2023-w3409 - 24 November 2023

Annacleta Mathapelo Siwisa to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

With reference to the recent allegations that Transnet paid R29 for a R0,28c breathalyser straw, (a) what processes were followed in this procurement process, (b) who approved for the specified amount to be paid and (c) what actions have been taken against officials involved?

Reply from the Minister of Public Enterprises on 24 Nov 2023

According to the information received from Transnet:

a) An emergency procurement process was followed for the acquisition of disposable mouthpieces for alcohol breathalyzer straws.

b) The Executive Manager for Group Continuity and Disaster Management and the Executive Director for Safety were central to the procurement of the breathalyzer straws.

c) An internal disciplinary process was instituted in respect of the two employees central ...

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2023-w3289 - 24 November 2023

Jabulile Cynthia Nightingale Mkhwanazi to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

Considering that two of the most important state-owned entities (SOEs) in the Republic, namely Eskom and Transnet, are without a permanent Group Chief Executive Officer and that the specified SOEs are marred by financial and operational challenges, (a) what steps has his department taken to date to address external political interference as the deeper cause of the leadership vacuum in Eskom and Transnet and (b) how does his department intend to ensure that the leadership vacuum does not stall the implementation of the turnaround plans geared towards making sure that Eskom and Transnet become financially viable to act as catalysts for economic transformation and empowerment?

Reply from the Minister of Public Enterprises on 24 Nov 2023

1. (a) State capture was characterized by intensive levels of political interference, with Eskom and Transnet emerging as focal points of this concerning phenomenon. These SOEs faced undue external influence, compromising their governance structures, decision-making processes, and overall operational integrity. Political interference led to the appointment of key executives and board members who were compromised, resulting in leadership that was not best suited to ...

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2023-w3296 - 24 November 2023

Elphas Mfakazeleni Buthelezi to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

Whether he intends resigning from the Cabinet in light of the failure of the state-owned entities under his watch and administration; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Public Enterprises on 24 Nov 2023


Each SOE is on a challenging recovery path, and each has met with some success. The boards are working diligently to overcome the effects of State Capture and restore the entities to effective operations.


Eskom is making remarkable strides toward energy stability and sustainability. Their Generation Recovery plan has already recovered 1,535 MW between April and September 2023, with a goal of ...

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2023-w3325 - 24 November 2023

Ghaleb Cachalia to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

Whether he has found that the electricity storage via batteries presents the Republic with the best opportunity for a more cost-effective method of developing the capacity of the grid and transmission capabilities than gas as it was projected to by the Independent Institute for Sustainable Development; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details? (2) Whether he will furnish Mr G K Y Cachalia with the details (a) quantum of storage that is required and (b) cost thereof; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? NW4445E

Reply from the Minister of Public Enterprises on 24 Nov 2023

According to Information Received from Eskom:

1. Battery storage is used by Eskom to support the network during peak loading and ancillary services such as frequency regulation and voltage support.

However, gas is used as mid-merit or peak generation, depending on the prices. Gas can power the network on a continuous basis.

The costs of battery storage cannot be directly compared to those of ...

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2023-w3339 - 24 November 2023

Samantha Jane Graham to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

(1) What number of (a) houses were identified for the smart meter pilot in Fourways, Gauteng, (b) the specified households have acceded to the installation of the smart meters and (c) smart meters have been installed as part of the specified programme. (2) (a) who installed the meters and (b) what are the relevant details of the costs associated with installations?

Reply from the Minister of Public Enterprises on 24 Nov 2023

According to Information Received from Eskom:

The smart meter installation programme is an Eskom Distribution wide programme which was implemented in all the provinces to ensure alignment to the Distribution key initiatives of growth, efficiency and servicing the customers better. It is not confined to Gauteng and Fourways only.

(1)(a) The total number of houses identified for the smart meter installation programme in Gauteng was in excess of ...

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2023-w3019 - 23 November 2023

Ghaleb Cachalia to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

Whether, in light of the fact that the Transnet Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Ms Portia Derby, allegedly voiced her concerns at a recent Bloomberg event regarding the potential of loss of thousands of jobs in the trucking industry should freight be successfully transferred from the roads to rail (details furnished), he will fire the CEO for the remarks which are arguably tantamount to a gross dereliction of the CEO’s mandate to effect proper rail logistics that enable the flow of commodities to our ports; if not, why not; if so, by what date?

Reply from the Minister of Public Enterprises on 23 Nov 2023

According to the information received from Transnet

Ms Derby’s comments, which were in response to a question from the floor, related to the huge growth in trucking in SA as result of the poor performance of rail and boom in global coal demand, have been taken out of context. The issue raised was what would happen to the trucking industry when rail returned to ...

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2023-w3326 - 23 November 2023

Ghaleb Cachalia to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

What are the reasons that he has failed or has been unable to fill the six outstanding Board vacancies as Transnet has six Board members instead of 12, and it is a concern that a depopulated Board hampers the ability of Transnet to address the serious issues faced by the entity?

Reply from the Minister of Public Enterprises on 23 Nov 2023

Transnet has a full complement of Board Members, save for the vacancy resulting from the recent resignation of Mr. P Molefe for personal reasons.

Remarks: Reply: Approved / Not approved

Melanchton Makobe PJ Gordhan, MP

Acting Director-General Minister

Date: Date:

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2023-w3304 - 23 November 2023

Farhat Essack to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

Whether he has found that the National Logistics Crisis Committee that was appointed by the President of the Republic, Mr M C Ramaphosa, in April 2023, has (a) assisted Transnet to address operational challenges and (b) addressed the concerns of exporters; if not, in each case, why not; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Public Enterprises on 23 Nov 2023


According to the information received from Transnet



a) How NLCC assisted Transnet in addressing operational challenges.

Transnet Operating Divisions (TFR, TNPA, and TPT) together with Business 4 South Africa (B4SA) technical experts, the private sector, and customers, have formulated Corridor Recovery Teams (CRT) to address Transnet operational challenges.

The operational teams are progressing in implementing governance structures that will assist in ...

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2023-w3617 - 23 November 2023

Ghaleb Cachalia to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

(1)Whether he will furnish Mr G K Y Cachalia with an update on the progress of the deal between Takatso Consortium and SA Airways (SAA) and the projected profit for the 2022-23 financial year, with reference to the R3 billion; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) Whether he has found that no further monies will be allocated by the National Treasury for SAA; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) Whether monies owed to Mango are being utilised in the expansion drive by the SAA; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) On what date will the audited annual financial statements of the SAA be available?

Reply from the Minister of Public Enterprises on 23 Nov 2023

1. The progress in the transaction between Takatso Consortium and SAA is as follows:

a) On 25 July 2023, the Competition Tribunal approved the 51% disposal of SAA Government Shares to Takatso with conditions of minority shareholders divesting from Takatso Aviation and SAA not to retrench within 2 years of approval.

B) The subsequent steps are;

  • 1. Aviation Regulatory Process: Apply to relevant ...
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2023-w3309 - 23 November 2023

Samantha Jane Graham to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

In light of the alleged conflicting views between Members of the Executive, what are the details of the position of the Government on the decommissioning of the ageing coal-fired power stations by Eskom, in favour of incorporating more renewable energy sources in order to claim additional benefits and international funding in the Republic’s Just Energy Transition?

Reply from the Minister of Public Enterprises on 23 Nov 2023

The decommissioning of power stations is informed by the age of power stations which have a lifespan of 50 years. In addition, the IRP outlines the decommissioning dates of power stations. The repurposing of the power stations was driven by the fact that, power stations to be decommissioned can be repurposed to integrate renewable energy given that infrastructure is already in place. However, the ...

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