2023-w281 - 01 March 2023

Mimmy Martha Gondwe to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

(1)On what date did the last review of the Human Resource Development Strategy for the Public Service take place; (2) whether there is a policy framework on the implementation of the specified strategy; if not, why not; if so, how is strategy implemented across government departments; (3) on what date was the last skills audit conducted in the Public Service?

Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on 1 Mar 2023

1. The review of the 2009-2014 Public Service Human Resources Development (HRD) Strategic Framework was last undertaken in 2015.

2. The revised Public Service Human Resource Development Strategic Framework version III contains an implementation framework. The strategy was consulted with cabinet in March 2021, where several aspects of concern were raised, in particular the development of an integrated HRM&D Strategy as opposed to functional ...

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2023-w76 - 01 March 2023

Mimmy Martha Gondwe to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

(1)On what date was Mr Dumisani Hlophe appointed as Acting Deputy Director-General (DDG): Wage Negotiations and Remuneration Management; (2) whether Mr Hlophe was employed by his department prior to the appointment as Acting DDG: Wage Negotiations and Remuneration Management; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what position did Mr Hlophe hold prior to his current appointment?

Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on 1 Mar 2023

1. Mr. Dumisani Hlophe was appointed as acting Deputy Director-General: Negotiations, Labour Relations and Remuneration Management (NLRRM) in the Department of Public Service and Administration with effect from 1 April 2022.

2. Mr. Hlophe was employed by the Department of Public Service and Administration on a contract additional to the establishment as State Capacity Specialist from 21 February 2022. The acting position has no ...

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2023-w187 - 01 March 2023

Willem Frederik Faber to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

What are the details of the (a) make, (b) model, (c) year of manufacture, (d) cost and (e) purchase date of all the official vehicles purchased for (i) him and (ii) the former Minister and (iii) the Deputy Ministers and the (iv) former Deputy Ministers of his department since 1 June 2019?

Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on 1 Mar 2023

The Department of Public Service and Administration has purchased one (1) official vehicle for the Deputy Minister for the Public Service and Administration since 1 June 2019. Details of the vehicle purchased is as follows:

a) Make: BMW.

b) Model: 520d.

c) Year of Manufacture: 2022.

d) Price: R 748 624.04

e) Purchase Date: 9 June 2022.


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2023-w282 - 01 March 2023

Mimmy Martha Gondwe to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

(1)What measures are taken against members of the senior management service (SMS) who score below 100 on their Performance Management and Development System; (2) What total number of SMS members have been taken through incapacity hearings for poor performance since 1 March 2020?

Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on 1 Mar 2023

1. The management of the performance of staff including that of members of the senior management service (SMS) is the responsibility of each Executive Authority and Head of Department. Regulation 72 (15) b & c states that “based on the outcome of the performance assessment an Executive Authority (b) may reward, where appropriate, provide training and development for employees; (c) shall manage poor performance”. ...

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2022-w3804 - 15 December 2022

Mimmy Martha Gondwe to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

(1)Whether, with reference to the reply of the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs to question 2351 on 26 August 2022, it is the policy of his department to permit public servants to serve as councillors in municipal councils; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether the public servants who are currently serving as councillors had to obtain approval from their respective municipal councils to work in the public service; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what is the total number of public servants who serve as councillors whom obtained such permission?

Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on 15 Dec 2022

1. Policy that permits public service employees to serve as councillors in municipal councils

a) Participation of public service employees as candidates for elections and becoming members of municipal councils is regulated by section 36 of the Public Service Act, 1994 (PSA) and regulation 15 of the Public Service Regulations, 2016 (PSR).

b) Section 36(1) of the PSA provides that an employee can stand ...

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2022-w4710 - 15 December 2022

Elphas Mfakazeleni Buthelezi to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

Whether, with reference to complaints by many members of the public about the poor care and demeaning attitudes of Public Service officials towards persons with disabilities, his department has any collaborative programmes in place with BlindSA to provide sensitivity training to Public Service staff at government service offices in order to address issues of stigmatisation and ensure that all South Africans receive equal and adequate assistance from government officials; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on 15 Dec 2022

The unprofessional behaviour and conduct of Public Service officials towards persons with disabilities is unacceptable and must not be tolerated. The Bill of Rights protect our vulnerable citizens and public service officials are required to act in ways that uphold the dignity and humanity of all our citizens.

The Disability Rights Awareness Month (DRAM) 2022, was launched by the Department of Women, Youth and ...

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2022-w4393 - 15 December 2022

Leon Amos Schreiber to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

What is the (a) total number of staff employed and/or provided as departmental support in (i) his and (ii) the Deputy Minister’s private offices and (b)(i) job title and (ii) annual remuneration package of each specified person?NW552

Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on 15 Dec 2022

In June 2022 Cabinet approved the appointment of staff to support the Acting Minister linked to the acting term.

The 2 November 2022 amended Ministerial Handbook provides for the appointment of 14 staff in the Office of the Minister, which includes 5 support staff to be appointed by the department and 10 staff in the Office of the Deputy Minister, which includes 3 support ...

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2022-w2988 - 13 December 2022

Leon Amos Schreiber to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

Whether he and/or his department submitted a policy review document and/or any other government policy document to structures outside of the Government, either to private and/or external structures or structures of any political affiliation during the past five years; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) will he furnish Dr L A Schreiber with copies of all such documents and (b) what are the reasons that the Government documents were provided to each structure?

Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on 13 Dec 2022

There were no documents submitted to or shared with any structure outside of government unless the document is published for public consumption or public consultation in line with prescripts.


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2022-w3750 - 06 December 2022

Rosina Ntshetsana Komane to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

What are the reasons that the toll-free number for reporting corruption to his department has gone unanswered for the past three months?

Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on 6 Dec 2022

The toll-free number for reporting corruption in Government as per Cabinet decision is 0800 701 701 and it operates from 08h00-04h30, five (5) days per week. According to the records, the toll-free number (0800 701 701) was in full service for the last three months. At least 324 complaints were registered in the past three months of the second quarter of 2022/23 financial year as indicated ...

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2022-w4296 - 06 December 2022

Mimmy Martha Gondwe to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

(1) With reference to his reply to question 3409 on 31 October 2022, in relation to the total number of public servants who are currently on suspension in the Public Service, (a) how long have each of the 305 public servants been on suspension, (b) what are the reasons for their suspension, (c) what positions do each of the public servants occupy in their respective departments and (d) has disciplinary action been initiated against them; (2) (a) what (i) total number of vacancies are currently in the Public Service and (ii) is the breakdown of the specified figure for each national and provincial department and (b) how long have the specified positions been vacant; (3) what total number of public servants to date have faced disciplinary action for unlawfully benefiting from the Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant of R350 and/or any other grant administered by the SA Social Security Agency (SASSA); (4) what total number of public servants to date have been placed on suspension after unlawfully benefiting from the SRD grant of R350 and/or any other grant administered by SASSA? NW5229E

Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on 6 Dec 2022

(1) Information pertaining to the 305 public servants who are currently on suspension in the Public Service:
Find here: (i) National Departments:

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