2015-w3325 - 16 October 2015

Marshall Mzingisi Dlamini to ask the Minister of Public Works:

(1) (a)(i) What total amount did his department spend on his travel costs between Gauteng and Cape Town in the 2014-15 financial year and (ii) how many trips did he undertake between Cape Town and Gauteng in the specified financial year and (b) what total amount did his department spend on (i) hotel and (ii) residential or other accommodation for him in (aa) Cape Town and (bb) Pretoria in the 2014-15 financial year; (2) (a)(i) what total amount did his department spend on the Deputy Minister’s travel costs between Gauteng and Cape Town in the 2014-15 financial year and (ii) how many trips between Gauteng and Cape Town did the Deputy Minister undertake in the specified financial year and (b) what total amount did his department spend on (i) hotel and (ii) residential or other accommodation for the Deputy Minister in (aa) Cape Town and (bb) Pretoria in the 2014-15 financial year? MINISTRY PUBLIC WORKS REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Department of Public Works l Central Government Offices l 256 Madiba Street l Pretoria l Contact: +27 (0)12 406 2034 l +27 (0)12 406 1224 Private Bag X9155 l CAPE TOWN, 8001 l RSA 4th Floor Parliament Building l 120 Plain Street l CAPE TOWN l Tel: +27 21 468 6900 Fax: +27 21 462 4592 www.publicworks.gov.za NATIONAL ASSEMBLY WRITTEN REPLY QUESTION NUMBER: 3325 [NW3906E] INTERNAL QUESTION PAPER NO.: No. 36 of 2015 DATE OF PUBLICATION: 04 SEPTEMBER 2015 DATE OF REPLY: 16 OCTOBER 2015 Mr M M Dlamini (EFF) asked the Minister of Public Works: (1) (a)(i) What total amount did his department spend on his travel costs between Gauteng and Cape Town in the 2014-15 financial year and (ii) how many trips did he undertake between Cape Town and Gauteng in the specified financial year and (b) what total amount did his department spend on (i) hotel and (ii) residential or other accommodation for him in (aa) Cape Town and (bb) Pretoria in the 2014-15 financial year; (2) (a)(i) what total amount did his department spend on the Deputy Minister’s travel costs between Gauteng and Cape Town in the 2014-15 financial year and (ii) how many trips between Gauteng and Cape Town did the Deputy Minister undertake in the specified financial year and (b) what total amount did his department spend on (i) hotel and (ii) residential or other accommodation for the Deputy Minister in (aa) Cape Town and (bb) Pretoria in the 2014-15 financial year? NW3906E ___________________________________________________________________________ REPLY: The Minister of Public Works (1)(a)(i) R290 379.07 (ii)41 (b)(i) and (ii)(aa) and (bb)R0.00 (2)(a)(i) R451 441.74 (ii)57 (b)(i) and (ii)(aa) and (bb)R0.00 ___________________________________________________________________

2015-w2842 - 08 September 2015

Robert Alfred Lees to ask the Minister of Public Works:

(1) With reference to his reply to question 2353 on 28 July 2015, what are the names of the lessors for each of the 17 leased properties listed on Annexure A to the reply; (2) is a certain company (name furnished) registered as a value-added tax (VAT) vendor; if not, why has his department entered into lease agreement/s with the specified company; if so, what is the VAT registration number for the specified company; (3) for what purpose does the SA Police Service (SAPS) use the 80 square metres of Fourieskraal farm; (4) what are the correct (a) street addresses and/or (b) directions to (i) the Devana Farm Trust at Durban Road and (ii) Ezakheni Park homes as there are no known streets named Durban Road or Vlak Plaats in the Emnambithi/Ladysmith municipality; (5) is the SAPS still in occupation of 43 Murchison Street; if so, (a) was the lease renewed and what (b)(i) process was followed to renew the lease and (ii) are the details of the new lease? NW3315E MINISTRY PUBLIC WORKS REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Department of Public Works l Central Government Offices l 256 Madiba Street l Pretoria l Contact: +27 (0)12 406 2034 l +27 (0)12 406 1224 Private Bag X9155 l CAPE TOWN, 8001 l RSA 4th Floor Parliament Building l 120 Plain Street l CAPE TOWN l Tel: +27 21 468 6900 Fax: +27 21 462 4592 www.publicworks.gov.za NATIONAL ASSEMBLY WRITTEN REPLY QUESTION NUMBER:2842 [NW3315E] INTERNAL QUESTION PAPER:No. 28 of 2015 DATE OF PUBLICATION:07 AUGUST 2015 DATE OF REPLY:08 SEPTEMBER 2015 Mr R A Lees (DA) asked the Minister of Public Works: (1) With reference to his reply to question 2353 on 28 July 2015, what are the names of the lessors for each of the 17 leased properties listed on Annexure A to the reply; (2) is a certain company (name furnished) registered as a value-added tax (VAT) vendor; if not, why has his department entered into lease agreement/s with the specified company; if so, what is the VAT registration number for the specified company; (3) for what purpose does the SA Police Service (SAPS) use the 80 square metres of Fourieskraal farm; (4) what are the correct (a) street addresses and/or (b) directions to (i) the Devana Farm Trust at Durban Road and (ii) Ezakheni Park homes as there are no known streets named Durban Road or Vlak Plaats in the Emnambithi/Ladysmith municipality; (5) is the SAPS still in occupation of 43 Murchison Street; if so, (a) was the lease renewed and what (b)(i) process was followed to renew the lease and (ii) are the details of the new lease? NW3315E _________________________________________________________________ REPLY: The Minister of Public Works (1) The names of the lessors for each of the 17 leased properties are listed in the table below LESSOR NAME NAME OF BUILDING / PROPERTY LESSOR TELEPHONE 1. SAROSMA TRUST REPRESENTED BY DEDEKIND REAL ESTATE HERON HOUSE, 131 MURCHISON STREET (036) 637 2297 2. L.KIRSTEN 104 LEICESTER STREET (036) 631 2414 3. EMNAMBITHI LADYSMITH MUNICIPALITY WAGON HILL RIFLE RANGE UNSURVEYED PORTION OF ERF 1 (036)637 2231 4. JANORA TRADING (PTY) LTD 33 KEATE STREET (036) 637 2287 5. BILLYGREEN INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD LADYKEATE BLDG 35-37 KEATE STREET (036) 637 2989 6. EMNAMBITHI LADYSMITH MUNICIPALITY DRIEFONTEIN THUSONG CENTRE (036) 637 2231 7. THE ROSCO FAMILY TRUST 73 MURCHISON STREET (036) 637 2989 8. KZN PROV GOV-WORKS OLD RTI SITE (033) 355 5468 9. JANORA TRADING (PTY) LTD DEVANA FARM TRUST, OLD DURBAN ROAD- R103 NEXT TO TESTING GROUNDS (036) 637 2287 10. JANORA TRADING (PTY) LTD 388,6 square metre space at 35 BUCKINGHAM STREET (036) 637 2287 11. JANORA TRADING (PTY) LTD 500 square metre space at 35 BUCKINGHAM STREET (036) 637 2287 12. JANORA TRADING (PTY) LTD 24 BUCKINGHAM STREET (036) 637 2287 13. INDUSTRIAL LEASES (PTY) LTD 43 MURCHISON STREET (031) 941 8132 14. ETERNA TRUST LADYSMITH CC 284 MURCHISON STREET (036) 637 2297 15. JAZZ SPIRIT 140 PTY LTD 284 MURCHISON STREET (036) 631 3211 16. NATAL PARKHOMES VLAK PLAATS - PARKHOMES DISTRIBUTED TO THE FOLLOWING AREARS; GROENVLEI, WASBANK, CHARLESTOWN, ELANDSLAAGTE, VAN REENEN AND BESTES (031) 701 4221 17 PEPWORTH BODY (PTY) LTD (50) PT: FOURIESKRAAL FARM (083) 620 0032 (2) No, the company is not a VAT vendor in terms of the regulations of the South African Revenue Service (SARS). It must be noted that SARS regulations stipulate that a company does not need to be registered for VAT if its annual turnover is below R1 million. The value of the Department’s lease with the said vendor is below R1 million. In addition, upon lease renewal, all landlords are required to submit their recent Tax Clearance Certificates, which indicate the VAT registration status of their companies. The Department often engages such companies, particularly because in many small towns, there is a shortage of suitable accommodation for Government departments. Also, by engaging small companies the Department contributes to their development. (3)The 80 square metres in Fourieskraal farm is used for the purpose of accommodating a South African Police Service (SAPS) Communication Tower. (4)(a), b) and (i) Devana Farm is located alongside the Old Durban Road, which is a small dirt road leading off the R103 into the leased land which is used by SAPS as a garage. (Directions: from the N3 Highway from Durban, take exit at R103 Bergville/Colenso off ramp. Turn right very shortly thereafter onto the R103 – “Durban / Colenso”. Keep on this road until you join up with a larger road, Pass the Ladysmith testing grounds on the right the Garage is immediately next to the Ladysmith testing ground.) (ii) The park homes are mobile units that can be moved, as per the client’s requirements. The park homes are leased from Natal Parkhomes and were were originally located in Vlakplaats, which is an area within the Ladysmith District. The mobile units used by SAPS were first placed at Ezakheni Police Station and were later relocated to other locations within the Ladysmith District, including the following areas: GROENVLEI, WASBANK, CHARLESTOWN, ELANDSLAAGTE, VAN REENEN AND BESTES. (5) (a) SAPS is still in occupation of 43 Murchison Street and the lease is currently running on a month to month basis. (b) (i) The lease has been identified for renewal within the prescripts of the 2nd National Treasury Dispensation on leases, which was recently granted to the Department in March 2015. (ii) Internal processes dictate that once a Special Dispensation is received from National Treasury, an internal circular on the application of the Dispensation is to be drafted, approved and communicated to all departmental officials who will utilise the dispensation prior to the Dispensation being utilised. The above lease expired before the issuing of the internal circular and in the interest of compliance and to ensure that the client department’s daily operations are not disrupted and was then renewed on a month to month basis, for a period not exceeding 12 months as an interim measure. The internal circular on the application of the Dispensation from National treasury has since been approved and the process to renew the lease based on the Dispensation has begun, thus there are no details on the new lease as yet. _________________________________________________________________

2015-w2668 - 08 September 2015

Dirk Jan Stubbe to ask the Minister of Public Works:

Does his department have sufficient capacity to maintain a rolling schedule of proactive and regular inspections to ensure that problems with facilities in its portfolio are detected and addressed on time? STRY PUBLIC WORKS REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Department of Public Works l Central Government Offices l 256 Madiba Street l Pretoria l Contact: +27 (0)12 406 2034 l +27 (0)12 406 1224 Private Bag X9155 l CAPE TOWN, 8001 l RSA 4th Floor Parliament Building l 120 Plain Street l CAPE TOWN l Tel: +27 21 468 6900 Fax: +27 21 462 4592 www.publicworks.gov.za NATIONAL ASSEMBLY WRITTEN REPLY QUESTION NUMBER: 2668 [NW3099E] INTERNAL QUESTION PAPER: No. 26 of 2015 DATE OF PUBLICATION: 31 JULY 2015 DATE OF REPLY: 08 SEPTEMBER 2015 Mr D J Stubbe (DA) asked the Minister of Public Works: Does his department have sufficient capacity to maintain a rolling schedule of proactive and regular inspections to ensure that problems with facilities in its portfolio are detected and addressed on time? NW3099E _________________________________________________________________ REPLY: The Minister of Public Works The State’s immovable asset portfolio consists of 99 249 buildings and other immovable assets nationally. It is not possible to inspect all the buildings on a regular basis with the current capacity of people, processes and systems. This has led to the Department’s current approach of prioritising the inspections of occupied buildings only. Currently, the Department has 33 Officials in all eleven regions that are responsible for inspections of all properties, owned and leased. In addition, the Department employs lease Portfolio Managers in the 11 regional offices, ranging from a minimum of 5 per region to 12 per region, who are also required to regularly inspect buildings which form part of their portfolio. In the 2014/15 financial year, 2 668 building inspections were conducted and 681 inspections have been conducted in quarter one of the current year 2015/16. As part of the Turnaround Plan Phase 2 - Efficiency Enhancement - the business processes, systems and Departmental structure are being updated as part of the revision of the operating model. In the revised PMTE Business Processes, which are currently in draft, and upon National Treasury’s approval of funds, this responsibility will rest with area based portfolio managers, thus increasing visibility and access to buildings nationwide. The roll out of Building Management Systems in 11 State-owned buildings over the MTEF period will also contribute largely to the better monitoring and management of State-owned facilities. The Department also plans to re-open numerous Facilities Management Workshops nationally in order to ensure rapid responses to maintenance requirements. The above mentioned initiatives along with various other planned interventions by the PMTE will ensure that the State’s immovable asset portfolio is well maintained and suitable for occupation. ____________________________________________________________________

2015-w2787 - 07 September 2015

Mosiuoa Gerard Patrick Lekota to ask the Minister of Public Works:

(1) Whether, with reference to his presentation and responses on 29 July 2015 to the Ad Hoc Committee on Security Upgrades at the Private Residence of the President at Nkandla, he has, upon assuming responsibilities as the Minister of Public Works and in view of the tremendous publicity given to expenditure at Nkandla, instructed his department to do a minute and detailed examination into the expenditure on construction work at President J G Zuma’s private residence at Nkandla; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether his examination of such expenditure found that (a) each of the houses in the police barracks was costing in excess of R6 million and (b) this price was grossly inflated; if not, why not; if so, (3) has he (a) taken immediate steps to discover who was responsible for that and (b) thereupon taken appropriate legal action against the specified persons to institute charges and to recover state resources; if not, why not in each case; if so, what are the relevant details of the steps he has taken in keeping with his fiduciary and political responsibilities? MINISTRY PUBLIC WORKS REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Department of Public Works l Central Government Offices l 256 Madiba Street l Pretoria l Contact: +27 (0)12 406 2034 l +27 (0)12 406 1224 Private Bag X9155 l CAPE TOWN, 8001 l RSA 4th Floor Parliament Building l 120 Plain Street l CAPE TOWN l Tel: +27 21 468 6900 Fax: +27 21 462 4592 www.publicworks.gov.za NATIONAL ASSEMBLY WRITTEN REPLY QUESTION NUMBER: 2787 [NW3256E] INTERNAL QUESTION PAPER: No. 28 of 2015 DATE OF PUBLICATION: 07 AUGUST 2015 DATE OF REPLY: 07 SEPTEMBER 2015 Mr M G P Lekota (Cope) asked the Minister of Public Works: (1) Whether, with reference to his presentation and responses on 29 July 2015 to the Ad Hoc Committee on Security Upgrades at the Private Residence of the President at Nkandla, he has, upon assuming responsibilities as the Minister of Public Works and in view of the tremendous publicity given to expenditure at Nkandla, instructed his department to do a minute and detailed examination into the expenditure on construction work at President J G Zuma’s private residence at Nkandla; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether his examination of such expenditure found that (a) each of the houses in the police barracks was costing in excess of R6 million and (b) this price was grossly inflated; if not, why not; if so, (3) has he (a) taken immediate steps to discover who was responsible for that and (b) thereupon taken appropriate legal action against the specified persons to institute charges and to recover state resources; if not, why not in each case; if so, what are the relevant details of the steps he has taken in keeping with his fiduciary and political responsibilities? NW3256E ______________________________________________________________________ REPLY: The Minister of Public Works (1)In October 2012, as the Minister of Public Works I ordered an investigation into the conduct and management of security upgrades implemented by the Department of Public Works (DPW) at the President’s residence in Nkandla, KwaZulu-Natal. The Task Team responsible for this investigation submitted their Report in January 2013 and made a number of recommendations that have a bearing on DPW. The Task Team, among other things, recommended that their report be referred to the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) for further investigation. As a result, the President issued Proclamation R59 of 2013 on 20 December 2013, to mandate the SIU to conduct an investigation into the affairs of the Department with respect to the security upgrades. (2)(a)The Task Team’s Report did not make reference to the cost of individual houses in the police barracks. However, the investigation found that that the total cost of the South African Police Service (SAPS) and Department of Defence (DOD) needs, which includes accommodation, the Clinic, Park Homes, Helipads, etc., amounted to approximately R125 000 000.00. The cost of R6 million per individual house is not the result of an official departmental cost apportionment, and the department is also not aware how this amount was arrived at. (2)(b)The finding was that the price for the mentioned items was probably inflated. (3)(a)Steps have been taken to determine who was responsible for the irregularities, including the costs. (3)(b)The officials who did not comply with Supply Chain Management (SCM) prescripts in the appointment of the contractors have been charged with misconduct and the disciplinary hearings are pending. The loss as a result of the over-design of the facilities/inflation of the price is claimed by the SIU from the architect, Mr. Minenhle Makhanya. The civil matter for the recovery is pending in the High Court.

2015-w2908 - 07 September 2015

Marshall Mzingisi Dlamini to ask the Minister of Public Works:

In light of the fact that the Government continues to spend billions of rands through leases and rentals to accommodate government departments and agencies, and considering that in 2013 a total of 930 000 transactions worth more than R90 billion were scrutinised and many of which were found to be not in line with the Public Finance Management Act, Act 1 of 1999, (a) what is the total number of fraud cases related to leases and rentals which included officials from government departments who were investigated by either his department or the SA Police Service between 2012 and 2015 and (b) how many of the specified cases found wrongdoing on the part of departmental officials? MINISTRY PUBLIC WORKS REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Department of Public Works l Central Government Offices l 256 Madiba Street l Pretoria l Contact: +27 (0)12 406 2034 l +27 (0)12 406 1224 Private Bag X9155 l CAPE TOWN, 8001 l RSA 4th Floor Parliament Building l 120 Plain Street l CAPE TOWN l Tel: +27 21 468 6900 Fax: +27 21 462 4592 www.publicworks.gov.za NATIONAL ASSEMBLY WRITTEN REPLY QUESTION NUMBER: 2908 [NW3404E] INTERNAL QUESTION PAPER: No. 30 of 2015 DATE OF PUBLICATION: 14 AUGUST 2015 DATE OF REPLY: 07 SEPTEMBER 2015 Mr M M Dlamini (EFF) asked the Minister of Public Works: In light of the fact that the Government continues to spend billions of rands through leases and rentals to accommodate government departments and agencies, and considering that in 2013 a total of 930 000 transactions worth more than R90 billion were scrutinised and many of which were found to be not in line with the Public Finance Management Act, Act 1 of 1999, (a) what is the total number of fraud cases related to leases and rentals which included officials from government departments who were investigated by either his department or the SA Police Service between 2012 and 2015 and (b) how many of the specified cases found wrongdoing on the part of departmental officials? NW3404E ________________________________________________________________________ REPLY: The Minister of Public Works (a) There are six fraud cases have been concluded relating to leases / rentals, where officials have been implicated, during the period in question. (b)In five of the cases wrongdoing was found on the part of Departmental officials.

2015-w3108 - 07 September 2015

Phumzile Thelma Van Damme to ask the Minister of Public Works:

(1) Who authorised the allocation of a state house to Mr Mac Maharaj from 1 January 2010 until 30 April 2015; (2) whether his department received a request from anyone to allocate a state house to the specified person; if not, how was the decision made to allocate the house; if so, (a) who made the request, (b) when was the request made and (c) on what grounds was the request made; (3) what was the total cost, including cleaning and other services, of providing the house to the specified person for the period he occupied it; (4) whether his department has a policy with regard to awarding state houses in the Bryntirion Estate in Pretoria to (a) persons who are not Ministers or Deputy Ministers and (b) special envoys; if not, why not; if so, what is the relevant policy; (5) whether his department requested the specified person to pay rent while occupying the state house; if not, why not; if so, what amount was (a) requested and (b) paid? MINISTRY PUBLIC WORKS REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Department of Public Works l Central Government Offices l 256 Madiba Street l Pretoria l Contact: +27 (0)12 406 2034 l +27 (0)12 406 1224 Private Bag X9155 l CAPE TOWN, 8001 l RSA 4th Floor Parliament Building l 120 Plain Street l CAPE TOWN l Tel: +27 21 468 6900 Fax: +27 21 462 4592 www.publicworks.gov.za NATIONAL ASSEMBLY WRITTEN REPLY QUESTION NUMBER: 3108 [NW3649E] INTERNAL QUESTION PAPER: No. 32 of 2015 DATE OF PUBLICATION: 21 AUGUST 2015 DATE OF REPLY: 07 SEPTEMBER 2015 Ms P T van Damme (DA) asked the Minister of Public Works: (1)Who authorised the allocation of a state house to Mr Mac Maharaj from 1 January 2010 until 30 April 2015; (2)whether his department received a request from anyone to allocate a state house to the specified person; if not, how was the decision made to allocate the house; if so, (a) who made the request, (b) when was the request made and (c) on what grounds was the request made; (3)what was the total cost, including cleaning and other services, of providing the house to the specified person for the period he occupied it; (4) whether his department has a policy with regard to awarding state houses in the Bryntirion Estate in Pretoria to (a) persons who are not Ministers or Deputy Ministers and (b) special envoys; if not, why not; if so, what is the relevant policy; (5)whether his department requested the specified person to pay rent while occupying the state house; if not, why not; if so, what amount was (a) requested and (b) paid? NW3649E REPLY: The Minister of Public Works (1) We could not find any official record in the Department of Public Works of who authorized the allocation of State-owned accommodation to Mr Mac Maharaj. (2)(a), (b) and (c) See the response to (1) above. (3) Services rendered at the Bryntirion Estate are centralised and costs are not recovered from individual occupants. (4) (a) and (b) State-owned accommodation at the Bryntirion Estate is not exclusively reserved for Ministers and Deputy Ministers. The Estate has different types of accommodation including houses and flats. Government officials are accommodated at the Estate as well. Following the introduction of the Turnaround Strategy in 2012 the Department has embarked on a process of further refining the Prestige policy, which includes the allocation and occupation State-owned accommodation. (5) (a) and (b) See response to (1) above. _______________________________________________________________________
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