2017-w2832 - 16 October 2017

Ken Peter Robertson to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

What is the current status of the Kamgadzeni Community Land Claim, gazetted as number 30183/2007, in Kiepersol, Hazyview in Mpumalanga?

Reply from the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform on 16 Oct 2017

The original community land claim was withdrawn after having discovered that a family land claim form was converted into a community land claim. The gazette notice was also degazetted, and the family land claim was re-investigated. The community was advised to lodge a new community land claim through the 2014 re-opening process, of which was done. The current community land claim is dormant due ...

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2017-w2612 - 16 October 2017

Deidre Carter to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

Whether a socio-economic impact assessment has been undertaken with regard to the Regulation of Agricultural Landholdings Bill; if not, why not; if so, where is the report accessible?

Reply from the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform on 16 Oct 2017


The report is still with the Office of the State Law Advisor. It will be attached to the Bill when it is submitted to Parliament at the beginning of November, 2017.

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2017-w2961 - 16 October 2017

Ken Peter Robertson to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

(1) What amount did his department budget to purchase the 3 000 hectare Zilverkop Game Farm property in Badplaas in the Chief Albert Luthuli Local Municipality in Mpumalanga; (2) whether the Valuer-General assessed the value of the specified property; if so, what is the (a) price per hectare and (b) total value of the property; (3) whether the specified property will be zoned to be used for agriculture once the sale is finalised; if not, what will the property be zoned for; if so, (a) which community will benefit from the agricultural activities on the specified property and (b) how will the specified community benefit?

Reply from the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform on 16 Oct 2017

(1) The property is still undergoing valuation by the office of the Valuer General through the appointed service provider Mahony & Schnetler Valuers.

(2) In progress.

(a),(b) Falls away.

(3) The land will be transferred to the Shongwe and Gwebu families and the land will be held by a Communal Property Association of their choice, which will determine the use of land.

(a),(b) Falls ...

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2017-w2792 - 11 October 2017

Ngwanamakwetle Reneiloe Mashabela to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

With reference to his reply to question 1610 on 31 July 2017, how many hectares of land were transferred to black persons between 1994 and 2016 through settlement?

2017-w2388 - 03 October 2017

Annette Steyn to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

With reference to his reply to question 1268 on 10 July 2017, (a) how much land for redistribution purposes has his department acquired in each province since the inception of his department’s land restitution programme in 1995, (b) what is the name of each programme through which his department acquired the specified land, (c) how much did each piece of land cost and (d) how much of this land has been transferred to beneficiaries in terms of the (i) number of projects and (ii) hectares in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform on 3 Oct 2017
























3 428 709

(b) Restitution

( c)




55 007 350.29


80 189 402.95


107 796 273.57


7 005 455 262.58


4 ...

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2017-w2833 - 03 October 2017

Ken Peter Robertson to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

Whether the R42 million spent on the National Rural Youth Service Corps (NARYSEC) as indicated in his department’s 2017-18 First Quarter Expenditure Report was spent on student stipends; if not, what was the money spent on; if so, (a) how many students are currently registered with NARYSEC programmes, (b) how many of the specified students received a stipend in each province and (c) how much funding did each student receive in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform on 3 Oct 2017

Yes. However it should be noted that the amount specified was not spent on paying monthly stipend to participants only. The expenditure included payment of tuition fees to various TVET Colleges, meals and transport costs.

 a) 4765 youth registered as at 31 August 2017.

 b) 4765.

 c) Please refer to the table below.






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2017-w2607 - 26 September 2017

Petrus Johannes Groenewald to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

(1) When the land audit, which according to him is in Cabinet possession, will be made public; (2) why is there a delay regarding the publication of the land audit; (3) whether he will make a statement about the matter?

Reply from the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform on 26 Sep 2017

1. The estimated date after the cabinet process is 31Octo 2017

2. The report was considered by Cabinet in June and was returned to the Department for the development of definitive proposal.

2. No.

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2017-w2587 - 26 September 2017

Ngwanamakwetle Reneiloe Mashabela to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

When are the application dates (a) opening and (b) closing for the board positions of all entities and councils reporting to him?

Reply from the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform on 26 Sep 2017

(a),(b) There are no applications for boards/councils .Members are appointed by the Minister

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2017-w2643 - 26 September 2017

Ken Peter Robertson to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

(1) Whether his department’s phase two land audit report was presented to Cabinet by the end of June 2017; if not, by what date will it be presented to Cabinet; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) what are the full details of his department’s phase two land audit initiative; (3) whether he will furnish Mr K P Robertson with a copy of the phase two land audit report; if not, why not; if so, by what date?

Reply from the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform on 26 Sep 2017

1. Yes. However the report was returned to the Department for development of definitive proposals.

2. Details of the report will be made available as soon as approved by Cabinet.

3. Yes. The report will be brought to Parliament as soon as approved by cabinet.

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2017-w1895 - 26 September 2017

Ngwanamakwetle Reneiloe Mashabela to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

Whether (a) his department and (b) each entity reporting to him appointed transaction advisors for tenders in the period 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2016; if so, (i) who were the transaction advisors that were appointed for the tenders, (ii) for which tenders were they appointed, (iii) what was the pricing for the tenders in question and (iv) what amount were the transaction advisors paid?

Reply from the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform on 26 Sep 2017

Department / Entity



Name of transaction advisors


Tenders appointed for


Pricing for tenders


Amount paid to transaction advisors from 01 Jan 2012 to 31 Dec 2016


2004 to date

SPP Project Solutions Pty (Ltd)

Appointment of transactional advisor for the procurement of a suitable and sustainable services working environment (new head office) through a public ...

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