2017-w1423 - 06 June 2017

Shahid Esau to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

(a) What number of cases of (i) fruitless, (ii) wasteful and (iii) irregular expenditure in his department were identified by the Auditor-General in the (aa) 2014-15, (bb) 2015-16 and (cc) 2016-17 financial years, (b) what was the amount in each case and (c) how much of the specified amount has been recovered in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources on 6 Jun 2017

(a) Number of cases:

(i) (aa) (bb) (cc): None

(ii) (aa) (bb) (cc): None

(iii) (aa) 1 (bb)(cc)none

(b) Amount:

(i) (aa) (bb) (cc): Falls away

(ii) (aa) (bb) (cc): Falls away

(iii) (aa) R260 000 (bb)(cc)none

(c) Recovery:

(i) ((aa) (bb) (cc): Falls away

(ii) (aa) (bb) (cc): Falls away

(iii) Not applicable no loss condoned (bb) (cc) falls away

Approved/Not Approved

Mr ...

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2017-w1418 - 06 June 2017

Anchen Margaretha Dreyer to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

What is the total amount that his department has spent on (a) travel , (b) accommodation and (c) subsistence costs for (i) him, (ii) his deputy Minister and (iii) their respective spokespersons and media liaison officers in the (aa) 2014-15, (bb) 2015-16 and (cc) 2016-17 financial years?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources on 6 Jun 2017

(a) Travel:

(i) (aa) N/A (bb) R233 070 and (cc) 746 100 (unaudited)

(ii) (aa) R411 601 (bb) R1 152 9850 and (cc) R1 117 209(unaudited)

(iii) (aa) N/A (bb) R36 120 and (cc) R96 630 (unaudited)

(b) Accommodation:

(i) (aa) N/A (bb) R210 959.63 and (cc) 236 148.06 (unaudited)

(ii) (aa) R86 140 (bb) R260 567 and (cc) R274 288 (unaudited)

(iii) (aa) N/A (bb) R56 509.12 and (cc) ...

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2017-w1406 - 06 June 2017

James Robert Bourne Lorimer to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

(1)Why did a certain person SADPMR change the (a) recruitment policies to enable the Board to recruit staff above the level of deputy manager and (b) advertisement for the position of assistant company secretary to include a requirement for a background in education; (2) whether the specified person has any background in education; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether there was any business or personal relationship between the specified person and the assistant company secretary before the secretary was appointed; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources on 6 Jun 2017

1a. The new Board of Directors of the SADPMR were appointed by the Minister of Mineral Resources on 1 November 2016. In exercising their fiduciary duties, the Board called for all the company policies to be presented to them. This was done in a Board meeting on 26 January 2017. Amendments were effected to certain policies, as discussed and agreed by the Board.

1b. ...

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2017-w1495 - 06 June 2017

Erik Johannes Marais to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

Whether (a) his department and (b) each entity reporting to him procured any services from and/or made any payments to (i) a certain company Bell Pottinger or (ii) any other public relations firms; if not, in each case, why not; if so, in each case, what (aa) services were procured, (bb) was the total cost, (cc) is the detailed breakdown of such costs, (dd) was the total amount paid, (ee) was the purpose of the payments and (ff) is the detailed breakdown of such payments?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources on 6 Jun 2017

Whether (a) his department and (b) each entity reporting to him procured any services from and/or made any payments to (i) a certain company Bell Pottinger or (ii) any other public relations firms; if not, in each case, why not; if so, in each case, what (aa) services were procured, (bb) was the total cost, (cc) is the detailed breakdown of such costs, (dd) ...

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2017-w1227 - 06 June 2017

Sejamotopo Charles Motau to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

Whether (a) his department and (b) each entity reporting to him has (i) procured any services from and/or (ii) made any payments to the Decolonisation Foundation; if not, in each case, what is the position in this regard; if so, what (aa) services were procured, (bb) were the total costs, (cc) is the detailed breakdown of the costs, (dd) was the total amount paid, (ee) was the purpose of the payments and (ff) is the detailed breakdown of the payments in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources on 6 Jun 2017

Whether (a) his department and (b) each entity reporting to him has (i) procured any services from and/or (ii) made any payments to the Decolonisation Foundation; if not, in each case, what is the position in this regard; if so, what (aa) services were procured, (bb) were the total costs, (cc) is the detailed breakdown of the costs, (dd) was the total amount paid, ...

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2017-w928 - 20 April 2017

Gordon Mackay to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

(1)Whether there is any position of (a) chief executive officer, (b) chief financial officer and/or (c) chief operating officer that is currently vacant in each entity reporting to him; if so, (i) how long has each specified position been vacant and (ii) what is the reason for each vacancy; (2) have the vacancies been advertised; if so, (a) were interviews done and (b) on what date will the vacancies be filled; (3) (a) what is the total number of persons who are currently employed in the specified positions in an acting capacity, (b) for what period has each person been acting in each position and (c) has any of the specified persons applied for the positions?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources on 20 Apr 2017







(a)CEO post is Vacant

(i)May 2015

(ii)Previous incumbent resigned


(b) but no suitable candidate was identified.

(a)1 person

(b)16 and 4 months respectively

(c)Not applicable



No vacant positions



No vacant positions



(a)CEO post is vacant

(i)1 June 2016

(ii) Contract lapsed

(b) CFO post is vacant ...

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2017-w695 - 07 April 2017

Gregory Allen Grootboom to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

(1)Did (a) his department or (b) any entity reporting to him participate in the Dialogue with the President: Unpacking of the SONA 2017 on Radical Economic Transformation Implementation event hosted at the Oyster Box Hotel in Umhlanga, Durban, on 25 February 2017; if so, what amount was spent in each case; (2) did (a) his department or (b) any entity reporting to him participate in the auction of the (i) souvenirs or (ii) personal belongings of the President of the Republic, Mr Jacob G Zuma; if so, (aa) which items were purchased and (bb) at what cost, in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources on 7 Apr 2017

1.Did (a) his department or (b) any entity reporting to him participate in the Dialogue with the President: Unpacking of the SONA 2017 on Radical Economic Transformation Implementation event hosted at the Oyster Box Hotel in Umhlanga, Durban, on 25 February 2017; if so, what amount was spent in each case;

2. did (a) his department or (b) any entity reporting to him participate ...

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2017-w928 - 05 April 2017

Gordon Mackay to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

(1)Whether there is any position of (a) chief executive officer, (b) chief financial officer and/or (c) chief operating officer that is currently vacant in each entity reporting to him; if so, (i) how long has each specified position been vacant and (ii) what is the reason for each vacancy; (2) have the vacancies been advertised; if so, (a) were interviews done and (b) on what date will the vacancies be filled; (3) (a) what is the total number of persons who are currently employed in the specified positions in an acting capacity, (b) for what period has each person been acting in each position and (c) has any of the specified persons applied for the positions?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources on 5 Apr 2017

(1)Whether there is any position of (a) chief executive officer, (b) chief financial officer and/or (c) chief operating officer that is currently vacant in each entity reporting to him; if so, (i) how long has each specified position been vacant and (ii) what is the reason for each vacancy; (2) have the vacancies been advertised; if so, (a) were interviews done and (b) on ...

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2017-w459 - 03 April 2017

Yusuf Cassim to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

Whether his department procured any services from and/or made any payments to (a) Mr Mzwanele Manyi, (b) the Progressive Professionals Forum, (c) the Decolonisation Fund and/or (d) the Black Business Council; if not, in each case, why not; if so, what (i) services were procured, (ii) was the total cost, (iii) is the detailed breakdown of such costs, (iv) was the total amount paid, (v) was the purpose of the payments and (vi) is the detailed breakdown of such payments in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources on 3 Apr 2017

a) No (b) No (c) No and/or (d) No; because there was no contractual obligation to pay nor services procured in both (a)-(d),

b) (i)(ii) (iii) (iv)(v) (vi) Falls away


Approved/Not Approved

Mr MJ Zwane, MP

Minister of Mineral Resources

Date Submitted:-……………/………………/2017

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2017-w478 - 31 March 2017

Anton De Waal Alberts to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources

Whether he, with reference to his reply to question 1155 on 5 May 2016, (a) previously or (b) since he intervened in the sale of the Glencore mine, took similar actions to rescue mining companies and to retain jobs; if not, why did he find it expedient to intervene in this instance by virtue of his position as Minister of Mineral Resources; if so, what are the relevant details, with specific reference to (a) the companies involved, (b) his actions and (c) the outcome of the actions?

Reply from the Minister of Mineral Resources on 31 Mar 2017

There are several interventions that can be taken to save jobs depending on the challenges faced by the company. These interventions may include but not limited to interventions as declaration signed by the stakeholders.

Sale of assets might be considered if jobs are to be saved and two parties agrees. This intervention will always be persued if there is high probability that jobs will ...

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