2015-w3576 - 13 October 2015

Michael Bagraim to ask the Minister of Labour

Beside the Unemployment Insurance Fund, is her department considering an insurance scheme for persons who leave their jobs that is similar to the insurance offered by the private to persons who are retrenched?

2015-w3575 - 13 October 2015

Michael Bagraim to ask the Minister of Labour

Whether, with regard to minimum wage levels set for job categories falling under various bargaining councils and for various wage determinations, the Government is considering a minimum wage set below the current lowest wage determination?

2015-w3435 - 22 September 2015

Michael Bagraim to ask the Minister of Labour

Whether, considering reports that South Africa could face as many as 60 000 job losses in 2015, mainly in mining and steel industries, she has put plans in place to turn the situation around?

2015-w3437 - 22 September 2015

Michael Bagraim to ask the Minister of Labour

Will (a) the suspension of a certain person (name and details furnished)be lifted and/or (b) a disciplinary hearing take place; if so, (i) when in each case and (ii) what are the relevant details?

2015-w3075 - 22 September 2015

Derrick America to ask the Minister of Labour

(a) How does (i) her department and (ii) entities reporting to her define red tape and (b) what (i) specific interventions and/or (ii) systems have been implemented to (aa) identify and (bb) reduce red tape in (aaa) her department and (bbb) the entities reporting to her?

2015-w3262 - 22 September 2015

Pebane George Moteka to ask the Minister of Labour

(1) What (a) total amount did her department spent on air travel between Gauteng and Cape Town for employees attending Parliament business in the 2014 - 15 financial year and (b) is the total number of trips that were undertaken? (2) what is the total amount that her department spent on accommodation and (b) car rental in Cape Town for employees attending Parliament business in the specified financial year?

2015-w3011 - 22 September 2015

Anton De Waal Alberts to ask the Minister of Labour

Whether, given the fact that the Public Service is already broadly representative of the demography of the country, she will consider abolishing affirmative action in the Public Service; if not, (a) why not and (b) what constitutional prescripts compel the Government to continue applying affirmative action when the requirement that the Public Service should be broadly representative of the national demography has already been attained; if so, what are the relevant details?

NW4268E - 18 September 2015

Denise Robinson to ask the Minister of Labour

Is her department currently working on any (a) financial and/or (b) economic empowerment initiatives in collaboration with the Ministry of Women in The Presidency; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details of the specified initiatives?

Reply from the Minister of Labour on 18 Sep 2015

The Government has policies and programmes on economic empowerment which all Departments should implement, the Department of Labour policies and programmes are derived from those of National Government. With regards to Ministry of women, there is no collaboration at this stage.

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NW4244E - 18 September 2015

Michael Bagraim to ask the Minister of Labour

Whether, she has found that the statement of the Chief Director of Labour Relations, Mr Thembinkosi Mkalipi, that if there is evidence that there are serious job losses due to the amendments to the Labour Relations Act, Act 66 of 1995, her department will have to look at that matter, although he is not sure whether that will fly politically, (a) constitutes political interference and (b) will contribute to the destruction of job creation; if not, why not in each case; if so, will she make a statement on the matter?

Reply from the Minister of Labour on 18 Sep 2015

Prior to the introduction of legislation and legislative amendments, the Department assess the socio-economic impact of legislation, including its impact on jobs and the labour market. This was done in respect of the amendments to the Labour Relations Act through a regulatory impact assessment conducted in 2010.

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NW4243E - 18 September 2015

Michael Bagraim to ask the Minister of Labour

Beside the Unemployment Insurance Fund, is her department considering an insurance scheme for persons who leave their jobs that is similar to the insurance offered by the private sector to persons who are retrenched?

Reply from the Minister of Labour on 18 Sep 2015

There is no new insurance scheme to be introduced at the moment.

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