2022-w4000 - 05 December 2022

Mimmy Martha Gondwe to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

(1)Whether his department has been monitoring the implementation of Regulation 13(c) of the Public Service Regulations and Regulation 8 of the Public Administration Management Act, Act 11 of 2014; if not, why not; if so, what has been the outcome of the specified monitoring; (2) what (a)(i) total number of public servants were found to be conducting business with the State as at 1 October 2022 and (ii) is the breakdown of the specified number for each national and provincial department and (b) is the salary level and position of each of the employees; (3) what (a) number of public servants have been subjected to disciplinary action for conducting business with the State to date and (b) has been the outcome of the disciplinary action taken in each case with regard to each of the national and provincial departments; (4) what (a) number of public servants are currently being investigated by the SA Police Service for conducting business with the State and (b) is the status of the investigations; (5) what number of public servants have been convicted for conducting business with the State as at the latest specified date for which information is available?

Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on 5 Dec 2022

1. The Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) has been monitoring the implementation of Regulation 13(c) of the Public Service Regulations and Regulation 8 of the Public Administration Management Act, Act 11 of 2014 since 2019. Since then, the DPSA is monitoring public service employees who are allegedly conducting business with the State, through the Central Supplier Database (CSD), on a monthly basis. ...

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2022-w2350 - 05 December 2022

Mimmy Martha Gondwe to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

What (a) was the backlog of disciplinary cases in the Public Service in the (i) 2020-21 and (ii) 2021-22 financial years, (b) total amount did the specified backlog cost the State and (c) is the breakdown of the backlog in each (i) national and (ii) provincial department?

Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on 5 Dec 2022

(a)The breakdown in the number of backlog of disciplinary cases are as follows:

(i) 2020-21

1st Quarter 1627

2nd Quarter 2188

3rd Quarter and 1722

4th Quarter 1583


(ii) 2021-22

1st Quarter 2199

2nd Quarter 2614

3rd Quarter and 2428

4th Quarter 2986

Please note the backlog is calculated as cases that are taking more than 90 days to conclude which is the ...

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2022-w3934 - 05 December 2022

Mimmy Martha Gondwe to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

(1)With reference to his reply to question 2159 on 26 August 2022, what are the implications of the Public Service Regulations of 2016 for the over 2 000 senior managers in the Public Service who do not have qualifications for the senior management positions that they currently occupy; (2) what is the reason that the capturing of qualifications on PERSAL is not mandatory or compulsory for all public servants as this will assist his department in rooting out qualifications fraud in the Public Service; (3) what steps has his department, which is meant to be at the heart of the Republic’s administration, taken in order to (a) root out qualifications fraud in the Public Service and (b) ensure it gets a clear and concise picture of the qualifications of public servants?

Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on 5 Dec 2022

1. It should be noted that majority of senior managers were appointed prior to the implementation of the Public Service Regulations, 2016. As of 30 September 2022, the number of SMS members who were appointed on or after 1 August 2016 and who do not have the requisite qualifications for the positions that they are occupying is 599. Whilst qualifications are critical to the ...

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2022-w4027 - 05 December 2022

Mimmy Martha Gondwe to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

(1)What (a) measures has his department put in place to strengthen the implementation of the Batho Pele principles in the Public Service and (b) has been the impact of the non-implementation of the Batho Pele principles on the state of the Public Service in the Republic; (2)How often does his department monitor the implementation of and the adherence to the Batho Pele principles in the Public Service?

Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on 5 Dec 2022

1 Strengthening the implementation of Batho Pele principles remains a key priority for the government in building a citizen-centric society.

(a) To ensure that the Batho Pele principles remain valid and relevant, the DPSA has developed a revised Batho Pele revitalisation strategy that Cabinet endorsed in March 2022. The strategy requires the development and implementation of context-specific Batho Pele standards. These standards will ensure ...

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2022-w3392 - 05 December 2022

Rosina Ntshetsana Komane to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

In light of the fact that communication and/or circulars from his department to other departments are issued without time frames, what (a) are the reasons for communications without time frames and (b) has he found to be the impact of the specified practice on accountability and commitment to adhere to legislative prescripts?

Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on 5 Dec 2022

Circulars are issued based on the provisions of an Act for a number of purposes including issuing instructions’ providing clarifications; information; guidance; rules; and/or background information on legislative or procedural matters. As Circulars are issued under the statutory power, they are binding, usually from the date of issue. As Circulars serve different purposes, there will be those with timeframes and those without. In the event ...

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2022-w3761 - 05 December 2022

Rosina Ntshetsana Komane to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

Given that the Public Service Amendment Bill has been under consideration by his Ministry since 2018, (a) by what date does he envisage the specified Bill will be sent to Parliament and (b) what delays has he found in this regard?

Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on 5 Dec 2022

It is envisaged that the Public Service Amendment Bill will be tabled in Parliament in the 2022/2023 financial year.

The delay in processing the Public Service Amendment Bill was due to the fact that the Bill was extensively consulted, including consultations with organised Labour in the relevant bargaining councils. The Bill is currently at NEDLAC.


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2022-w3762 - 05 December 2022

Rosina Ntshetsana Komane to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

Whether a Senior Management Service (SMS) Pre-entry certificate (Nyukela) is an entry requirement for employment in the Public Service; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) who must ensure compliance and (b) what are the reasons that government departments are advertising SMS positions without the Nyukela requirement?

Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on 5 Dec 2022

The Nyukela is a requirement prior to a person being appointed into a SMS post. This is as directed by the Minister for the Public Service and Administration.

a) Heads of Department are required to ensure compliance. This includes ensuring that departments indicate Nyukela on the advert as a requirement prior to the appointment of a person to a SMS post.

b) Departments are ...

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2022-w4270 - 05 December 2022

Ciliesta Catherine Shoana Motsepe to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

With reference to the toll-free numbers of the Public Service Commission for the public to report corruption, which often rings with no answer and has a recording machine for all calls, what are the reasons that (a) calls are not answered and (b) potential whistle-blowers are not called back as a response to the recorded calls?

Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on 5 Dec 2022

The National Anti-Corruption Hotline (NACH) is operating from 08h00-16h30 from Monday to Friday. The NACH has a day shift due to capacity constraints as the call centre is manned by only five (5) call centre agents. When all the agents are busy, the other calls will be in the queue are automatically directed to the recording facility. In the month of October 2022, 4093 ...

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2022-w3785 - 05 December 2022

Russel Nsikayezwe Cebekhulu to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

(1)Whether he will furnish Inkosi R N Cebekhulu with an update on the investigation of the Public Service Commission, especially on the matter of the 2 364 senior managers who have reportedly been found not to possess the relevant qualifications for the jobs that they occupy, with 1 211 senior managers employed at the national level and 1 153 at the provincial level; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) Whether any of the specified managers have been red-flagged for corruption and fraudulent practices; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on 5 Dec 2022

(1) Whether he will furnish Inkosi R N Cebekhulu with an update on the investigation of the Public Service Commission, especially on the matter of the 2 364 senior managers who have reportedly been found not to possess the relevant qualifications for the jobs that they occupy, with 1 211 senior managers employed at the national level and 1 153 at the provincial level; ...

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2022-w4137 - 05 December 2022

Russel Nsikayezwe Cebekhulu to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

With reference to the statement of his Deputy Minister at the Africa Public Service Day in which he acknowledged the uneven public service delivery to citizens across the Public Service, especially for almost forgotten remote rural areas in Limpopo, KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) and the Eastern Cape as a matter of priority, what are the full details of (a) the particular areas in Limpopo, KZN and Eastern Cape that were referred to and (b) how the prioritisation of service delivery to citizens in the identified areas is being actioned through specific interventions?

Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on 5 Dec 2022

a) Africa Public Service Day (APSD) event was celebrated under the stewardship of the African Union with the theme: “Building resilience in nutrition and food security on the African continent: Accelerate the human capital, social and economic development”.

The comment made by the Deputy Minister during APSD was referring in general to uneven public service delivery in remote rural areas in provinces compared to ...

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