2022-w2182 - 14 June 2022

Samantha Jane Graham to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

(1)(a) How often does her department audit the occupancy of the houses occupied by sessional workers at the parliamentary villages and (b) what is the period of occupation for sessional workers; (2) whether she has been informed of the allegations that sessional workers do not reside in their allocated houses, but are renting them out instead; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether her department is prepared to do a full audit to confirm that the houses allocated to (a) Members of Parliament, (b) staff and (c) sessional workers are primarily occupied by the individuals to whom they have been allocated; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on 14 Jun 2022

The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure:


(a) I have been informed that the Department conducts annual occupancy audits of the Parliamentary Villages after all designation letters of sessional officials have been received from client Departments;

(b) Sessional officials are appointed on a yearly basis for a Parliamentary year.

(2) Yes, I received a complaint from the Minister of Tourism of six ...

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2022-w1772 - 14 June 2022

Samantha Jane Graham to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

Whether, with reference to her reply to question 683 on 19 March 2021, wherein she detailed a list of private security costs for each property of her department, which included a number of vacant properties, she will provide Ms S J Graham with a list of the total number of (a) all the current vacant properties owned by her department, (b) length of time that each property has been vacant, (c) purpose of each vacant property, (d) the date when each vacant property would be used and (e) total costs incurred, including security of each vacant property for the 2022-23 financial year; if not, why not in each case; if so, what are the further, relevant details in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on 14 Jun 2022

The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure:

I have been informed by the Department that:

a) There is a total of 3742 vacant properties owned by the Department;

b) The properties have been vacant for between two and 10 years;

c) The properties are unutilised;

d) The Department is currently conducting feasibility studies to determine the highest and best use of each property. ...

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2022-w1136 - 09 June 2022

Samantha Jane Graham to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

Whether all the treatment plans have been drafted to address the 30 findings in the Binder Dijker Otte report titled Review of Parliament’s Prestige Construction Projects; if not, (a) which plans are still outstanding and (b) what are the reasons that the plans have not been finalised; if so, what are the details of (i) each plan and (ii) the progress that has been made on the implementation of each treatment plan? W1388E

Reply from the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on 9 Jun 2022

The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

I have been informed by the Department that all treatment plans have been drafted to address the 30 findings in the BDO report

(a) There is no outstanding treatment plan

(b) Not Applicable.

(i) See the attached Annexure

(ii) See the attached Annexure

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2022-w2180 - 09 June 2022

Samantha Jane Graham to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

(1)With reference to the recent advertisement for a Chief Executive Officer for the Construction Industry Development Board, what are the reasons that the (a) grading for the position is now reflected as E-Upper, and not E5 as the 2017 advertisement for the same position and (b) educational requirements are now only a relevant degree at National Qualifications Framework 8 which is equivalent to an honours degree, with a Master’s degree an advantage, when the earlier requirements were for a postgraduate degree and a Master of Business Administration or Master of Business Leadership qualification as a prerequisite; (2) what is the motivation for reducing the work experience requirement from 15 years to 10 years; (3) what are the reasons that the requirement for experience at Executive or Senior level has been reduced in its entirety to five years, where at least 10 years at Senior level, with five years at Executive level, was a prior requirement; (4) whether any of the applicants have met the higher level of requirements; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, were any of the applicants (a) shortlisted and (b) interviewed; (5) whether the appointed individual met only the lower requirements or exceeded them; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on 9 Jun 2022

The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure:

I have been informed by the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) as follows:


(a) In 2020, CIDB went through an Organisational Design (OD) led by an independent service provider. The OD looked at restructuring the organogram, salary structure, and job grades. As a result, the job grades were reduced from 24 to 16 levels. This ...

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2022-w2113 - 09 June 2022

Samantha Jane Graham to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

(1)As the Commissioning Principal of the Binder Dijker Otte audit investigation on the Review of Parliament Prestige Construction Projects Performance, what is her official position or stance with regard to the terms of reference of the investigation; (2) whether she had been advised of the timelines of the agreement; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, does she and/or her department agree with the timelines of the agreement; (3) whether the specified company was able to meet the agreed timelines and deliver on the agreed deliverables timeously; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on 9 Jun 2022

The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure:

(1) I commissioned the report after a meeting with the Presiding Officers of the National Assembly and the National Council of Provinces on 07 October 2019. This followed a complaint by the Presiding Officers about the time, quality and budget overrun of the Prestige projects in Parliament. The terms of reference were developed between the Department ...

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2022-w2025 - 09 June 2022

Babalwa Mathulelwa to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

On what date is it envisaged that land will be made available to the taxi industry to build taxi ranks, particularly for the (a) Uncedo Service Taxi Association and (b) Border Alliance Taxi Association in (i) Matatiele, (ii) Mount Fletcher, (iii) Maclear and (iv) Umtata?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on 9 Jun 2022

The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure:

a) I’ve been informed by the Department that DPWI does not have any state property that could be made available to the taxi industry in:

  1. Matatiele;
  2. Mount Fletcher;
  3. Maclear; and
  4. Mthata

As a result, the Department rents from private landlords for our clients.

However, in Mthata, the Department has the following state properties that are to ...

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2022-w2147 - 09 June 2022

Veronica Van Dyk to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

(1)With reference to the reply of the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture to question 299 on 19 March 2021, which indicates that she has been appointed as the custodian of the immovable assets which vested within the national sphere of government and is thus the caretaker of the state-owned building Iziko Old Townhouse (IOTH) in terms of the Government Immovable Asset Management Act, Act 19 of 2007 (details furnished), (a) on what date will the (i) electrical and other problems of the Old Town House be fixed and (ii) building be reopened to the public, (b) who is the person responsible for maintenance of the specified house and (c) what has she found to be the reasons that the maintenance of the IOTH has not been done; (2) whether there is a timeline for the completion of the upgrading; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on 9 Jun 2022

The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure:

(1) a)

(i) I have been informed by the Department that the following repairs are funded by the Department of Sport Arts and Culture:

Phase 1: Repair and maintenance was completed by 30 March 2022 and this was the external painting of the entire building & boundary wall including repairs of the ceiling that collapsed, ...

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2022-w2181 - 09 June 2022

Samantha Jane Graham to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

(1)Whether a decision has been taken to sell the building which houses the offices of the Independent Development Trust National Head Office and Gauteng branch in Tshwane; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, for what reason has the decision been taken; (2) whether a tender for the sale of the building has been advertised; if not, why not; if so, has the tender been adjudicated on and (b) what are the details (i) of the sale and/or purchase price and (ii) reflecting the stage at which the process is; (3) whether a new building has been identified to house the staff from the National Head Office and the Gauteng office; if not, what progress has been made in this regard; if so, what is the (a) monthly rental, (b) cost per square metre and (c) date of relocation?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on 9 Jun 2022

The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

1. I have been informed by the Department that the Board of Trustees of the IDT resolved to sell the National Head Office building in the Board of Trustees meeting held on 23 February 2022.

  • The Board resolved to sell the building as there are latent structural defects and electrical issues with the building that will be ...
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2022-w1451 - 20 May 2022

Benedicta Maria Van Minnen to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

(1)Whether, with reference to her reply to question 134 on 11 March 2022, wherein she claims that Erf 9270 was boarded up but this is not the case as the house is still standing open to the elements with no doors, no roof and no windows, thus allowing free access and ongoing damage, (a) this will be rectified and (b) her department will take responsibility for managing the property as it is a hot spot for vandalism and anti-social behaviour in the area; if not, why not in each case; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; (2) what (a)(i) approvals and (ii) relevant authorities are still outstanding, (b) is the timeline for this process, (c) is the status of the subdivision application and (d) is the proposed timeline?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on 20 May 2022

The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure:


(a) I have been informed by the Department that the entrances to the property were previously boarded up. However, vandals have since removed the boards at the entrances and regained access. Subsequently, on 1 May 2022 the Department’s Security Division conducted a site visit, during which it was established that is not feasible to brick ...

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2022-w1016 - 19 May 2022

Sanele Sethembeni Zondo to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

(1)What (a) number of government properties are leased to third parties and (b)(i) departments have currently hired private facilities to house offices for the Executive and (ii) are the reasons that the departments have hired the specified private facilities; (2) whether she has considered utilising existing government buildings to house offices for departments; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? (2) whether she has considered utilising existing government buildings to house offices for departments; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on 19 May 2022

The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure


(a) I have been informed by the Department that it is currently leasing out about 1288 state-owned properties.


(i) There is no department that has hired a private facility for an Executive.

(ii)Not applicable

2. The primary mandate of the Department is to provide functional state-owned accommodation to various User Departments. The Department at the ...

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