2015-w2337 - 24 August 2015

Michael Bagraim to ask the Minister of Labour

(1)Whether it is (a) fair and (b) reasonable for her department to have placed only 3,866 work seekers in registered employment opportunities, considering that there are over five million unemployed South Africans who are seeking employment; (2) Whether this exemplifies the failure of the current system?

2015-w2582 - 24 August 2015

Robert Alfred Lees to ask the Minister of Labour

Whether, with reference to a Compensation Fund claim by a certain person (name and details furnished), (a) the specified claim has been processed and (b) compensation has been paid to the specified person; if not, why not in each case; if so, what are the relevant details of the compensation paid to the person?

2015-w2833 - 21 August 2015

Michael Bagraim to ask the Minister of Labour

Does her department, in view of the dismissal of the former chief executive officer of the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa, Mr Lucky Montana, a mere two months into his six-month resignation notice period, advise state-owned enterprises on the correct procedure for (a) dismissals, (b) disciplinary action and/or (c) prosecution of employees and/or former employees?

2015-w2332 - 21 August 2015

Michael Bagraim to ask the Minister of Labour

(1) Whether in view of her department’s aspirations to contribute to decent employment creation, she is planning regular meetings with employers to determine if preferred candidates have been placed; (2) Whether her department will provide information on how it intends to put the job programme in place; if so, (a) when and (b) where? NW2693E

2015-w2832 - 21 August 2015

Michael Bagraim to ask the Minister of Labour

Has she intervened at the SA Post Office to ensure that the practice of continuously employing workers on short-term contracts has now come to an end?

2015-w2331 - 21 August 2015

Michael Bagraim to ask the Minister of Labour

Whether she has found it to be adequate and reasonable for her department to only provide 70,402 work seekers with counselling, considering that more than five million South Africans are unemployed?

2015-w2741 - 21 August 2015

Ian Michael Ollis to ask the Minister of Labour

(a) How many employer organisations did not submit their audited financial statements (i) on time or (ii) at all to the Registrar in the (i) 2009-10, (ii) 2010-11, (iii) 2011-12, (iv) 2012-13, (v) 2013-14 and (vi) 2014-15 financial years and (b) what is the name of each specified employer organisation; (2) Which of these employer organisations were deregistered for failing to comply with the prescribed financial management requirements? (3) What action was taken against non-compliant employer organisations?

2015-w2740 - 21 August 2015

Ian Michael Ollis to ask the Minister of Labour

(a) How many labour unions did not submit their audited financial statements (i) on time or (ii) at all to the Registrar in the (i)2009-10, (ii) 2010-11, (iii) 2011-12, (iv) 2012-13, (v) 2013-14 and (vi) 2014-15 financial years and (b) what is the name of each specified labour union; (2) Unions that was deregistered for failing to comply with financial management as per year.

2015-w2586 - 21 August 2015

Michael Bagraim to ask the Minister of Labour

With reference to question 2089 on 23 June 2025, why she has not taken disciplinary action against all senior management of the Compensation Fund who has been responsible for inadequate performance of the fund over many years? 2586. Mr M Bagraim (DA) to sk the Minister of Labour: With reference to question 2089 on 23 June 2025, why she has not taken disciplinary action against all senior management of the Compensation Fund who has been responsible for inadequate performance of the fund over many years? NW2961E Minister of Labour reply: My reply to Question No 2089, reflected that Umehluko Project was launched in August 2014 and there were disciplinary measures being taken.

Reply from the Minister of Labour on 21 Aug 2015


My reply to Question No 2089, reflected that Umehluko Project was launched in August 2014 and there were disciplinary measures being taken.

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NW3616E - 21 August 2015

Derrick America to ask the Minister of Labour

(a) How does (i) her department and (ii) entities reporting to her define red tape and (b) what (i) specific interventions and/or (ii) systems have been implemented to (aa) identify and (bb) reduce red tape in (aaa) her department and (bbb) the entities reporting to her?

Reply from the Minister of Labour on 21 Aug 2015


The Department and Entities reporting to the Minister have, to the best of my knowledge, not officially complained or reported any red tape.


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