2023-w2781 - 21 September 2023

Mimmy Martha Gondwe to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

What are the details of the (a) scope and (b) type of vetting that will be used to conduct integrity assessments which have now become a mandatory requirement for recruitment into the Public Service, in line with the Framework for the Professionalisation of the Public Service?

Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on 21 Sep 2023

a) Section 195 (1)(a) of the Constitution calls for the promotion and maintenance of high professional ethics in the public service. The number 1 priority for the 6th Administration is the Building of a Capable, Ethical and Developmental State which is implemented through a number of measures including the Professionalisation Framework. The Framework calls for the extension of the battery of pre-employment tests including ...

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2023-w2782 - 13 September 2023

Mimmy Martha Gondwe to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

With reference to the ongoing investigation by the Public Service Commission into the qualifications of approximately 2 000 senior managers, what action will her department take against senior managers without the requisite qualifications for the positions that they currently occupy?

Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on 13 Sep 2023

The Public Service Commission (PSC) is currently investigating the qualifications of senior managers, the findings and recommendations of which have yet to be officially reported. As such, it would be both early and premature to speculate on potential sanctions against senior managers lacking the requisite qualifications for their current roles. Once the investigation is complete, the findings will dictate the appropriate sanctions. Notably, some ...

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2023-w1829 - 13 September 2023

Mimmy Martha Gondwe to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

What (a) is the total number of reported cases of financial misconduct for the 2022-23 financial year, (b) is the (i) breakdown of the implicated departments for each (aa) national and (bb) provincial department and (ii) nature of the financial misconduct involved in each specified case and (c)(i) total amount was lost by the State due to the cases and (ii) amount of the total amount was recovered by the State?

Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on 13 Sep 2023

The Public Service Commission (PSC) reporting on the overview of Financial Misconduct for the financial year 2022-23 will be made during the 2023/24 financial year, as the data has not yet been audited and consolidated in the Annual Reports of departments. Such would be submitted as soon as the Annual Reports of government departments have been finalized, audited, and tabled to Parliament.


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2023-w2699 - 13 September 2023

Mimmy Martha Gondwe to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

(1)What total number of public servants in each province were on extended sick leave with full pay in the (a) 2021-22 and (b) 2022-23 financial years; (2) (a) for how long has each of the public servants been on sick leave and (b) on what date is each expected to return to the office; (3) what (a) positions and (b) salary levels do the specified public servants occupy; (4) what total amount did the State spend in paying the public servants in each specified financial year?

Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on 13 Sep 2023

1. The total number of public servants on extended sick leave was 39 478 in the 2021/2022 financial year and 19 769 in the 2022/2023 financial year. The table below provides for breakdown per Province and financial years:

Extended Sick leave utilised by Public Servants in 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 financial years.





Number of persons

Median days on extended ...

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2023-w1874 - 31 July 2023

Siphosethu Lindinkosi Ngcobo to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

Whether her department has put in place regular communication workshops to take the Public Service for training to ensure that they represent the views of the Government and to avoid situations like the one that recently took place in Witbank, Mpumalanga, where a mayor insulted her constituency; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on 31 Jul 2023

The National School of Government, under the band, Senior Management and Professional Development has developed the Mastering the Art of Government Communications course. This course is intended to ensure training of officials to ensure that the view of government is represented and to avoid situations such as the one that took place in Witbank, Mpumalanga.

The purpose of the course is to equip communication ...

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2023-w1705 - 11 July 2023

Gregory Rudy Krumbock to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

Whether she will furnish Mr G R Krumbock with a comprehensive breakdown of the procurement allocation of (a) her department and (b) every entity reporting to her in terms of the percentages allocated to (i) small-, medium- and micro-enterprises, (ii) cooperatives, (iii) township enterprises and (iv) rural enterprises with a view to evaluating the effectiveness of the set-aside policy of the Government in fostering an inclusive and diverse economic landscape (details furnished) in the (aa) 2021-22 financial year and (bb) since 1 April 2023?

Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on 11 Jul 2023

The Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA), the Public Service Commission (PSC), and the National School of Government (NSG), each have their own budget vote. The Centre for Public Service Innovation (CPSI) is allocated its funds through transfers from the DPSA.

The Department for Public Service and Administration does not allocate a percentage budget for procurement for (i) Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises, ...

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2023-w2514 - 07 July 2023

Abednigo Vusumuzi Khoza to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

In light of the practice by big businesses, banks and other corporates of seconding their employees to state departments, including The Presidency, what (a) total number of employees from the specified entities are seconded to the State departments, (b) number of secondments are paid by the (i) respective entities and (ii) State and (c) are the companies getting in return for them to second own employees to the State and even pay them?

Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on 7 Jul 2023

a) & (b) (i-ii) Regulation 62 of the Public Service Regulations (PSR), 2016 states that a secondment in terms of section 15 (2) or (3) of the Public Service Act, 1994 may only take place if-

(a) The employee or person being seconded has the necessary competency;

(b) The period of secondment does not exceed 12 calendar months, unless due to operational ...

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2023-w1636 - 07 July 2023

Mimmy Martha Gondwe to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

(1)What (a) total number of public servants were investigated for corruption, theft and/or fraud in the Public Service during the (i) 2019-20, (ii) 2020-21 and (iii) 2021-22 financial years and (b) is the breakdown of the specified number for each national and provincial department; 2) (a) in what total number of the investigations was consequence management taken and (b) what type of consequence management was taken by each national and provincial department; (3) in instances where consequence management was not taken, what are the reasons that it was not taken; (4) what total amount is involved in each of the investigations into fraud, corruption and theft; (5) what total amount was recovered in the course of each investigation? NW1877E

Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on 7 Jul 2023


Discipline management is a decentralised function. Information pertaining to discipline is captured by departments on the PERSAL System. When this data is accessed by the DPSA, it provides a holistic picture on discipline management in the Public Service. When information is not captured or available (either due to non-existent categories on the PERSAL System, or negligence on the side of a department), this ...

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2023-w2007 - 21 June 2023

Ciliesta Catherine Shoana Motsepe to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

What consequence management steps has he taken against supervisors who gave their favourite subordinates inappropriately high rates for the Performance Management and Development System?

Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on 21 Jun 2023

The department does not have a record of any favouritism reported in the awarding of performance scores.

  1. In terms of the department’s Performance Management and Development System for employees on salary levels 2 to 12, the following steps are followed in the Assessment Process:
  • 1.1 Self-Assessment;
  • 1.2 Supervisory Assessment;
  • 1.3 If there is consensus between the supervisor and employee on the rating, the rating ...
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2023-w1913 - 09 June 2023

Rosina Ntshetsana Komane to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

(1)In what way does Brand SA’s organisational structure that was last reviewed in 2014 impact on the efficiency of the organisation, since it does not respond to the current mandate of the organisation; (2) whether the organisational structure was part of the motivation used to oppose the merger; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration on 9 Jun 2023

1. Brand-SA is a crucial entity that is responsible for overseeing the management of South Africa's brand and safeguarding the country's reputation as an appealing investment and tourism destination. The reconfiguration of pre-existing departments and the establishment of new departments to conform with the Ministries was declared by His Excellency, the President on 14 June 2019. As per the President's proclamation, the Government Communication, ...

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