2017-w1266 - 05 June 2017

Annette Steyn to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

Whether the Office of the Valuer-General was involved in any of the transactions involving the (a) acquisition and (b) transfer of land undertaken by his department since the Valuer-General’s appointment; if not, why not; if so, (i) what are the relevant details of the transactions and (ii) in each case, (aa) what were the values of the transactions and (bb) to what extent were these values (aaa) less or (bbb) more than the estimated market value of the property?

Reply from the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform on 5 Jun 2017


a) Yes

b) Yes

Response to (i), (ii), (aa), (aaa) (bbb) on table below.






R 116,866,011.00

R 98,264,000.00

R 18,602,011.00


R 218,457,051.64

R 176,651,900.00

R 41,805,151.64


R 250,376,449.00

R 226,205,265.96

R 24,171,183.04


R 585,699,511.64

R 501,121,165.96

R 84,578,345.68

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2017-w1232 - 05 June 2017

Marius Helenis Redelinghuys to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

Whether (a) his department and (b) each entity reporting to him has (i) procured any services from and/or (ii) made any payments to the Decolonisation Foundation; if not, in each case, what is the position in this regard; if so, what (aa) services were procured, (bb) were the total costs, (cc) is the detailed breakdown of the costs, (dd) was the total amount paid, (ee) was the purpose of the payments and (ff) is the detailed breakdown of the payments in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform on 5 Jun 2017

(a),(b)(i),(ii) No.

(aa),(bb),(cc),(dd),(ee),(ff) Falls away.

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2017-w1049 - 05 June 2017

Annette Steyn to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

With reference to his reply to question 604 on the 24 April 2017, (a) what was the cost of each borehole (i) drilled per meter, (ii) refurbished and (iii) equipped, (b) what type of (i) pump and (ii) equipment was installed and in each case and (c)(i) who was responsible for the maintenance and (ii) at what cost?

Reply from the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform on 5 Jun 2017

(a) (i) Please refer to Annexure A.

(ii) Only 1 (one) borehole was refurbished at a cost of R 58 129.98. All other boreholes were drilled and equipped, as per annexure A.

(iii) Please refer to Annexure A.

(b) (i),(ii) Please refer to the Annexure A.

(c) (i) There were no service providers appointed for maintenance of boreholes. Boreholes were on completion ...

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2017-w973 - 22 May 2017

Annette Steyn to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

Whether a regulatory impact assessment on the proposed Regulation of Agricultural Land Holdings Bill has been done; if not, why not; if so, what was the outcome?

Reply from the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform on 22 May 2017

This information will be made available to Parliament when the Bill is introduced.

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2017-w1068 - 22 May 2017

Thandeka Moloko Mbabama to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

(a) How many hectares of land have been returned to (i) traditional councils and/or (ii) communal property associations since 27 April 1994 in each (aa) province and/or (bb) district and (b) what are the names of the specified (i) trusts and/or (ii) communal property associations?

Reply from the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform on 22 May 2017

(i) (ii)

(aa) (bb) (b) (i) Attached as Annexure A

(ii) Attached as Annexure B

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2017-w1067 - 22 May 2017

Thandeka Moloko Mbabama to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

(a) What number of applications has his department (i) received and/or (ii) processed in each (aa) province and/or (bb) district for the registration of Communal Property Associations and (b) in each case, (i) how many of the applications have been (aa) accepted or (bb) rejected and (ii) what are the reasons in this regard?

Reply from the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform on 22 May 2017

(a) (i),(ii) The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform received and processed 47 applications for the registration of Communal Property Associations from the 2016-17 financial year to date.

(aa),(bb) Breakdown per province appears below:

  • Eastern Cape : 6 applications approved
  • Free State : 1 application approved
  • KwaZulu-Natal : 5 applications approved
  • Limpopo : 1 application approved
  • Mpumalanga : 15 applications approved
  • Northern Cape ...
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2017-w604 - 24 April 2017

Patrick George Atkinson to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

With reference to his reply to question 2367 on 25 November 2016, (a) what is the total number of boreholes that his department (i) drilled and/or installed, (ii) refurbished and/or (iii) equipped, (b) what were the total costs, (c) from which departmental (sub) programme was the expenditure funded, (d) to which companies were contracts related to the specified borehole activities awarded and (e) what is the location of the boreholes?

Reply from the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform on 24 Apr 2017


(i) 113 boreholes were drilled

(ii) 1 borehole was refurbished (drilling was also required)

(iii) All 113 boreholes driled were equipped

(b) The total cost was R35,7 million

(c) The Animal and Veld Management Programme funded the boreholes under the Rural Infrastructure Development Branch

(d) (e) Please refer to the table below. The Hon. Member should please contact me if he ...

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2017-w876 - 24 April 2017

Shahid Esau to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

Has he found that regulations and/or reference conveyance laws were transgressed when Farm 87 Portion 230 Driefontein was purchased by the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality in 2016 for a price of R 12,1 million; if so, what are the relevant details of all transgressions?

Reply from the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform on 24 Apr 2017

In the registration of transfer of Portion 230 (portion of portion 1) of the Farm Driefontein to the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality, there was no transgression of any regulation or conveyancing laws. The simultaneous registration of transfers in favour of successive purchasers is permissible in terms of section 96 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937 (Act No. 47 of 1937). However, if the honourable member ...

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2017-w887 - 24 April 2017

Hendrik Christiaan Crafford Krüger to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

What is the status of the land transfer applications required for the Integrated Development Plan preparations in the Theewaterskloof Local Municipality for (a) Portion 1 of farm 292, (b) Portion 4 of farm Soopjesvlakte 301, (c) Portion 6 of farm 313 Hillside, (d) erf 4237 Slangpark, (e) Portion 11 of farm 295, (f) Lebanon, (g) Nuweberg, (h) erf 4233, (i) Remainder Portion of farm 95 and (j) Portion 6 of farm 287?

Reply from the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform on 24 Apr 2017

(a) The property description ‘Portion 1 of farm 292 is an incomplete property description in that it lacks the necessary reference to an administrative district; this defect renders it not possible to identify the property concerned. In the absence of a complete property description, it is not possible to trace the status from the Deeds Office Tracking System.

(b) The property description ‘Portion ...

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2017-w877 - 24 April 2017

Archibold Mzuvukile Figlan to ask the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform

With regard to the transfer of Farm 87 Portion 230 Driefontein in the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality, what are the reasons that the specified land was transferred twice in one day, initially (i) from a certain company (name and details furnished) to a certain company (name and details furnished) and then (ii) from a certain company (name furnished) to the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (details furnished) for a value of R12,1 million and (b) who was/were the person(s) at the Deeds Office who processed the specified transfers; (2) (a) what are the names of the transferring attorneys in this regard and (b) which other state-owned land transactions have the specified attorneys been involved in?

Reply from the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform on 24 Apr 2017

1. (i),(ii) Section 96 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937 (Act No. 47 of 1937) recognises the execution of deeds by prospective owners. Thus, if A purchases land from B and A sells the same land to C before transfer is registered in A’s name, it is perfectly legal to register transfer from B to A and from A to C simultaneously. The ...

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