2018-w1883 - 18 June 2018

Leigh-Ann Mathys to ask the Minister of Public Works

(1) What (a) is the total number of incidents of racism that were reported to the human resources offices in (i) his department and (ii) entities reporting to him in (aa) 2016 and (bb) 2017 and (b) are the details of each incident that took place; (2) was each incident investigated; if not, why not in each case; if so, what were the outcomes of the investigation in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works on 18 Jun 2018

(1) (a) (i) and (ii) (aa) and (bb),

No incidents of racism have been reported for both the Department of Public Works and the entities reporting to the Minister of Public Works in the stipulated period.

As such, (1) (b) and (2) Fall away.

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2018-w1615 - 14 June 2018

Malcolm John Figg to ask the Minister of Public Works

With reference to his department’s Budget Vote speech on 15 May 2018, (a) what are the details of the (i) address, (ii) value, (iii) size and (iv) current use of each property identified to be released for (aa) human settlement and (bb) land reform and (b) on what date will each identified property be released?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works on 14 Jun 2018

a) The details of the properties identified for human settlements, restitution and land reform in relation to address, value, size and current use of each property are contained in the attached lists of properties, marked as A (Human Settlements), and B (Land Reform).

b) The identified properties will be released as and when official requests are received with all the supporting documents, including confirmations ...

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2018-w1326 - 14 June 2018

Dean William Macpherson to ask the Minister of Public Works

(a) What budget is available for maintenance and upkeep of the Umhlali Police Station? (b) What are the details of maintenance and upkeep projects that are planned for the station in the current financial year; and (c) On what date did someone from his department last visit the police station?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works on 14 Jun 2018

a) There is currently no maintenance budget set aside specifically allocated to the Umhlali Police Station. The Department of Public Works (DPW) has a consolidated day-to-day maintenance budget and attends to emergencies and defects for all State-owned buildings utilising this budget.

b) There neither major renovations nor an upgrade project planned for the Umhlali Police Station in the current financial year. Should the South ...

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2018-w1480 - 14 June 2018

Ken Peter Robertson to ask the Minister of Public Works

(1) Whether, with reference to the reply of the President, Mr C M Ramaphosa, to the debate on the State of the Nation Address on 22 February 2018 to implement lifestyle audits, (a) he, (b) senior management service members in his department and/or (c) any of the heads of entities reporting to him have undergone a lifestyle audit in the past three financial years; if not, have any plans been put in place to perform such audits; if so, in each case, what are the details of the (i) date of the lifestyle audit, (ii) name of the person undergoing the audit, (iii) name of the auditing firm conducting the audit and (iv) outcome of the audit; (2) Whether he will furnish Mr K P Robertson with copies of the lifestyle audit reports?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works on 14 Jun 2018

(1) The Department of Public Works has not conducted any lifestyle audits in the categories stipulated by the Honourable Member. Nonetheless, Government uses a system of financial disclosures as prescribed by the Public Service Regulations of 2016. The system provides for the disclosure of shareholding; directorships and partnerships; equities; income generating assets; sponsorships; remunerative work outside an employee’s formal employment; gifts and hospitality; and ...

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2018-w1662 - 14 June 2018

Mponeng Winston Rabotapi to ask the Minister of Public Works

(a) What number of cases relating to the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act, Act 12 of 2004, as amended, have been referred to the (i) SA Police Service (SAPS) and (ii) Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (DPCI) by (aa) his department and (bb) each entity reporting to him for further investigation since the Act was assented to; and (b) what number of the specified cases have (i) been investigated by SAPS and DPCI, (ii) been followed up by the respective accounting officers and (iii) resulted in a conviction in each specified financial year since 2004?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works on 14 Jun 2018

With respect to the Department of Public Works:


  1. 46 cases have been referred to the South African Police Service (SAPS) for further investigations.
  2. The Department does not refer cases directly to the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (DPCI). The SAPS is the one that decides which cases it will refer to the DPCI.


  1. 46 cases been investigated by the SAPS;
  2. The ...
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2018-w1337 - 24 May 2018

Dennis Richard Ryder to ask the Minister of Public Works

Whether any staff members of his department received performance bonuses in the 2017-18 financial year; if so, what are the details of (a) each staff member who received the bonus, (b) the amount received by each staff member, (c) the designation of each staff member and (d) the reason for the performance bonuses?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works on 24 May 2018

No, the Department of Public Works has not paid performance bonuses for the 2017/18 performance management cycle. Assessments and moderations are still being conducted.

(a), (b), (c) and (d) fall away.


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2018-w1132 - 21 May 2018

Darren Bergman to ask the Minister of Public Works

(1) With regard to his department’s property on 5 Main Road, Irene, Centurion, what (a) was the outcome of the inspection conducted in December 2015; and (b) remedial action did the inspection exercise suggest to correct the findings; (2) whether the remedial action was carried out; if not, why not; if so, what is the current zoning of the erf?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works on 21 May 2018

(1) (a) A report was compiled by the Department of Public Works’ Professional Services branch, which indicated that the property is not habitable, and not suitable for use.

(b) This report was subsequently handed to the occupant for their immediate remedial action. The occupant duly committed to reinstate the house to its original state.

(2) No, remedial action has not been carried out by ...

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2018-w1133 - 21 May 2018

Darren Bergman to ask the Minister of Public Works

Whether the old post office building in Irene is considered a historical building; if so, (a) what is his department doing to protect the building; and (b) on what date did officials from his department last inspect it?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works on 21 May 2018

The property known as the Old Post Office building in Irene, Centurion, Pretoria, is privately owned and therefore not the responsibility of the National Department of Public Works.

(a) and (b) The department is not empowered to undertake any works on privately owned buildings.


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2018-w964 - 07 May 2018

Malcolm John Figg to ask the Minister of Public Works

(1) Whether, with reference to each case of unutilised land referred to in the reply to question 2752 on 6 November 2017, the land (a) is or has been subject to any land claims or land reform programmes and (b) is located in an (i) urban, (ii) peri-urban or (iii) rural area; (2) why has the land remained unutilised in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works on 7 May 2018

1. (a) The Department of Public Works has been informed by the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform of land parcels within its portfolio that are earmarked for the resolution of land claims. The detailed list of properties under the Department’s custodianship earmarked for land claims is attached as Annexure A.

(b) (i), (ii) and (iii) The location of these properties ...

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2018-w1109 - 07 May 2018

Leigh-Ann Mathys to ask the Minister of Public Works

What (a) number of consulting firms or companies are currently contracted by (i) his department and (ii) the entities reporting to him and (b)(i) is the name of each consultant, (ii) are the relevant details of the service provided in each case and (iii) is the (aa) start date, (bb) time period, (cc) monetary value in Rands of each contract and (dd) name and position of each individual who signed off on each contract?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works on 7 May 2018

For the National Department of Public Works:

(a) (i), (ii), (iii), (aa), (bb), (cc) and (cc) refer to Annexures A1 and A2

For the Entities reporting to the Minister of Public Works:

(b) (i), (ii), (iii), (aa), (bb), (cc) and (dd) on behalf of the Entities reporting to the Department of Public Works, see attached responses as follows:

Annexure ...

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