2023-w2437 - 03 July 2023

Mogamad Ganief Ebrahim Hendricks to ask the Minister of Police

(1) Whether the SA Police Service (SAPS) intends investigating students of the University of Cape Town who hosted solidarity programmes on Palestine on the campus during the Israeli Apartheid Week in March 2023; if so why;(2) whether any charges were brought against individuals in March 2023at the Claremont Police Station for using public and/or private educational institutions to promote Zionism in furtherance of an apartheid ideology which the United Nation has declared a crime against humanity; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Police on 3 Jul 2023

(1) No criminal cases were reported; neither are any cases being investigated by the South African Police Service (SAPS) in the Western Cape.

(2) No criminal cases were reported; neither are any being investigated by the Claremont police station.

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2023-w2446 - 29 June 2023

Sbuyiselwe Angela Buthelezi to ask the Minister of Police

Whether, given that there has been an exponential increase in the killings of amakhosi or traditional leaders in the past decade, the SA Police Service has taken any steps to (b) bring to book those responsible for the killings and (b0 curb, the phenomenon; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

2023-w2491 - 29 June 2023

Rosina Ntshetsana Komane to ask the Minister of Police

Whether, in view of the Parliament Budget office having identified components of employees and contigent liabilities as possible risks to the 2023 appropriations and expressed concerns over unfunded budget for the compensation of employees in many departments, the SA Police Service has shown an increase of approximately 5000 police trainees but a reduction in the expenditure; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the reasons?

2023-w1876 - 29 June 2023

Bhekizizwe Nivard Luthuli to ask the Minister of Police

What steps has the SA Police Service taken to ensure the safety and livelihood of small, medium and micro-enterprises in the (a) construction and (b0 farming sector are protected as the latter is a great contributor to our economy while there has been a significant decline in domestic investment in the construction sector due to the rise of what has become known as the construction mafia, which is not a fight that provincial government can win singlehandedly?

2023-w1885 - 26 June 2023

Zandile Majozi to ask the Minister of Police

With reference to the home of top SA Police Service (SAPS) official (name and details furnished) that was recently robbed and items worth R400 000 allegedly having been stolen, what measures have been put in place for ordinary citizens to trust that the Police are equipped and capable enough to protect them, notwithstanding the fact that top SAPS officials can be robbed at gunpoint in this manner?

2023-w2006 - 26 June 2023

Henry Andries Shembeni to ask the Minister of Police

What is the percentage of (a) decision to prosecute that were taken by the National Prosecuting Authority in the past financial year and (b) the SA Police Service disciplinary outcomes that are currently being taken on review by the Independent Police Investigative Directorate

2023-w2293 - 21 June 2023

Albert Mammoga Seabi to ask the Minister of Police

What are the relevant details of the relationship that his department has with sister department such as the Department of Human Settlements, Department of Cooperative Government and Traditional Affairs and Local government for the purpose of crime prevention in view of the increasing population and growing informal settlement giving rise to ever increasing challenges for policing such as poor spatial planning and environmental design that can be attributed to the spike in crime in the Republic?

2023-w1795 - 19 May 2023

Piaba Madokwe to ask the Minister of Police

What are the (a) statistics of SA Police Service officers found on the wrong side of the law in the past five years in each province and (b) crimes that were allegedly committed by the officers?

2023-w870 - 12 April 2023

Annacleta Mathapelo Siwisa to ask the Minister of Police

Noting the increase of alcohol consumption amongst underage children, what measures has he and/or his department put in place to ensure enforce the law on access od alcohol and subsequent underage drinking of children?

2023-w667 - 12 April 2023

Henry Andries Shembeni to ask the Minister of Police

What(a) is the total number of police stations where the integrated Case Docket Management System was implemented in the period 1 January 2021 up to the latest specified date for which information is available and (b) are the future relevant details?
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