NW3119E - 02 December 2016

A de W Alberts to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

(1) Whether, with reference to his reply to question 1155 on 5 May 2016, he took similar steps before or after the conclusion of his visit to Switzerland to save mining companies and retain jobs; if so, what are the relevant details with specific reference to the mines and companies involved; if not, (2) why he considered it advisable to intervene in this case by virtue of his position as Minister of Mineral Resources?

NW3182E - 02 December 2016

James Robert Bourne Lorimer to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

(1) Did he appoint a certain person (name furnished) to the position of acting deputy director-general of his department; if not, who did he appoint in the specified position; if so, (a) when did the specified appointment take place and (b) what are the full relevant details of the process followed to appoint the specified person to the position; Friday, 2 December 2016 1077 INTERNAL QUESTION PAPER: NATIONAL ASSEMBLY NO 42 - 2016 (2) has he taken any steps to fill the vacant position; if not, why not; if so, (a) by what date will the specified position be filled and (b) what are the further relevant details in this regard?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources on 2 Dec 2016

1. Yes, (a) 1 November 2016 (b) The official was appointed to act in terms of chapter 3 of the Senior Management Services (SMS) Handbook.

2. No. The position is not vacant. (a) N/A (b) N/A.

Approved/not approved

Mr MJ Zwane, MP


Minister of Mineral Resources

Date Submitted:-……………/………………/2016

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NW3106E - 25 November 2016

A de W Alberts to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

(1) (a) How long does it usually take him and his department to give approval for the transfer of exploration and mining rights and (b) what has been the average period for finalising the transfer of the specified rights over the past five years; (2) (a) how long did it take to approve the transfer of the mining and mineral rights from Optimum to Tegeta and (b) on what date (i) was the request of Tegeta received and (ii) was approval given for the transfer of the mining and mineral rights; (3) (a) why is there a difference between the specified average transfer period and the transfer period of Optimum to Tegeta and (b) who requested that the transfer should be expedited; (4) whether he had discussions and/or written communication with Tegeta and Optimum concerning expediting the transfer of the mining and mineral rights; if not, on what basis did he and his department make the decision to expedite the transfer; if so, (a) on what date, (b) where and (c) with whom did they communicate?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources on 25 Nov 2016

(1)(a) There is no timeframe in the legislation for the processing of applications for the transfer of a right/interest in a right.

(b) On average three to six months

(2)(a) Three months and two weeks

2(b)(i) 15 December 2015

(ii) 29 March 2016

3(a) There is no difference

(b) There was no request to expedite this application.

4 Please see 3(a) above. The application ...

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2016-w2231 - 21 November 2016

James Robert Bourne Lorimer to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

(1)Whether, with reference to his reply to question 1808 on 27 September 2016, the area of the intended Yzermyn underground coal mine is protected under the National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act, Act 57 of 2003, as amended; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) why was a mining right for the specified mine issued on 28 June 2016, despite the recommendation contained in the biodiversity baseline and impact assessment report compiled for WSP Environmental by the Natural Scientific Services that the specified mining right should not be issued due to the impacts of the proposed mining project; (3) (a) how many mining rights have been issued in each province for the specified mining projects where environmental impact reports recommended against the issuing of such rights (i) in the (aa) 2013-14, (bb) 2014-15 and (cc) 2015-16 financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2016 and (b) what are the (i) names of the mining projects and (ii) dates on which the specified rights were issued; (4) whether mining has commenced at the mining site; if not, on what date will it commence; if so, on what date did it commence? NW2561E

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources on 21 Nov 2016

  1. A Mining Right issued on 28th June 2016.
  1. (b) Environment Management Progrmme (EMP) was undertaken.
  2. The EMP provided an assessment on the potential impacts of the proposed mining activties, which therefore also provided measures to modify, remedy, control or stop any actions, or process which may cause pollution or degradation to the environment. Measures were informed by recommendations of the specialist reports undertaken amongst ...
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NW2979E - 18 November 2016

Lehlohonolo Goodwill Mokoena to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

(a) How many persons in his department are employed in senior management with a special salary level and (b) what (i) amount has each person been paid, (ii) is the basis for each specified salary level and (iii) are the further relevant details of each appointment?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources on 18 Nov 2016

(a) The Department employed only one official at the senior management level with a special salary level (b) (i) the amount paid to the official is R1, 420,944 per annum (ii) The official possesses more than fifteen years experience in the public service and was already in this salary level during the time of her transfer to the Department (iii) based on experience and ...

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NW2982E - 18 November 2016

Moses Sipho Mbatha to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

(a) What is the total number of consultants that his department contracted from 1 September 2015 to 1 October 2016, (b) what services did the consultants render and (c) what was the total cost to his department?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources on 18 Nov 2016

(a) Three.

(b) Business and advisory services (audit, research reports and project management).

(c) Total contract amount is R1, 148,069.88

Approved/not approved

Mr MJ Zwane, MP

Minister of Mineral Resources

Date Submitted:-……………/………………/2016

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NW2989E - 18 November 2016

Lehlohonolo Goodwill Mokoena to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

(a) How does his department intend to deal with zama-zamas and (b) how will the outputs of this plan be measured?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources on 18 Nov 2016

(a) The department has established provincial illegal mining stakeholder forums in Mpumalanga, Free State, Gauteng and Northern Cape Provinces. Various stakeholders such as government departments (i.e. National, Provincial and local government), law enforcement agencies, mining companies, unions and associations, municipalities, certain SOEs, refineries and organized communities participate in these forums. Physical activities such as closure of open mine holes, arrests, prosecutions and convictions, deportations, ...

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2016-w2231 - 16 November 2016

James Robert Bourne Lorimer to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

(1) Whether, with reference to his reply to question 1808 on 27 September 2016, the area of the intended Yzermyn underground coal mine is protected under the National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act, Act 57 of 2003, as amended; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) why was a mining right for the specified mine issued on 28 June 2016, despite the recommendation contained in the biodiversity baseline and impact assessment report compiled for WSP Environmental by the Natural Scientific Services that the specified mining right should not be issued due to the impacts of the proposed mining project; (3) (a) how many mining rights have been issued in each province for the specified mining projects where environmental impact reports recommended against the issuing of such rights (i) in the (aa) 2013-14, (bb) 2014-15 and (cc) 2015-16 financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2016 and (b) what are the (i) names of the mining projects and (ii) dates on which the specified rights were issued; (4) whether mining has commenced at the mining site; if not, on what date will it commence; if so, on what date did it commence? NW2561E

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources on 16 Nov 2016

1) A Mining Right issued on 28th June 2016.

2) (b) Environment Management Progrmme (EMP) was undertaken.

i) The EMP provided an assessment on the potential impacts of the proposed mining activities, which therefore also provided measures to modify, remedy, control or stop any actions, or process which may cause pollution or degradation to the environment. Measures were informed by recommendations of the specialist ...
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NW2875E - 11 November 2016

Nyiko Floyd Shivambu to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

(1) With reference to his reply to question 287 on 14 March 2016, who did he meet in Switzerland; (2) was the business community part of his delegation; if so, who was in his delegation as part of the specified business?

NW2880E - 11 November 2016

Lehlohonolo Goodwill Mokoena to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

Whether his department paid for his legal fees to interdict the release of the State of Capture report by the former Public Protector, Ms Thuli Madonsela; if so, how does this fall within his department’s mandate?
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