2023-w1976 - 19 June 2023

Thembi Portia Msane to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

What intervening steps have been taken with regard to state and/or municipal lodges and resorts in the (a) Metsimaholo Local Municipality and (b) Maluti-a-Phofung Local Municipality that are left to further deteriorate while not generating any income?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on 19 Jun 2023

The NDPWI does not own or manage any state and/or municipal lodges or resorts in the following local municipalities:

(a) Metsimaholo Local Municipality; and

(b) Maluti-a-Phofung Local Municipality.

NATIONAL ASSEMBLY: QUESTION NO. 1976 (Written Reply) Mrs. T P Msane (EFF) asked the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure:

The draft reply to Parliamentary Question No. 1976 (Written Reply) is submitted for ...

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2023-w1831 - 05 June 2023

Cheryl Phillips to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

(1)Whether, with reference to the former minister’s reply to question 68 on 24 February 2023, wherein she confirmed that the department had informed her that the security companies engaged at Knoflokskraal had fulfilled their brief (details furnished), he will furnish Mrs C Phillips with the relevant details regarding the total number of (a) completed structures on the relevant properties when a certain security company (name furnished) took over on 29 September 2022, (b) half-completed structures demolished and/or removed by the specified company when they took over on the specified date and (c) completed structures on the relevant properties when the contract of the company expired on 29 October 2022; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether he will furnish Mrs C Phillips with the relevant details regarding the total number of (a) completed structures on the relevant properties when a different security company took over on 29 October 2022, (b) half-completed structures demolished and/or removed by the specified company when they took over on the specified date and (c) completed structures on the relevant properties when the contract of the company expired on 29 November 2022; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on 5 Jun 2023

The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure:


(a) The number of completed structures were not recorded on 29 September 2022. However, they were recorded during a count carried out by the Sheriff of the Court in August 2022 as 4880.

(b) No further demolitions were carried since February 2022.

(c) The number of structures were not recorded at the end of the ...

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2023-w1706 - 05 June 2023

Karabo Lerato Khakhau to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

Whether he will furnish Ms K L Khakhau with a comprehensive breakdown of the procurement allocation of (a) his department and (b) every entity reporting to him in terms of the percentages allocated to (i) small-, medium- and micro-enterprises,, (ii) cooperatives, (iii) township enterprises and (iv) rural enterprises with a view to evaluating the effectiveness of the set-aside policy of the Government in fostering an inclusive and diverse economic landscape (details furnished) in the (aa) 2021-22 financial year and (bb) since 1 April 2023?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on 5 Jun 2023

a) The Department of Public Works and Infrastructure (DPWI) awarded tenders in terms of the Preferential Procurement Regulations (PPR), 2017 to designated groups in terms of percentages to:

(i) Small -, Medium- and Micro-enterprises for:

(aa) 2021-22 Financial Year as per the table below:




% Awarded Count to the Designated Group

% ...

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2023-w1843 - 05 June 2023

Samantha Jane Graham to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

(1) With regard to the Independent Development Trust (IDT), what total number of personnel have been seconded from private organisations in the past three years; (2) whether any of the specified personnel have been appointed full-time at the IDT following the secondment; if not, what are the relevant details of the period of their secondments; if so, what are the relevant details of the appointment processes that were followed; (3) what total number of former project managers from the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa have been appointed at the IDT; (4) whether proper appointment processes were followed regarding the specified project managers; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? NW2094E

Reply from the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on 5 Jun 2023

1. Four (4) people were seconded from private organisations in the past three years.

2.Two (2) of the personnel were each appointed on five-year contracts, following the IDT recruitment processes.

With regard to the 2 other personnel that were not appointed:

(a) the secondment period for one was for eight (8) months (01 April 2022- 30 November 2023) and

(b) the other was seconded ...

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2023-w1887 - 05 June 2023

Sanele Sethembeni Zondo to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

(1)Whether his department will encourage the implementation across all provinces of initiatives such as the Cleaning and Greening Expanded Public Works Programme in Gauteng, which resulted in the creation of 6000 temporary work opportunities; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether the temporary opportunities targeted at the youth are due to the upcoming elections in 2024; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on 5 Jun 2023

The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure:

1. As one of the Lead Sector Departments of the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP), the Department of Fisheries, Forestry and the Environmental Affairs (DFFE) is entrusted with a crucial legislative mandate to ensure all citizens within the Republic of South Africa live in a clean and healthy environment and use its resources in a sustainable ...

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2023-w1314 - 05 June 2023

Annacleta Mathapelo Siwisa to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

(1)(a) How far is the process of procuring own material that will be utilised during State funerals in order to avoid acquiring the services of external service providers, (b) what items have been purchased so far and (c) what amount did the specified items cost; (2) whether the procurement process has started yet, if not, (a) what are the reasons for the delay and (b) by what date will the matter be resolved; if so, what are the relevant details? NW1479E

Reply from the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on 5 Jun 2023


The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

(a) The process started last year (2022) however due to challenges with bid committee sitting the tender lapsed. The process will be started this current financial 2023/2024

(b) The items that have been procured already are the following:

(i) Chairs;

(ii) Tables;

(iii) Sound system;

(iv) Air conditioning;

(v) Mobile toilets;

(c) R1 629 388.82

(a) The procurement ...

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2023-w1182 - 22 May 2023

Annacleta Mathapelo Siwisa to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

What is the total number of buildings that his department has identified as suitable to be converted into student accommodation since the last report of property that was handed over to the Department of Higher Education, Science and Innovation?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on 22 May 2023

The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

The Department identified several properties and vacant land parcels located around the universities in nine (9) out the eleven (11) Regions and a total of 68 properties were identified. The lists of properties were shared with DHET and site visits were conducted in some properties for assessments and verification.

Below is the summary of identified properties ...

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2023-w1465 - 15 May 2023

Naledi Nokukhanya Chirwa to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

Considering reports that a bid rigging had occurred regarding the leasing of the Department of Health headquarters to the tune of R480+ million, (a) what are the full, relevant details of the situation, (b) which parties were involved and (c) what current (i) internal and (ii) external investigation and/or legal processes are underway?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on 15 May 2023

The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

a) The Department of Public Works and Infrastructure (DPWI) Supply Chain Unit is not aware of “reports” of bid rigging in the awarding of the lease and as such, cannot provide any specific details in this regard. The DPWI can however confirm that tender PT19/008 was advertised in the open market and closed on 6 August 2019 ...

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2023-w1163 - 15 May 2023

Thembi Portia Msane to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

Whether her department has lodges and guesthouses that are administered by municipalities; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what (a) is the total number of (i) lodges and (ii) guesthouses (aa) that are administered by municipalities and (bb) have been leased out to private entities and (b) amount is each municipality generating from each specified property leased out?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on 15 May 2023

The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

According to the records of the National Department of Public Works and Infrastructure, the DPWI has no lodges or guest houses under its custodianship being administered by any municipalities.

a) N/A

b) N/A

c) N/A

d) N/A


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2023-w766 - 15 May 2023

Samantha Jane Graham to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

(1)Whether the forensic report on the incident of fire that gutted Parliament’s buildings has been completed according to the deadline of 28 February 2023; if not, what is the amended date of completion; if so, (2) whether he will furnish Ms S J Graham with a copy of the report; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? NW865E

Reply from the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on 15 May 2023

The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

  1. The forensic investigation on the incident of fire that gutted Parliament was conducted by the law enforcement agencies and not by DPWI. The DPWI conducted an investigation on the extent of the damages and the costs of restoring Parliament.
  2. DPWI does not have a copy of the forensic investigation as this was conducted by the law enforcement ...
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