2018-w515 - 12 March 2018

Malcolm John Figg to ask the Minister of Public Works

(1) With reference to John Dube House in Durban, what (a) damages were suffered in April 2016, (b) maintenance or repair work was done in each case and (c) costs were involved; (2) whether John Dube House is fit for occupation; if so, (a) on what date was it declared fit for occupation and (b) what is the current use of the property?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works on 12 Mar 2018

  1. With reference to John Dube House in Durban, (a) what damages were suffered in April 2016, (b) maintenance or repair work done in each case and (c) costs were involved;

a) The damages were mainly caused by storms, which damaged the tower. These included the broken skylight windows, smashed glass ceiling panels and the subsequent flooding of the floors.

b) The only repairs done ...

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2018-w437 - 12 March 2018

Malcolm John Figg to ask the Minister of Public Works

(1) Whether the property located at 7 Horvitch Street in Fochville in the Merafong City Local Municipality is owned by his department; if so, (a) for how long has this property been owned by his department, (b) what is the current condition of the property, (c) is the property safe to be occupied, (d) what is the property currently being used for and (e) what is the current amount of income generated by the property; (2) whether there are currently any outstanding municipal services bills of the property; if so, what are the details of the amount of each bill; (3) whether the property is currently occupied illegally; if so, what steps will be taken to remove the illegal occupants?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works on 12 Mar 2018

1. The property located at 7 Horvitch Street in Fochville in the Merafong City Local Municipality is owned by the National Department of Public Works (Department). (a) The property has been owned by the Department since 1980. (b) The property needs basic maintenance such as painting and the carpet needs replacing. (c) Yes refer to (b). (d) The property is used for residential purposes. ...

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2018-w284 - 12 March 2018

Ken Peter Robertson to ask the Minister of Public Works

(1) (a) What total amount was originally budgeted for the construction of the new buildings for the Mpumalanga High Court in the City of Mbombela in Mpumalanga, (b) what was the timeframe, including contingencies, for the construction of the new buildings, (c) what progress has been made to date in the construction of the new buildings, (d) what total amount of money has been spent on the construction of the new buildings as at the latest specified date and (e) what is the expected completion date; (2) (a) what are the names of the original contractors, (b) why were the original contractors replaced and (c) what are the names of the new contractors; (3) whether all contractors received payment for services rendered; if not, why not; if so, what are the full details of all payments made to each contractor; (4) whether any of the contractors received payments for preliminary and general costs before any construction work commenced; if so, (a) which contractors received preliminary payments, (b) what amount did each contractor receive and (c) was each amount in accordance with the contractual agreements?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works on 12 Mar 2018


(1) (a) R758 084 922,38 (Inclusive of Construction Cost, Professional Fees and ID;T Management Fees)

(see attached Annexure A with more details on the budget)

(b) The original contractual period was 24 months.

(c) The New buildings are 95% complete.

(see attached Annexure B with more details on the milestones and target dates)

(d) ...

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2018-w331 - 12 March 2018

Archibold Mzuvukile Figlan to ask the Minister of Public Works

What amount did (a) his department and (b) each entity reporting to him spend on the promotion or celebration of the Year of O R Tambo on the (i) Africa News Network 7 channel, (ii) SA Broadcasting Corporation (aa) television channels and (bb) radio stations, (iii) national commercial radio stations and (iv) community (aa) television and (bb) radio stations since 1 January 2017?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works on 12 Mar 2018

a) The Department of Public Works did not advertise on print, radio or any national media for the OR Tambo Centenary celebration during the specified period.

(i), (ii) (aa) and (bb), (iii) and (iv) (aa) and (bb) Fall away.

b) The following Public Entities reporting to the Department of Public Works namely: the Independent Development Trust (IDT), Agrement South Africa (ASA), the Council for ...

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2018-w120 - 15 February 2018

Karen Jooste to ask the Minister of Public Works

Whether, with regard to the proposed offices of the Department of Labour in Tzaneen, Limpopo, the Department of Labour will be accommodated in the previous Land Bank building in Kew Street, Tzaneen; if not, (a) why not and (b) what other office options are available; if so, by which date?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works on 15 Feb 2018

Yes, the Department of Labour in Tzaneen, Limpopo, will be accommodated in the previous Land Bank Building, in Kew Street, Tzaneen. It is anticipated that the property will be available for occupation on the first (01st) April 2018.

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2017-w3908 - 22 December 2017

Malcolm John Figg to ask the Minister of Public Works

(1) Does his department have a bank overdraft; if so, what is the (a) reason for the overdraft and (b) amount of the overdraft; (2) has the overdraft increased in the 2016-17 financial year; if so, what are the reasons for the increase?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works on 22 Dec 2017

1. The Property Management Trading Entity (PMTE) had a bank overdraft, whereas the Main Account had a favourable bank balance at end of October 2017.

(1)(a) The reason for the PMTE overdraft is mainly due to its operating model. The entity spends on leasehold, construction projects and municipal services and subsequently recovers amounts from client departments. On average, the entity spends R800 million per ...

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2017-w3911 - 19 December 2017

Dennis Richard Ryder to ask the Minister of Public Works

With reference to the Expanded Public Works Programme, (a) what is the definition of a work opportunity and (b) what number of hours must an individual work to qualify for a work opportunity?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works on 19 Dec 2017

a) A work opportunity is defined as “paid work for an individual working on an EPWP project for any period of time”. The same person can be employed on different projects and each period of employment is counted as a work opportunity.

b) As per the EPWP Ministerial Determination 4 of 2012, eight (8) hours of work constitute a work day. A training day ...

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2017-w3167 - 19 December 2017

Leigh-Ann Mathys to ask the Minister of Public Works

(1) What are the details including the ranks of service providers and/or contractors from which (a) his department and (b) the entities reporting to him procured services in the past five years; (2) what (a) service was provided by each service provider and/or contractor and (b) amount was each service provider and/or contractor paid; (3) (a) how many of these service providers are black-owned entities, (b) what contract was each of the black-owned service providers awarded and (c) how much was each black-owned service provider paid?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works on 19 Dec 2017

In respect to the Department:

1a) what are the details including the ranks of service providers and/or contractors from which (a) his department procured services in the past five years.

The SCM Prescripts applied during the period 01 April 2012 till 31 March 2017 did not allow for awards to be made in accordance with Suppliers / Contractors’ ownership status. Only the B-BBEE Status ...

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2017-w3987 - 15 December 2017

Yusuf Cassim to ask the Minister of Public Works

What (a) was the total amount that was spent on security upgrades at each Ministerial residence in each year since 2009 and (b) are the details of the security upgrades that were carried out in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works on 15 Dec 2017




Scope (b)

Cost of Security Installation (a)


Installation of Security Cameras,Alarm System, beam detectors, security fence and intercom.

R 549,196.00


Installation of Security Cameras,Alarm System, beam detectors, security fence and intercom.

R 740,661.00


Installation of Security Cameras,Alarm System, beam detectors, security fence and intercom.

R 714,045.87


Installation ...

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2017-w3892 - 15 December 2017

Dennis Richard Ryder to ask the Minister of Public Works

In light of the additional funding that his department allocated to the Independent Development Trust (IDT) in November 2017, what (a) amount of additional funding was allocated to the IDT (i) in each of the past three financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2017, (b) was the total budget allocated to the IDT in each of the specified financial years and (c) were the outcomes of the additional funding that was achieved in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works on 15 Dec 2017

(a) (i) 2014/15 financial year: Nil

2015/16 financial year: Nil

2016/17 financial year: Nil

(ii) 2017/18 financial year: R111.1 million


(b) 2014/15 financial year: 50 million

2015/16 financial year: 50 million

2016/17 financial year: Nil

2017/18 financial year: Nil

2018/19 financial year: R 28.4 million


(c) 2014/15 financial year

No additional allocation

2015/16 financial year

No additional allocation

2016/17 financial year

Nil ...

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