2023-w1927 - 18 July 2023

Annacleta Mathapelo Siwisa to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

(a) On what date will renovations at the Qalakabusha Correctional Centre begin, since the specified facility was hit by a storm a month ago causing severe damages and (b) what time frames have been put in place in this regard? NW2187E

Reply from the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on 18 Jul 2023

The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure:

a) Following the storm that affected the Qalakabusha Correctional Centre on the 3 April 2023, the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure (DPWI) Facility Management and Professional Services teams visited the site on the 4 April 2023 to prepare an assessment report on the damages that occurred. The details of the report revealed that the scope ...

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2023-w2151 - 18 July 2023

Sanele Sethembeni Zondo to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

Noting that his department has recently processed 27 requests from Eskom for the expropriation of private land parcels which are expected to enable the construction of transmission power lines in Limpopo, what total number of other similar requests will be processed between 2023 and 2025?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on 18 Jul 2023


The draft reply to Parliamentary Question No. 2151 (Written Reply) is submitted for your consideration.

The input has been provided by the Policy, Research and Regulations Business Unit.

I hereby attest that the information provided in response to NA PQ 2151 is true and correct to the best of my ...

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2023-w2410 - 18 July 2023

Annacleta Mathapelo Siwisa to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

What total number of properties that are under the custody of his department (a) have been handed over to municipalities since the beginning of the 6th Parliament and (b) are being utilised by his department to house sister departments? NW2750

Reply from the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on 18 Jul 2023


The draft reply to Parliamentary Question No. 2410 (Written Reply) is submitted for your consideration.

The input has been provided by the Real Estate Management Services Business Unit.

I hereby attest that the information provided in response to NA PQ 2410 is true and correct to the best of my ...

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2023-w1735 - 18 July 2023

Sanele Sethembeni Zondo to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

(1) Whether, considering the R500 million that has been allocated for the refurbishment of 13 harbours in the Western Cape and the fact that many government projects get hijacked by corruption, his department has put in place any new and/or different strategies to ensure that the money truly benefits the persons for whom it is intended to benefit; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details of the strategies; (2) what are the (a) timelines and (b) further relevant details of the project? NW1978E

Reply from the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on 18 Jul 2023

1. The Department of Public Works and Infrastructure has already completed the R500 million refurbishment programme to the 13 Proclaimed Fishing Harbours in the Western Cape and has ensured local beneficiation as elaborated under question (2b).

2. (a) The timeline of the refurbishment programme commenced in April 2016 and was completed in March 2023.

(b) The Department through the refurbishment programme to the 13 ...

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2023-w2089 - 18 July 2023

Sanele Sethembeni Zondo to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

(a) What total amount does it cost his department to fumigate one ministerial home over a period of three months as part of the R93 million set aside for the maintenance of Cabinet members’ residences for a period of four years, (b) what is the projected total cost to fumigate all the houses of Ministers and (c) how sustainable is the cost over a 10 year period considering that the Republic is faced with other pressing issues which need financial investment, such as load shedding and crime? NW2364E

Reply from the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on 18 Jul 2023


(a) The total cost amount to fumigate one ministerial home is R1 600.00 over a term of 6 months and R12 800.00 over period of 4 four years

(b) The projected costs to fumigate all the houses of Ministers is: R 233 600 over a one year period,

(c) The cost is considered sustainable and cost effective compared to the marked ...

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2023-w1508 - 18 July 2023

Samantha Jane Graham to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

What progress has been made to date with implementing the necessary repairs to the roof of the Potchefstroom Magistrate’s Court that partially collapsed in September 2022? NW1751E

Reply from the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on 18 Jul 2023


The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

The Department received the Engineers report for the reconstruction of the collapsed roof. The new construction of the roof was not on the initial scope of work for the Repairs and Renovations project that is currently underway in Potchefstroom Magistrate’s Court.

The Department invited quotations from roof specialists for the construction of the roof and the ...

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2023-w2246 - 18 July 2023

Annacleta Mathapelo Siwisa to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

Out of the 165 sites identified by his department for construction, what total number of the specified sites has been put aside for the purpose of industrialisation to establish factories that would boost the employment rate, especially in the area of Umhlabuyalingana in KwaZulu-Natal where there are high possibilities of business opportunities?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on 18 Jul 2023


The draft reply to Parliamentary Question No. 2246 (Written Reply) is submitted for your consideration.

The input has been consolidated by the Inter-Governmental Relations Business Unit.

I hereby attest that the information provided in response to NA PQ 2246 is true and correct, as informed.



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2023-w1659 - 18 July 2023

Samantha Jane Graham to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

(1) What is the purpose of the Old Magistrate’s House in Underberg, KwaZulu-Natal; (2) whether the specified building is currently in use; if not, why not; if so, by what date will it be in use again; (3) whether regular maintenance is taking place at the building; if not, why not; if so, what are the full, relevant details of such maintenance; (4) whether the building has any debt with the municipality; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (5) (a) what is the total cost of maintenance of the building to his department in each of the past five years, (b) who is the most senior official stationed at the site and (c) what total number of employees are stationed at the building? NW1900E

Reply from the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on 18 Jul 2023

NDPWI Regional team visited the property on the 18/05/2023 to do a physical verification of the property in question which is situated in 39 Arbuckle Street in Himeville under The Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma Local Municipality. The findings of the property are as follows:

  1. The property was allocated to the Department of Justice (DOJ) for the provision of residential accommodation for the then appointed ...
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2023-w1644 - 18 July 2023

Cheryl Phillips to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

(1) Whether, with reference to the former minister’s reply to question 68 on 24 February 2023, wherein she confirmed that the department had informed her that the security companies engaged at Knoflokskraal had fulfilled their brief (details furnished), he will furnish Mrs C Phillips with the relevant details regarding the total number of (a) completed structures on the relevant properties when a certain security company (name furnished) took over on 15 April 2021, (b) half-completed structures demolished and/or removed by the specified company when they took over on the specified date and (c) completed structures on the relevant properties when the contract of the company expired on 15 May 2021; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether he will furnish Mrs C Phillips with the relevant details regarding the total number of (a) completed structures on the relevant properties when a different security company (name furnished) took over on 1 June 2021, (b) half-completed structures demolished and/or removed by the specified company when they took over on the specified date and (c) completed structures on the relevant properties when the contract of the company expired on 30 November 2021; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? NW1885E

Reply from the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on 18 Jul 2023

The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure:

(a) The number of completed structures were not recorded on 15 April 2021. However they were recorded during an operation carried out by the Sheriff of the court in May 2021 as 382.

(b) The number of demolished structures as at May 2021 was recorded as 100.

(c) The number of structures were not recorder at ...

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2023-w2245 - 17 July 2023

Annacleta Mathapelo Siwisa to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

With reference to his announcement during his Budget Vote speech on 23 May 2023, (a) which small-, medium- and micro-enterprises (SMMEs) have been assisted by his department, (b) where are the SMMEs located and (c) what assistance did his department provide to the SMMEs?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on 17 Jul 2023

The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure:

a) In the 2022/23 financial year, the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure (DPWI) through the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) branch has supported a total of 271 small-, medium- and micro-enterprises (SMMEs) or enterprises. Below is a breakdown of the type of the enterprises supported:

    1. 93 Private Companies
    2. 73 cooperatives
    3. 11 Non-Profit Organisations (NPO) or ...
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