2017-w3396 - 14 November 2017

Timothy James Brauteseth to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

Whether his department is aware of any salary scales used by the mining sector when it classifies paygrades; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the details of the (a) salary band for each category and (b) number of persons employed as (i) permanent employees and (ii) outsourced contractors in the (aa) platinum group metals and (bb) gold sectors in each of the specified salary scales for each financial year since 1 April 2006?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources on 14 Nov 2017

The salary band are regulated by the Basic Conditions of Employment Act and all other related labour legislations all of which are under the administration of the Department of Labour.


Approved/Not Approved

Mr MJ Zwane, MP

Minister of Mineral Resources

Date Submitted:-……………/………………/2017

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2017-w3466 - 14 November 2017

Maroga Lazarus Mokoena to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

(1)How many officials and/or employees in his department were granted permission to have businesses and/or do business dealings in the past three financial years; (2) are any of the officials and/or employees that have permission to have businesses and/or do business dealings doing business with the Government; if so, (a) what was the purpose of each business transaction, (b) when did each business transaction occur and (c) what was the value of each business transaction?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources on 14 Nov 2017

(1). The Department does not grant employees permission “to have businesses and or to do business dealings”, however, it grants permission to employees who request to perform other remunerated work outside their employment in line with the requirements of Section 30 of the Public Service Act 1994, as Amended by Act 30 of 2007. In the past three financial years, nine (9) employees were ...

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2017-w2673 - 10 November 2017

Ngwanamakwetle Reneiloe Mashabela to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

What is the total number of mines that his department has found to be not fully compliant with obligations of the Mining Social and Labour Plans (SLP) as required by the Mineral Petroleum Resources Development Act, Act 28 of 2002, (a) in the 2016-17 financial year and (b) since 1 April 2017?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources on 10 Nov 2017

Number of companies found to be not fully compliant with Social and Labour Plan

 (a) 76

 (b) 65


Approved/Not Approved

Mr MJ Zwane, MP

Minister of Mineral Resources

Date Submitted:-……………/………………/2017

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2017-w3578 - 09 November 2017

Thembekile Richard Majola to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

(a) What is the total number of supplier invoices that currently remain unpaid by (i) his department and (ii) each entity reporting to him for more than (aa) 30 days, (bb) 60 days, (cc) 90 days and (dd) 120 days and (b) what is the total amount outstanding in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources on 9 Nov 2017

a) i) Zero (aa) (bb) (cc) (dd) Falls away

b) Zero

Approved/Not Approved

Mr MJ Zwane, MP

Minister of Mineral Resources

Date Submitted:-……………/………………/2017

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2017-w3188 - 06 November 2017

Maroga Lazarus Mokoena to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

(1)What are the details including the ranks of service providers and/or contractors from which (a) his department and (b) the entities reporting to him procured services in the past five years; (2) what (a) service was provided by each service provider and/or contractor and (b) amount was each service provider and/or contractor paid; (3) (a) how many of these service providers are black-owned entities, (b) what contract was each of the black-owned service providers awarded and (c) how much was each black-owned service provider paid?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources on 6 Nov 2017

(1) (a) (b) (2) (a) (b), (3) (a) (b) (c): The Department and its entities procure services from a range of service providers using either quotation or competitive Bidding processes. The ranking of such service provided is in line with the Preferential Procurement Regulations, that are applicable to organs of state as contemplated in section 1 (iii) of the PPPFA and all public entities ...

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2017-w3104 - 06 November 2017

Hendrik Cornelus Schmidt to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

(1)With reference to a certain company (name and details furnished) in respect of Portion 3, the remaining extent of Portion 1 and the remaining extent of the farm Woodlands 407 in the Magisterial District of Parys, Free State, what are the (a)(i) names and (ii) addresses of natural and legal persons that have been given notice by the specified company as possible interested and affected parties relating to the specified applications for mining permits, (b) comments that have been received following the specified notices, (c) dates on which the notices were displayed and/or published and/or presented, (d) names of the persons who objected to the applications for the specified mining permits and (e) dates on which the objections to the applications for the mining permits were received by his department and/or the applicant; (2) whether the SA Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA) was given notice of the applications for mining permits, if so, (a) on what date(s) and (b) in which manner were the specified application notices served; (3) did SAHRA lodge any objection(s) to the specified applications for the three mining permits?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources on 6 Nov 2017

(1) Mr S C H Preller was consulted verbally and there was no address provided.

(b) No comments were received

(c) The company did not display, publish or present any notices

(d) No objection was received by the Department regarding the application in question

(e) No objection was received by the Department regarding the application in question

(2) No notice was given to SAHRA regarding this ...

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2017-w3105 - 06 November 2017

Hendrik Cornelus Schmidt to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

(1)Whether his department has received any complaints with regard to mining activities conducted by a certain company (name furnished) on any of the sites in Portion 3, the remaining extent of Portion 1 and the remaining extent of the farm Woodlands 407 in the Magisterial District of Parys, Free State; if so, (2) whether inspectors and/or other officials from his department inspected the mining activities at the specified sites since November 2016; if so, what are the (a) dates on which inspectors and/or other officials inspected the sites and (b) findings and recommendations of the inspectors and/or other officials; (3) on which dates did his department receive applications by the specified company for the renewal of mining permits submitted in respect of each individual application; (4) (a) on which dates were the specified mining permits renewed and (b) for which periods; (5) what kind of documentation and/or permission and/or authorisation from the Department of Water and Sanitation has been accepted by his department to the effect that the specified company may use water for mining activities on the three mining areas?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources on 6 Nov 2017

(1) Yes, the DMR has received complaints in respect to mining activities being conducted by Winners Point 117 Trading (Pty) Ltd.


Date inspection conducted



24 November 2016



A letter was sent to the company regarding the findings of the inspection and the company was directed to communicate with residence of Vaal Eden around the mining areas in order to ...

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2017-w3103 - 06 November 2017

Hendrik Cornelus Schmidt to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

(1)With reference to a certain company (name furnished) in respect of the remainder of a certain farm (name furnished) in the Magisterial District of Parys, Free State, (a) what are the names and addresses of persons who have been given notice by the specified company as possible interested and affected parties relating to the application for a mining right on the above site, (b) what comments have been received following the notices, (c) on what dates were the notices displayed, published and/or presented, (d) what are the names of the persons who objected to the application for the specified mining right and (e) on what dates were the objections to the application for the mining right received by his department and/or the applicant; (2) whether the SA Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA) was given notice of the application for a mining right, if so, (a) on what date, (b) in which manner was the notice relating to the application for a mining right by the specified company served and (c) whether an objection to the above application for a mining right was lodged by SAHRA; (3) what kind of documentation or permission from the Department of Water and Sanitation authorising the specified company to use water for mining activities on the specified mining area has been accepted by his department?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources on 6 Nov 2017




Robert Schimper

407 Woodlands

A.M Hanekom

Plaas de Fonteine 189


228 Plaas De Pont Subdivision 3

G Burger

15 Pont Plaas

M Van Wyk

Woodlands 407

C Terreblanche


G. J Botes (Ngwathe Municipality)

P. O Box 359, Parys, 9585

(b) Only the Municipality (Ngwathe Municipality) commented with no objection to the approval of the Mining Right.

(c) The newspaper ...

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2017-w3328 - 06 November 2017

Maroga Lazarus Mokoena to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

(1)Whether the (a) chief executive officer and (b) chief financial officer of entities reporting to him are employed on a permanent basis; if not, (2) whether the specified officers are employed on a fixed term contract; if so, (a) what are the names of each of the officers and (b) when (i) was each officer employed and (ii) will each officer’s contract end?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources on 6 Nov 2017








Role Permanent




Five year term

Five year term


Mr D Msiza

Mr X Mbonambi

Mr K Menoe

Mr T Dube

Mr M Mabuza

Date of Appointment

1 October 2017

1 February 2017

1 July 2017

1 March 2013

15 July 2017

End of Term




28 February 2018

14 ...

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2017-w2959 - 06 November 2017

James Robert Bourne Lorimer to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

With regard to the 10 interventions agreed to by the Mining Industry Growth Development and Employment Task Team aimed at saving jobs, what has his department achieved in respect of (a) delaying retrenchments to allow for consultation, (b) enhancing productivity and reduce cost pressures, (c) accelerating concurrent rehabilitation to create alternative jobs, (d) facilitating the sale of distressed assets, (e) finding other alternatives to avoid job losses (f) providing support to mineworkers where job losses cannot be avoided, (g) using multinational (MNE) levy to create alternative jobs, (h) streamlining the processes for downscaling and updating the database and exploring fiscal instruments, (i) promoting investment and market development and (MPP) (j) the communication and implementation of the plan?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources on 6 Nov 2017

a) NSome companies have extended the 60 days consultation period to look for alternatives to save jobs.

b) Through Future Forums companies continue to identify and implement cost containment measures. The companies will include and implement turnaround strategies.

c) The development of the plan for utilization of the rehabilitation funds for concurrent rehabilitation is at an advanced stage.

d) The Department is developing a ...

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