NW4242E - 18 September 2015

Michael Bagraim to ask the Minister of Labour

Whether, with regard to minimum wage levels set for job categories falling under various bargaining councils and for various wage determinations, the Government is considering a minimum wage set below the current lowest wage determination?

Reply from the Minister of Labour on 18 Sep 2015

The discussions around a national minimum wage are currently taking place at NEDLAC where social partners are negotiating the modalities of the national minimum wage. In addition, a number of research projects are currently underway to inform this debate. It would therefore be premature to speculate on the level or modalities of this proposed national minimum wage.


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NW4098E - 11 September 2015

Michael Bagraim to ask the Minister of Labour

Will (a) the suspension of a certain person (name and details furnished) be lifted and/or (b) a disciplinary hearing take place; if so, (i) when in each case and (ii) what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Labour on 11 Sep 2015

a) The certain person is not on suspension and as such the question in its entirety is not relevant.

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NW4097E - 11 September 2015

Michael Bagraim to ask the Minister of Labour

Has her department taken a decision on whether a national minimum wage will be put into place or not; if not, why not, if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Labour on 11 Sep 2015

The Labour Relations Indaba convened by the Deputy President under the auspices of the National Economic Development and Labour Council (NEDLAC) adopted a Declaration on 4th November 2014. The Declaration contained a number of principles that the constituencies, including government, agreed would guide the work that has been taking place in NEDLAC since then.

One of the principles agreed to was to engage on ...

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NW4096E - 11 September 2015

Michael Bagraim to ask the Minister of Labour

Whether, considering reports that South Africa could face as many as 60 000 job losses in 2015, mainly in mining and steel industries, she has put plans in place to turn the situation around?

Reply from the Minister of Labour on 11 Sep 2015


Both the Department of Mineral Resources and the Department of Labour are handling this matter in terms of applicable legislations, viz; Section 189A of the Labour Relations Act and Section 52 of MPRDA. The CCMA is also fully engaged on this matter.


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NW4020E - 04 September 2015

Ian Michael Ollis to ask the Minister of Labour

With reference to her reply to question 2707 on 25 August 2015, (a) what are the (i) names and (ii) positions of each of the eight senior officials of her department which accompanied the Deputy Minister to China as part of a delegation in the 2014-15 financial year, (b) what was the (i) total cost and (ii) breakdown of such costs for the specified visit and (c) what (i) were the focal areas of co-operation and (ii) are the relevant details of the signed Memorandum of Understanding with China?

Reply from the Minister of Labour on 4 Sep 2015

Minister of Labour Reply:

The officials that accompanied the Deputy Minister were from the following Branches: International Relations, Public Employment Services, Compensation Fund, Unemployment Insurance Fund and Deputy Minister’s Office. The Department has tabled its 2014/2015 Annual Report to Parliament, the Honourable member may get a copy from the Clerk of Papers.

The focal areas for cooperation were inter alia:

Youth employment approaches; Strategic ...

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NW4016E - 04 September 2015

Ian Michael Ollis to ask the Minister of Labour

(1) How many labour centres across the country offer public employment services; (2) how many applications has each centre received from job seekers in the 2014-15 financial year; (3) how many of the specified job seekers have been successfully placed in permanent jobs; (4) what is the ratio between private employment placements and public employment placements?

NW3917E - 04 September 2015

Pebane George Moteka to ask the Minister of Labour

(1) (a)(i) What total amount did her department spend on her travel costs between Gauteng and Cape Town in the 2014-15 financial year and (ii) how many trips did she undertake between Gauteng and Cape Town in the specified financial year and (b) what total amount did her department spend on (i) hotel and (ii) residential or other accommodation for her in (aa) Cape Town and (bb) Pretoria in the 2014-15 financial year; (2) (a)(i) what total amount did her department spend on the Deputy Minister’s travel costs between Gauteng and Cape Town in the 2014-15 financial year and (ii) how many trips did the Deputy Minister undertake between Gauteng and Cape Town in the specified financial year and (b) what total amount did her department spend on (i) hotel and (ii) residential or other accommodation for the Deputy Minister in (aa) Cape Town and (bb) Pretoria in the 2014-15 financial year?

Reply from the Minister of Labour on 4 Sep 2015


 (a) (i) Total Travel Costs R 263 445.00

(ii) 47 Trips

(b) (i) Hotel – No costs

(ii) Residential and Accomodation – No Costs

(aa) In Cape Town – No Costs

(bb) In Pretoria – No Costs

(2) (a) (i) Total Travel Costs R 220 317.00

(ii) 26 Trips

(b) (i) Hotel R 26 007.00

(ii) Residential and Accomodation – No Costs

(aa) In Cape Town ...

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NW3864E - 28 August 2015

Pebane George Moteka to ask the Minister of Labour

(1) What (a) total amount did her department spend on air travel between Gauteng and Cape Town for employees attending Parliament business in the 2014-15 financial year and (b) is the total number of trips that were undertaken; (2) what is the total amount that her department spent on (a) accommodation and (b) car rental in Cape Town for employees attending Parliament business in the specified financial year?

Reply from the Minister of Labour on 28 Aug 2015


The Annual Report of the Department that I tabled during September 2015 provides information on the expenses incurred by the Department including travelling and accommodation both locally and abroad by all our officials. The Auditor General audited all this information. The Annual Financial Statements format did not however allow us to provide a breakdown of this information in the manner that the Honourable ...

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2015-w2707 - 25 August 2015

Ian Michael Ollis to ask the Minister of Labour

Whether (a) she, (b) her Deputy(b)and (c) any officials in her department travel to China in the 2014-15 financial year; if so, what was the (i) purpose of each specified visit and (ii) (aa) total cost and (bb) breakdown of such costs of each specified visit?

2015-w2585 - 24 August 2015

Michael Bagraim to ask the Minister of Labour

Does she intend to set up a forum involving her department, the Department of Basic Education, the Department of Higher Education and Training and the business community to address (a) the skills shortages experienced throughout the country and (b) the alleged failure of the education system to produce a suitably skilled labour force?
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