 20 May 2016

Mof S P Kopane to ask the Minister of Labour

(a) What amount did (i) her department and (ii) each entity reporting to her spend on advertising in the 2015-16 financial year and (b) how much has (i) her department and (ii) each entity reporting to her budgeted for advertising in the 2016-17 financial year?

Reply from the Minister of Labour on 20 May 2016




(b) (ii)





R18, 638, 433.26.

R30, 542, 000.00.


R1, 537, 271.00.

R895, 000.00.


R55, 000.00.

R74, 000.00.


R55, 242, 874.00.

R60, 000, 000.00.


R2, 145, 285.09.

R715, 000.00.


R 10 262 407.03

R 4 107 000.00

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NW1687E - 20 May 2016

Leonard Jones Basson to ask the Minister of Labour

(1) Whether her department was approached by any political party for any form of funding (a) in the (i) 2013-14, (ii) 2014-15 and (iii) 2015-16 financial years and (b) since 1 April 2016; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; (2) whether her department provided any form of funding to any political party (a) in the (i) 2013-14, (ii) 2014-15 and (iii) 2015-16 financial years and (b) since 1 April 2016; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Labour on 20 May 2016

(1)The Department of Labour was not approached by any political party for any form of funding (a) in the (i) 2013-14, (ii) 2014-15 and (iii) 2015-16 financial years and (b) since 1 April 2016;

(2)(a) The Department of Labour did not provide any form of funding to any political party in the (i) 2013-14, (ii) 2014-15 and (iii) 2015-15 financial years and (b) since ...

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2016-w939 - 19 May 2016

Timothy James Brauteseth to ask the Minister of Labour

Has (a) she and/or (b) her Deputy Minister ever (i) met with any (aa) member, (bb) employee and/or (cc) close associate of the Gupta family and/or (ii) attended any meeting with the specified persons (aa) at the Gupts’s Saxonwold Estate in Johannesburg or (bb) anywhere else since taking office; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, in each specified case, (aaa) what are the names of the persons who were present at each meeting, (bbb)(aaaa) when and (bbbb) where did each such meeting take place and (ccc) what was the purpose of each specified meeting?

2016-w1235 - 19 May 2016

Alan Ross Mcloughlin to ask the Minister of Labour

With reference to the presentation of the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation to the Standing Committee on Appropriations on 19 April 2016, which revealed that the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) has a surplus in excess of R100 billion, a) What is the exact figure of the UIF’s surplus as at the latest audit date; b) Who is currently in control of the specified funds and c) Who is the legal owner of the specified funds; NW1383E 2. Whether any UIF surplus funds are available as cash; if not, what is the position in this regard and a) In what form is it held; if so, where are the surplus funds held?

Reply from the Minister of Labour on 19 May 2016

1. The Unemployment Insurance Fund’s as its name denotes, is an Insurance fund paid for by monies deducted from salaries of workers and from the employers’ payroll. The fund is there to take care of workers in the event that they lose their jobs. The accumulated surplus, after setting aside the actuarial reserves of about R90billion as at 31 March 2015, has technically about R19billion ...

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