2023-w425 - 04 April 2023

Mimmy Martha Gondwe to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

What (a) is the total number of public servants whose service has been terminated due to (i) resignation, (ii) death, (iii) transfer, (iv) normal retirement and (v) discharge from duty since 1 March 2020, (b) are the reasons for each termination and (c) is the (i) age and (ii) race of each employee?

Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on 4 Apr 2023

The service termination in the Public Service is administered through PERSAL system, which is the function that is decentralised to the Departments. Based on the available data on PERSAL as at 01 March 2023, the following information has been extracted in response to the parliamentary question:


(i) Resigned employees

60 896

(ii) Deceased employees

24 317

(iii) Transferred employees

4 549*

(iv) Normal retirement

54 395

(iv) ...

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2023-w591 - 04 April 2023

Mimmy Martha Gondwe to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

(a) What total number of interns were appointed in the (i) 2019-20, (ii) 2020-21 and (iii) 2021-22 financial years and (b) how were they appointed; (2) whether they were all recruited within the prescripts of the (a) Public Service Act of 1994 and/or (b) Public Service Regulations of 2016; if not, is there a reason for a deviation in the process of their recruitment; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on 4 Apr 2023

1. (a) The total number of interns and learners appointed during (i) 2019/20 is 25 711, (ii) 2020/21 is 22 347 and (iii) 2021/22 is 22 303.

The breakdown per province and national is as follows:

Provincial/ National Departments




Grand Total

Eastern Cape

4 441

4 654

2 555

11 650

Free State


1 430


2 325


1 888

3 ...

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2023-w719 - 17 March 2023

Sindiswa Thelmonia Maneli to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

In light of the Public Service Regulations of 2016 read with section 8 of the Public Administration Management Act, Act 11 of 2014, which forbids officials from conducting business with any organ of state and/or being a director of a public and/or private company conducting business with the State, 379 senior managers have been reported in the latest report of the Public Service Commission, including Heads of Departments at national departments, to be engaged in other remunerative work, what measures will she put in place to strengthen and enforce the implementation of section 8 of the specified Act and the Public Service Regulations to establish order and discipline among public servants?

Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on 17 Mar 2023

In terms of section 30 of the Public Service Act, 1994 (PSA), public service employees (including senior managers and heads of departments) are allowed to perform other remunerative work outside their employment with the written permission of the executive authority of the department. This would also apply to the 379 senior managers identified in the Public Service Commission Report to be performing other remunerative ...

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2023-w726 - 17 March 2023

Leon Amos Schreiber to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

Whether, with reference to the recommendation of the Framework for the Professionalisation of the Public Service, any steps have been taken to outlaw the practice of cadre deployment in favour of a merit-based recruitment and selection system; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on 17 Mar 2023

The recruitment and selection in the Public Service is regulated in terms of the Public Service Act, 1994 and Regulations 65 and 67 of the Public Service Regulations, 2016. Furthermore, the Executive Protocol provides principles and procedure for the employment of Heads of Department (HoDs) and DDGs at National government. The provincial governments are encouraged to follow the practice. This a merit-based recruitment and ...

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2023-w718 - 17 March 2023

Dr Jeanine Nothnagel to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

(1) With reference to the State of the Nation Address on 9 February 2023, during which the President, Mr M C Ramaphosa, announced that integrity assessments will become a mandatory requirement for recruitment into the Public Service along with entry exams to professionalise the Public Service by appointing ethical public servants, what prohibits her department from rolling out integrity testing for all public servants who are already in the system and new recruits; (2) whether the integrity test should not be an exercise over a certain period in the Public Service in order to establish integrity in the Public Service; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on 17 Mar 2023

1. The DPSA has already appointed a service provider to identify and pilot appropriate Integrity Psychometric Assessment tools to be included in the existing SMS assessment battery. This project has already commenced and will be concluded on the second quarter of 2023/24 Financial year. This project is mainly for SMS members and does not include all public servants for now. Lessons learnt from the ...

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2023-w729 - 17 March 2023

Mimmy Martha Gondwe to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

With reference to the National Framework towards the Professionalisation of the Public Service, what steps has she and/or her department taken to date to introduce the proposed (a) Public Administration Management Amendment Bill and (b) Public Service Amendment Bill in the National Assembly as a matter of urgency?

Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on 17 Mar 2023

The Public Administration Management Amendment Bill and the Public Service Amendment Bill have both been drafted, consulted publicly and processed in terms of the requisite internal and statutory processes. The Bills are being processed to Cabinet for approval to table to Parliament by 31 March 2023.


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2023-w712 - 17 March 2023

Rosina Ntshetsana Komane to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

Considering that the Public Service Commission (PSC) reported that the highest reports of fraud complaints are from the Department of Social Development on the issue of administering social grants, with allegations that officials are defrauding the system, and notwithstanding the disciplinary proceedings that are being instituted, how is her department assisting the PSC to end the specified fraud?

Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on 17 Mar 2023

The DPSA is assisting the Public Service Commission (PSC) by referring reports of fraud, where reported to the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) and the Public Administration Ethics, Integrity and Disciplinary Technical Assistance Unit (PAEIDTAU), directly to the PSC. Where direct assistance is required, the DPSA support the PSC.

The PAEDTAU is mandated in terms of the Public Administration Management Act, 2016 ...

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2023-w365 - 17 March 2023

Willem Frederik Faber to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

(1)What are the details of the (a) destination and (b) total costs for (i) accommodation, (ii) travel and (iii) any other costs incurred for international travel of each (aa) Minister and (bb) Deputy Minister of his department since 1 June 2019; (2) what is the total cost incurred for domestic air travel for each (a) Minister and (b) Deputy Minister of his department since 1 June 2019?

Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on 17 Mar 2023

(1) Details pertaining to international trips are as follows with effect from 1 June 2019:

(aa)Former Minister Mchunu (period in office: 2019-05-30 to 2021-08-05)


(a)OFFICIAL TRIP TO ABU DABI 14-21/12/2019


(b) ITEM



R 149 196,00


R 239 767,86


R 15 963,95


R 404 927,81 ...

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2023-w426 - 06 March 2023

Mimmy Martha Gondwe to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

What (a) total number of cases of illegal internal appointments were reported to (i) his department and (ii) across the departments in the public service, (b) steps of consequence management were taken against the officials who were implicated in the specified illegal and irregular appointments and (c) total number of public servants have been disciplined for facilitating the illegal and irregular appointments since 1 March 2020 in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on 6 Mar 2023

(a)(i) No cases of illegal internal appointments were reported to the department;

(ii) (b) and (c) The DPSA does not keep a record of illegal appointments as there is no reporting requirement for departments. The process of recruitment is decentralised to individual Executive Authorities.


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2023-w280 - 06 March 2023

Mimmy Martha Gondwe to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

1)What mandate does his department have with respect to the professionalisation of the Public Service; (2) what are the reasons that the Framework towards the Professionalisation of the Public Service was driven by the National School of Government when the legal mandate of his department is the formulation and implementation of public service policy and norms and standard?

Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on 6 Mar 2023

1. The mandate of the Department of Public Service and Administration, the National School of Government and the Centre for Public Service Innovation is to support the Minister for the Public Service and Administration in furthering the roles and responsibilities contemplated in, amongst others, Chapter 10 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, read with the Public Service Act, 1994, the Public ...

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