2017-w3534 - 04 December 2017

Anchen Margaretha Dreyer to ask the Minister of Public Works

(1) (a) What has been the vacancy rate in his department (i) in each of the past three financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2017, (b) how many of the vacancies are considered critical and (c) what are the reasons for not filling the vacancies; (2) whether he has found that the vacancies have a negative impact on the mandate of his department; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works on 4 Dec 2017

1(a). The vacancy rates of the Department for the past three financial years are as follows:

(i) 2014/15 - (21.6%)

2015/16 - (15.3%)

2016/17 - (16.03%)

(ii) As at 01 April 2017 the vacancy of the Department was 16.03%

(b). The department is currently in a transition; migrating from the old to the newly approved organisational structures and is therefore not able ...

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2017-w3530 - 04 December 2017

Malcolm John Figg to ask the Minister of Public Works

Are there any outstanding financial claims against his department; if so, what are the details of (a) each outstanding financial claim and (b) the total monetary value of the claims

Reply from the Minister of Public Works on 4 Dec 2017



Claim for services rendered, storage fee, stolen material, emotional distresses and for material ordered

R 166,483.47

The Plaintiff is suing the Department for services rendered alleging that the Department is refusing to pay her

R 202,893.14

The Plaintiff issued against the Department for service rendered in terms of Service Level Agreement

R 26,000,000.00

The ...

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2017-w3532 - 04 December 2017

Malcolm John Figg to ask the Minister of Public Works

Whether each employee of his department submitted completed declarations of interest indicating whether they have any interest in companies doing business with Government entities (a) in the 2016-17 financial year and (b) since 1 April 2017; if not, how many employees’ declarations are outstanding in each case; if so, (i) how many employees have interests in companies doing business with Government entities and (ii) what are the details of the (aa) interests and (bb) value(s) of the contract(s) involved in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works on 4 Dec 2017

Not all employees in the Public Service are required to submit financial disclosures of interest. In terms of the Public Service Regulations, 2016 only Senior Managers are required to submit financial disclosures every year by 30 April for the previous financial year. The new Public Service Regulations, 2016 also gave the Minister of Public Service and Administration the power to identify other categories that ...

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2017-w3812 - 04 December 2017

Malcolm John Figg to ask the Minister of Public Works

(1) Whether the proposed leasing policy of his department has been finalised; if not, (a) why not and (b) by what date will the policy be finalised; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) are there any recommendations regarding black ownership requirements for landlords tendering for Government leases; if so, (a) what are the recommendations and (b) how do the recommendations differ from the current policies of his department?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works on 4 Dec 2017

1. (a) Leasing is encapsulated in the Property Management Empowerment Policy of the Department which is still being developed and consulted with various stakeholders.

(b) The policy will be signed and adopted before the end of the year. In addition the Department together with National Treasury developed a Standard Leasing Framework which will be approved soon.

2. (a) & (b) Yes in terms of ...

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2017-w3531 - 04 December 2017

Malcolm John Figg to ask the Minister of Public Works

What percentage of invoices did his department pay within the prescribed 30 days (a) in the (i) 2014-15, (ii) 2015-16 and (iii) 2016-17 financial years and (b) since 1 April 2017?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works on 4 Dec 2017

The percentage of invoices paid within the prescribed 30 days were:

(a) In the past three years as follows:

(i) 2014-15 was 90% (PMTE) and 89% (DPW)

(ii) 2015-16 was 85% (PMTE) and 75% (DPW)

(iii) 2016-17 was 87% (PMTE and 90% (DPW)

(b) Since 1 April 2017 as follows:

(i) April was 87% (PMTE) and 98% (DPW)

(ii) May was 84% (PMTE) and ...

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2017-w3360 - 04 December 2017

Andricus Pieter Van der Westhuizen to ask the Minister of Public Works

(1) On what date was his department first approached by the Stellenbosch Municipality regarding applications for the transfer of Erf 64, Kylemore and Portion of Farm 1339 and 1158/1, La Motte, Franschhoek, within the Stellenbosch municipal area to the local government for the purpose of subsidised housing; (2) whether there is any outstanding information that must be provided by the specified municipality before his department can consider the specified applications; if not, what is his department’s decision regarding the applications to transfer the ownership of the properties to the municipality for the purpose of redevelopment to provide subsidised housing; if so, what information is still required; (3) on what date can the municipality expect to be informed of his department’s decisions regarding the transfer of the properties?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works on 4 Dec 2017

1. The request from the Stellenbosch Municipality for the release of Erf 64, Kylemore is dated 02 September 2013 and the request for the release of the Remaining Extent of Farm 1339 and 1158/1, La Motte, Franschhoek is dated 15 May 2015, both received in the form of intergovernmental correspondence by post.

2. The Department is in discussion with the Stellenbosch Municipality and relevant ...

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2017-w3533 - 04 December 2017

Anchen Margaretha Dreyer to ask the Minister of Public Works

(a) What are the details of the procedures currently employed by his department when employees apply for and are granted leave (b) are manual or automated systems used and (c) what procedures are in place to ensure that all leave taken by employees is captured and granted timeously?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works on 4 Dec 2017

a) The Determination and Directive on Leave of Absence in the Public Service as prescribed by the Department of Public Service and Administration is utilised. An employee must submit his/her application for annual leave in advance, unless unforeseen circumstances prevent him/her from doing so. If confronted with unforeseen circumstances which necessitate the utilization of annual leave, the employee must personally notify his/her supervisor/manager immediately. ...

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2017-w3583 - 01 December 2017

Erik Johannes Marais to ask the Minister of Public Works

(a) What is the total number of supplier invoices that currently remain unpaid by (i) his department and (ii) each entity reporting to him for more than (aa) 30 days, (bb) 60 days, (cc) 90 days and (dd) 120 days and (b) what is the total amount outstanding in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works on 1 Dec 2017


(a)(i) The total number of supplier invoices that currently, October 2017, remain unpaid by:

DPW – 518 and

PMTE – 20 750
















11 253

2 433

1 766

1 293

3 992

20 750

(b) The total amount outstanding invoices in each case is as follows: ...

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2017-w3909 - 01 December 2017

Malcolm John Figg to ask the Minister of Public Works

(1) (a) What number of cases of fraud and corruption were reported in his department in the 2016-17 financial year and (b) what is the total monetary value of the reported cases; (2) are any of the reported cases subject to disciplinary processes; if not, why not; if so, what is the status of the cases?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works on 1 Dec 2017

1. (a) The Department’s internal investigating unit received twenty eight (28) allegations of fraud and corruption for the 2016/17 financial year. Of the total allegations received; twenty-three (23) investigations were finalised and the outcomes of the investigation were as follows:-

  • Five (5) cases related to non-adherence to Departmental policies and procedures;
  • Twelve (12) allegations, there was no evidence to substantiate the allegations made; and ...
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2017-w3614 - 28 November 2017

Leigh-Ann Mathys to ask the Minister of Public Works

Whether (a) his department and/or (b) any entity reporting to him own land; if so, in each case, (i) where is each plot of land located, (ii) what is the size of each specified plot and (iii) what is each plot currently being used for?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works on 28 Nov 2017

a) Yes. The Department is the custodian of various land parcels across the country.

(i), (ii) and (iii) please refer to “Annexure A”


Yes, IDT does own land.

  1. The plot (portion 41) is situated at the Corner of Sprite and Oberon Street, in Faerie Glen, Pretoria.
  2. According to the title deed, the plot size is 9061 m2.
  3. The plot is used ...
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