2023-w2524 - 14 July 2023

Brett Norton Herron to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy

(1) Whether, with reference to his reply to question 214 on 24 February 2023, regarding the partnership between Eskom and Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT), his department has any role to play in the just energy transmission programme (JETP); if not, why not; if so, (2) whether the retraining programme that is being implemented by Eskom and CPUT therefore is of no interest to his department as it has a role to play in the JEPT; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether his department has its own JETP; if not, (a) why not and (b) which department is responsible for ensuring a just transition in the energy supply chain; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) whether there are any plans to replicate or implement similar programmes as part of his department’s just energy transition plans; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the further, relevant details; (5) what total number of affected employees has his department targeted for retraining under its own JETP plan?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy on 14 Jul 2023

1. As stated previously, the details of the partnership between Eskom and South African Renewable Energy Technology Centre (SARETEC) could best be responded to by the relevant department. In so far as the JETP, the department continues to work with the Presidential Climate Commission (PCC) and provides comments as and when it is necessary to do so.

2. The department is on record in ...

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2023-w2494 - 30 June 2023

Naledi Nokukhanya Chirwa to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy

With reference to the numerous mines that have been cited as neither meeting their obligations in community projects nor giving back to the communities in which they operate, what (a) are the details of the mines that (i) have not been meeting their community obligations and (ii) are repeat offenders in this regard and (b) steps did his department take in response to the offending mines?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy on 30 Jun 2023

(a)(i) The Department conducts monitoring and enforcement inspections on implementation of community development projects by mines as per the annual performance plan. 237 Social and Labour Plan inspections were conducted in the previous financial year (2022/2023) and directives were issued for various reasons of non-compliance.

(ii) Yes, but if the company continues not to implement SLP, the right can be suspended or cancelled and ...

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2023-w2266 - 30 June 2023

Brett Norton Herron to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy

(1) Considering that there is an urgent need to end loadshedding and noting that although during Bid Window 6 of the Renewable Independent Power Producer Programme, only 1000MW out of 4200MW was procured and the rest were rejected in the Eastern and Western Cape, due to insufficient gridspace (details furnished), the gridspace remains reserved since 2021 for Karpowership in the Eastern Cape, Western Cape and Richards Bay (details furnished), and given that Karpowership’s environmental authorisations remain refused and the current court cases on its generation licences could take many years to resolve, (a) what is the justification for the prioritisation of the Karpowership deal over adding new capacity through wind and solar energy and (b) by what date will the portion of the grid reserved for the Karpowership be released; (2) whether, given that Karpowership is holding up the gridspace and the urgency to end the loadshedding, there will be a limit to the extension that is being given to Karpowership to reach the commercial and financial deadline; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what is the (a) current and (b) final commercial and financial close deadline for Karpowership; (3) given the grid constraints, what laws, policy and/or factors inform his decision when (a) reserving the grid for independent power producers (IPPs) before commercial and financial close and (b) releasing the grid that is reserved for a particular IPP; (4) whether he will furnish Mr B N Herron with a list with the relevant details of IPPs that have not yet reached commercial and financial close, but have a portion of the grid reserved; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? NW2565E

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy on 30 Jun 2023

It is important to point out that the Department is obliged to conduct its procurement process in compliance with all legislative and regulatory prescripts of the laws of South Africa.

With regard to 1 (a)(b) The grid constraints that affected BW6 procurement were in specific areas and there is no linkage with Karpowerships.

With regard to 2 (a) Please see response 1 above(b),for all ...

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2023-w2143 - 30 June 2023

Christian Themba Msimang to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy

Whether, given that the President, Mr M C Ramaphosa, recently transferred necessary and/or incidental powers and functions of the Electricity Regulation Act, Act 4 of 2006, to the Minister of Electricity to make a determination if new generation is needed, in which case such a recommendation, where relevant, must be made to him as the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy to procure it, there has been any agreement with the Minister in the Presidency for Electricity, since this transfer has happened, to determine the way forward, as previously there were concerns on what powers the Minister of Electricity had and didn't have; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy on 30 Jun 2023

On 26 May 2023, the President transferred the administration, powers and functions entrusted by the Electricity Regulation Act (Act no.4 of 2006) to the Minister of Electricity in terms of section 97 the of Constitution.

Both Departments (Mineral Resources & Energy and Electricity) are working closely to manage the transition through effective coordination; and dedicated focus on programmes that will alleviate the electricity shortage ...

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2023-w2408 - 30 June 2023

Piaba Madokwe to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy

What (a) role has he played to ensure that the De Beers Group complies with its responsibilities of (i) rehabilitating the area they operated in and (ii) rolling out outstanding Social and Labour Plans before its exodus from Gauteng and (b) will the implications be should the specified company fail to comply?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy on 30 Jun 2023

  1. (i) De Beers ceded their Mining Right to Cullinan Diamond Mine (Pty) Ltd in June 2008. The annual financial assessment review for 2023 was submitted on 30 March 2023. The current environmental assessment was calculated at R252 231 057.00. The financial provision that is held by the Department in a form a guarantee amounts to R347 879 259.00.

(ii) De Beers last Social and ...

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2023-w2464 - 30 June 2023

Traverse Anatole Le Goff to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy

(1) With reference to the replies to question 54 on 24 February 2023 and 213 on 1 March 2023, and given the current need to end load shedding, (a) on what basis were bids regarding the 3200 megawatts (MW) of renewables rejected due to insufficient space on the grid and (b) what are the reasons that only 1000MW was procured when grid space was available; (2) (a) on what document and/or information does he rely to determine whether or not the grid is full, (b) how does he verify the information to ensure that the grid is full or not and (c) on what date will the Grid Capacity Allocation Rules be revised to ensure that the projects that are not ready to come online do not continue to take up space on the grid; (3) whether, given the urgent need to end load shedding and the fact that there is over 3400MW available in the Eastern and Western Cape, the remainder of the 3000MW Bid Window 6 will be reopened to be further allocated; if not, why not; if so, on what date?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy on 30 Jun 2023

  1. (a) and (b) The projects could not be awarded the preferred bidder status, the basis being Eskom the grid owner and operator confirmed to the department that grid capacity was exhausted in areas where the said projects locations were proposed. The grid that was available could only accommodate 1000MW of projects in their respective proposed locations.
  1. (a) and (b), Eskom the grid owner and ...
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2023-w1988 - 19 June 2023

Mothusi Kenneth Montwedi to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy

What (a) social responsibility programmes have been implemented by Kalgold Mine near Kraaipan in the North West in the past 10 years and (b) measures have been put in place to deal with defaulting mines that do not support their local communities?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy on 19 Jun 2023

a) Kalgold Mine, Kalahari Gold Ridge Mining Company Ltd) near Kraaipan in the North-West, is a mining right holder of NW 30/5/1/2/2 77MR. The Social Responsibility Programme implemented in the past 10 years, which from the perspective of the provisions of the Act, is a Social and Labour Plan, that is part of the mining right holder’s obligation, are as follows:

  • Reverse Osmosis Water ...
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2023-w2104 - 19 June 2023

Piaba Madokwe to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy

Notwithstanding the settlement agreement that was approved by the Gauteng High Court on 26 July 2019 in favour of former miners and their dependants which led to the establishment of the Tshiamiso Trust, the beneficiaries and/or their survivors are still struggling to secure silicosis compensation from the gold mines, what (a) has he found to be the extent of the total number of beneficiaries affected and (b) steps has his department taken to ensure that the mines honour the settlement agreement and give the affected miners, who form part of the backbone of the economy, what is due to them?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy on 19 Jun 2023

The Department of Mineral of Resources and Energy (DMRE) is legislatively not responsible for compensation of employees. There are two Departments in the Republic of South Africa that are responsible for compensation of employees. These are the Department of Health and the Department of Employment and Labour. Silicosis compensation is specifically the responsibility of the Department of Health through the administration of the Occupational ...

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2023-w2409 - 19 June 2023

Piaba Madokwe to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy

Given his familiarity with the history of the Republic and the fact that the majority of those who want to participate in the economy are quite poor, what are the reasons that his department has not addressed the challenges faced by artisanal miners and small-scale miners, such as their inability to reach the provincial offices where they are expected to submit applications and their inability to pay for the necessary environmental licences, by (a) decentralising the application processes and (b) working with the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy on 19 Jun 2023

(a). The current system of lodging applications for mining licenses is ELECTRONIC. The DMRE launched an online system, referred to as SAMRAD Online Application System, in 2014 where all applications for mining licenses are lodged. Furthermore, the online system was launched to make it easier for companies and individuals to lodge applications in the comfort of their company offices or homes.

(b). The DMRE ...

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2023-w1955 - 19 June 2023

Piaba Madokwe to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy

In light of the fact that after lengthy and expensive public hearings that were held across the Republic, his department withdrew the Gas Amendment Bill, citing changes in the industry that had an impact on the Bill’s finalisation, (a) what exactly are the developments and (b) how do they affect the Bill; (2) whether the goal of creating and/or revising legislation should not be to precisely govern the sector and any advancements within it as opposed to just adjusting legislation to cater for how the industry is evolving; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy on 19 Jun 2023

1. (a) Since the withdrawal of the Gas Amendment Bill, the Department has been working on finalizing the revision of the Bill with the incorporation of all these factors and inputs. We are currently finalising inter-departmental consultations to solicit further inputs. At the conclusion of this process, we will follow the prescribed broader stakeholder consultation which will lead to the re-submission of the Bill in ...

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