2023-w851 - 24 March 2023

Piaba Madokwe to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy

(1)What is the status of the request that his department and all pertinent stakeholders should review the contracts of Independent Power Producers (IPP); (2) whether he will furnish Ms P Madokwe with information about all (a) IPPs that are overcharging the State, (b) IPP contracts that the State has since entered into to help with load shedding and (c) relevant details regarding the (i) names of the directors of the companies, (ii) price per unit of power charged to the State and (iii) length of the specified contracts in each case; if not, why not; if so, by what date in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy on 24 Mar 2023

In respect of (1)

The Department of Mineral Resources and Energy and the IPP Sector (primarily Project Companies and Lenders) engage with the matter pertaining to tariffs perceived to be high. It was resolve that a refinancing mechanism be introduced to facilitate the reduction of tariffs without affecting project viability.

To date 15 projects have successfully refinanced their debt thus saving consumers R 4 ...

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2023-w606 - 24 March 2023

Anna Maria Van Zyl to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy

(1)Whether, with reference to illegal sand mining that is allegedly taking place in the Paterson area, located in the Sundays River Valley Municipality in the Eastern Cape (details furnished), and noting that while the specified matter has reportedly been raised in municipal meetings before, no action has been taken, he has been informed of the alleged illegal sand mining; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) what steps does his department intend to take to ensure that the specified matter is properly investigated and the perpetrators are brought to book; (3) what steps does his department intend to take to (a) rehabilitate the land that has been impacted by the alleged illegal sand mining and (b) prevent such activities from taking place in the future?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy on 24 Mar 2023

1. The Department is aware of illegal mining in Sundays River Valley in the Eastern Cape and has brought this matter to the law enforcement agencies as this is a criminal activity.

2. Refer to (1) above.

3. (a) The Department continues to seal off open shafts and rehabilitate the disused and derelict mines within the available budget. (b) The law enforcement agencies will ...

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2023-w816 - 17 March 2023

Christian Themba Msimang to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy

What are the details of the (a) origin and (b) breakdown of the R500 million exploration fund that his department created in partnership with the Industrial Development Corporation, which he announced during the 2023 Investing in African Mining Indaba on 6 March 2023?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy on 17 Mar 2023

a) The South African exploration landscape had reached its lowest ebb, notwithstanding its exceptional geology suggesting that the country remains host to the most prospective discovery of the world class mineral and hydrocarbons discoveries. Accentuated by these contradictions, the Government worked with the mining industry to develop a comprehensive “Exploration Implementation Plan, which identifies, inter alia, the lack of appetite ...

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2023-w643 - 17 March 2023

Piaba Madokwe to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy

What (a) steps are being taken to hold mining companies accountable for the number of mining incidents that occur in each year, including those that are not recorded and/or reported by mining companies and (b) repercussions are there for mining companies that often collude with trade unions, the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration and medical facilities to hide and/or deny mining incidents that occur on their property?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy on 17 Mar 2023

(a) The Department conducts investigations and inquiries, and the following measures are implemented where non-compliance is revealed:

  1. Shutting down of respective operations pending the implementation of any determined remedial steps,
  2. Suspension of legal appointments of managers and supervisors in charge of working areas with poor health and safety conditions,
  3. Recommendation for criminal prosecution to the National Prosecuting Authority for all those who the findings ...
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2023-w514 - 17 March 2023

Janho Engelbrecht to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy

What (a) is the salary of each (i) chief executive officer and (ii) top executive position in each state-owned entity reporting to him and (b) total amount does each get paid to attend a meeting?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy on 17 Mar 2023

What (a) is the salary of each (i) chief executive officer













R3 083 748.00

























(ii) Top executive position in each ...

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2023-w235 - 10 March 2023

Veronica Van Dyk to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy

(1)Whether, with reference to his reply to question 3945 on 5 January 2023, he will enforce rehabilitation as the dust pollution is affecting the quality of life of the residents; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) on what date will the operation start and (b) what are the processes that the residents can expect from his department to address the heavy dust pollution in Koingnaas that has escalated due to drought and wind in the area; (2) (a) what are the details of the (i) date and (ii) outcomes and/or recommendations of the inspection of the slime dams in Koingnaas, (b) who conducted the inspection and (c) on what date is it envisaged that another inspection will take place, since residents are suffering under the dust pollution?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy on 10 Mar 2023

1. (a) Rehabilitation of the old De Beers slime dams had started; however the rehabilitation is currently on hold due to West Coast Resources being placed on provisional liquidation (and now on business rescue). A section/portion of the slime dams is covered with >40mm material, therefore the dust emanating from those slimes is no longer as extreme as it used to be.

(b) ...

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2023-w364 - 10 March 2023

Janho Engelbrecht to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy

(1)What are the details of the (a) destination and (b) total costs for (i) accommodation, (ii) travel and (iii) any other costs incurred for international travel of each (aa) Minister and (bb) Deputy Minister of his department since 1 June 2019; (2) what is the total cost incurred for domestic air travel for each (a) Minister and (b) Deputy Minister of his department since 1 June 2019

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy on 10 Mar 2023


(aa) Minister

a) Destination


(b)Total Costs

(bi) Accommodation

(bii)Travel Costs

1. United Kingdom

10 Feb 2020

R 110 320.80

R 25 239.80

R 85 081.00

2. Côte d’Ivoire

14 Dec 2020

R 71 662.88

R 5 536.88

R 66 126.00

3. Mozambique

24 Feb 2020

R 15 436.51

R 6 277.51

R 9 159.00

4. Nigeria

3 ...

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2023-w684 - 10 March 2023

Christian Themba Msimang to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy

In light of the fact that electric geysers are usually the highest electricity consuming appliances in homes accounting for about 30% to 40% of electricity used, what are the full details of the (a) roll-out of solar geysers to date, (b) feedback on their effectiveness and (c)(i) plans and (ii) time frames of the roll-out of solar geysers going forward?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy on 10 Mar 2023

a) What are the full details of the roll-out of solar geysers to date:

The DMRE procured 87 206 Solar Water Heaters (SWH) manufactured by local companies. These were meant to be installed in 19 Municipalities but 15 have remained on the programme. The participating municipalities have to provide beneficiary list for the allocated units. The beneficiaries are mainly indigen households or low income households ...

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2023-w67 - 10 March 2023

Kevin John Mileham to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy

(1) What are the reasons that his department is refusing to grant a diesel wholesale licence to Eskom; (2) in light of the fact that having storage infrastructure is not a requirement for a diesel wholesale licence and that a number of wholesalers do not meet such a requirement, has he found that it is reasonable to expect Eskom to comply with the specified requirement; (3) whether, given that Eskom is in a crisis, and that the purchase of diesel is critical to mitigating the effects of load shedding, he and/or his department will fast-track the licence application by Eskom and assist them to obtain such a licence; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy on 10 Mar 2023

  1. Eskom’s business case clearly demonstrated that they are not intending to be in the business of wholesale Petroleum Products. Purchasing diesel for own use does not require a Wholesale Licence.
  2. As indicated above, Eskom is not in the business of wholesaling as envisaged in the law.
  3. There is no impediment to the purchasing of diesel by Eskom as there are a number of experienced ...
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2023-w683 - 10 March 2023

Christian Themba Msimang to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy

Whether, (a) following reports of concerns over the expiry of the South Africa and United States of America (USA) Nuclear Cooperation Agreement and that negotiations on a new agreement are ongoing and being expedited and (b) while the two parties are engaging on measures to ensure continuity of cooperation during the negotiations of the New Nuclear Cooperation Agreement, the USA National Regulatory Commission has informed Westinghouse that it has temporarily withdrawn their authorisation to supply Eskom’s Koeberg Nuclear Power Plant with nuclear fuel, he will furnish Prof C T Msimang with details and/or an update on the specified negotiations; if not, why not; if so, by what date?NW758

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy on 10 Mar 2023

It should be noted that since the Media Statement issued by the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy on the 02nd February 2023 about the expired 1995 Agreement on Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy between RSA and USA, significant progress has been made towards the completion of the New Nuclear Cooperation Agreement.

On 3rd February 2023, the US has informed the Department that regarding ...

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