2015-w2275 - 04 August 2015

Michael Bagraim to ask the Minister of Labour

(1)What action is taken by her department when labour inspectors find that an employee does not have a valid work permit; (2) are employees who are found to not have valid work permits removed from the work place? NW2635E

Reply from the Minister of Labour on 4 Aug 2015


  1. When Labour inspectors find that an employee does not have a valid work permit, the matter will be reported to Home Affairs who has jurisdiction over such matters.
  2. The Department of Labour does not have a legal mandate or powers to remove such employees from the workplace but will refer the matter to Home Affairs to take further action.
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NW3175E - 31 July 2015

Michael Bagraim to ask the Minister of Labour

(1) Why did she transfer a certain person (details furnished) from the Compensation Fund without first instituting disciplinary proceedings against the specified person; (2) will disciplinary proceedings still be initiated against the specified person; if not, why not?

Reply from the Minister of Labour on 31 Jul 2015


  1. At this point transfer is the best solution
  2. No, reason being no misconduct has been established.
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NW3174E - 31 July 2015

Michael Bagraim to ask the Minister of Labour

Why has she waited so many years before taking drastic steps to address the failed Compensation Fund?

Reply from the Minister of Labour on 31 Jul 2015

2743.Mr M Bagraim (DA) to ask the Minister of Labour: Why has she waited so many years before taking drastic steps to address the shortcomings of the Compensation Fund? NW3174E Minister of Labour reply: There were interventions put in place in the Compensation Fund to address the shortcomings; therefore it was premature to take drastic steps before assessing the full impact of the interventions.

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NW3173E - 31 July 2015

Michael Bagraim to ask the Minister of Labour

(a) Does the Chief Financial Officer of the Unemployment Insurance Fund have a turnaround strategy for the Compensation Fund and (b) what does the plan entail?

Reply from the Minister of Labour on 31 Jul 2015

(a) Yes. We have put together a plan that aims to address the basic bottlenecks in service delivery and sound financial management. It entails focusing on improving the financial administration, improving the levels of customer service in the Fund, addressing human resource constraints in the Fund.

(b) This is to be achieved by addressing the system deficiencies that prevent performance of basic financial management functions, ...

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NW3172E - 31 July 2015

Ian Michael Ollis to ask the Minister of Labour

(1) (a) How many employer organisations did not submit their audited financial statements (i) on time or (ii) at all to the Registrar in the (aa) 2009-10, (bb) 2010-11, (cc) 2011-12, (dd) 2012-13, (ee) 2013-14 and (ff) 2014-15 financial years and (b) what is the name of each specified employer organisation; (2) which of these employer organisations were deregistered for failing to comply with the prescribed financial management requirements; (3) what action was taken against non-compliant employer organisations?

Reply from the Minister of Labour on 31 Jul 2015


  1. (a) 9 in 2009; 11 in 2010; 12 in 2011; 2 in 2012; 38 in 2013 and 134 in 2014.

(b) As per Annexure A

2. Annexure B

3. Some were deregistered, some were called upon to remedy the non-compliance and others were placed on Final letters of warning.



File No

Year(s) that Employer’s Organisation did not submit audited statements ...

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NW3171E - 31 July 2015

Ian Michael Ollis to ask the Minister of Labour

(1) (a) How many labour unions did not submit their audited financial statements (i) on time or (ii) at all to the Registrar in the (aa) 2009-10, (bb) 2010-11, (cc) 2011-12, (dd) 2012-13, (ee) 2013-14 and (ff) 2014-15 financial years and (b) what is the name of each specified labour union; (2) which of the specified labour unions were deregistered for failing to comply with the prescribed financial management requirements; (3) what action was taken against non-compliant labour unions?

Reply from the Minister of Labour on 31 Jul 2015


  1. (a) 3 in 2009; 4 in 2010; 11 in 2011; 32 in 2012; 60 in 2013 and 134 in 2014

(b) As per Annexure A

2. As per Annexure B

3. Some were deregistered, some were called upon to remedy the non-compliance and others were placed on Final letters of warning.



File No

Year(s) that union did not submit Audited ...

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NW3138E - 31 July 2015

Ian Michael Ollis to ask the Minister of Labour

Whether (a) she, (b) her Deputy Minister and (c) any officials in her department travelled to China in the 2014-15 financial year; if so, what was the (i) purpose of each specified visit and (ii)(aa) total cost and (bb) breakdown of such costs of each specified visit?

Reply from the Minister of Labour on 31 Jul 2015

The Deputy Minister of Labour, Honourable SP Holomisa led a delegation consisting of eight (8) senior officials of the Department of Labour to China, once during 2014-15 financial year.

The visit to China was to finalise focal areas of cooperation in terms of the signed Memorandum Of Understanding with China.

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2015-w2256 - 29 July 2015

Derrick America to ask the Minister of Labour

Whether (a) her department and (b) any entities reporting to her has paid out the remainder of any employee’s contract before the contractually stipulated date of termination of the contract since the 2008-09 financial year up to the latest specified date for which information is available; if so, (i) what amount has (aa) her department and (bb) entities reporting to her spent on each such payout, (ii) to whom were these payouts made and (iii) what were the reasons for the early termination of the contracts in each specified case?

2015-w2215 - 29 July 2015

Ian Michael Ollis to ask the Minister of Labour

What is preventing the medical aid portion of the Compensation Fund from being privatised or operated by a private medical aid administrator, such as Medscheme, Discovery Health or Old Mutual?

2015-w2449 - 28 July 2015

Michael Bagraim to ask the Minister of Labour

Whether she has found that there are challenges in matching suitable candidates with the requirements of employers ; if so, what steps will she take to ensure that these challenges are overcome?
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