2016-w381 - 18 March 2016

Lungiswa Veronica James to ask the Minister of Science and Technology

With reference to President Jacob Zuma’s undertaking in his State of the Nation Address delivered on 12 February 2015, that Government will set aside 30% of appropriate categories of state procurement for purchasing from Small, Medium and Micro – sized Enterprises (SMMEs), co operatives, as well as township and rural enterprises, what percentage of total procurement of (a) her department and (b) every entity reporting to her went to (i) SMMEs and (ii) co-operatives from 1 April 2015 up to the latest specified date for which information is available.

2016-w456 - 14 March 2016

Annelie Lotriet to ask the Minister of Science and Technology

1)Whether there is a project manager at the Nkowankowa Demonstration Centre (NDC)(Wolkberg Fruit Processors); if not, why not, is (who is the person and (b) when was the person appointed; 2) Whether the project manager of the NDC is being investigated; if so, (a) what is the focus of the investigation, (b) when will the investigation be concluded and (c) will a report be made available; 3) Whether there have been any civil cases involving the NDC since its inception, if so (a) what did they involve, (b) what was the outcome in each case and (c) did it have any financial implications for the NDC, if so, what are the relevant details?

2016-w97 - 14 March 2016

Yusuf Cassim to ask the Minister of Science and Technology

Whether she has entered into a performance agreement with the President Jacob G Zuma, with regard to the implementation of the Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) 2014- 2019; if not why not; if so (a) which indicators and targets from the MTSF are reflected in the agreement, (b) how many performance assessments has she undertaken in consultation with the President since the agreement was signed; (c) what progress has been made in meeting the key indicators and targets form the MTSF, (d) what are the key obstacles to implementation and (e) what is the plan to address such obstacles?

2016-w457 - 14 March 2016

Annelie Lotriet to ask the Minister of Science and Technology

(a)Whether her (a) office and/or (b) department received a letter from certain company (Greville Wood development); if so, has a formal response indicating her department's position on the proposal been sent to the specified company; if not, (i) why not and (ii) when will the specified response be sent; if so, (aa) on what date was such a response sent and (bb) what are the further relevant details?

NW769E - 11 March 2016

Lotriet to ask the Minister of Science and Technology

(1) Whether the status of the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) has been clarified in terms of the type of entity it is for auditing purposes; if not, why not; if so, what is the status of the ASSAf; (2) whether the required supply chain management policies and procedures have been put in place by the ASSAf management; if not, (a) why not and (b) by what date will it be done; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Science and Technology on 11 Mar 2016

1) The status of ASSAf has not yet been clarified. The matter is currently being dealt with by the Academy, Department of Science and Technology (DST) and National Treasury. 2) The required supply chain management policies and procedures have been put in place by the ASSAf management; a) N/A. b) The required supply chain management (SCM) policies and procedures have been revised in order ...

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NW511E - 26 February 2016

Annelie Lotriet to ask the Minister of Science and Technology

Whether her (a) office and/or (b) department received a letter from a certain company (name furnished); if so, has a formal response indicating her department's position on the proposal been sent to the specified company; if not, (i) why not and (ii) when will the specified response be sent; if so, (aa) on what date was such a response sent and (bb) what are the further relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Science and Technology on 26 Feb 2016

a) Yes, the Office of the Minister received a letter from MrGreville Wood dated 5 January 2016. The letter requests the Minister to start a debate in government on "developing an engineered rollout plan that poverty cannot treat with contempt that could address unemploymentcountrywide, as the 1984 and 2011 proofs demonstrated”.

b) In addition, Mr Greville Wood sent a letter to the Director-General of ...

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NW510E - 26 February 2016

Annelie Lotriet to ask the Minister of Science and Technology

(1) Whether there is a project manager at the Nkowankowa Demonstration Centre (NDC) (Wolkberg Fruit Processors); if not, why not; if so, (a) who is the person and (b) when was the person appointed; (2) whether the former project manager of the NDC is being investigated; if so, (a) what is the focus of the investigation, (b) when will the investigation be concluded and (c) will a report be made available; (3) whether there have been any civil cases involving the NDC since its inception; if so, (a) what did they involve, (b) what was the outcome in each case and (c) did it have any financial implications for the NDC; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Science and Technology on 26 Feb 2016

1). There is an interim project management team at the Nkowankowa Demonstration Centre (NDC). The interim project management team is constituted by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) and a local Black farmer who has experience in running a mango processing factory. This interim arrangement is intended to maintain operations at the NDC until the completion of the ongoing investigation. (b) The interim ...

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NW393E - 19 February 2016

Lungiswa Veronica James to ask the Minister of Science and Technology

With reference to President Jacob G Zuma’s undertaking in his State of the Nation Address delivered on 12 February 2015, that the Government will set aside 30% of appropriate categories of state procurement for purchasing from Small, Medium and Micro-sized Enterprises (SMMEs), co-operatives, as well as township and rural enterprises, what percentage of the total procurement of (a) her department and (b) every entity reporting to her went to (i) SMMEs and (ii) co-operatives from 1 April 2015 up to the latest specified date for which information is available?

Reply from the Minister of Science and Technology on 19 Feb 2016

(a)(i) The Department procured 40.38% of goods and services from SMMEs, township and rural enterprises combined for the period 1 April 2015 to 31 January 2016.

(a)(i) The Department did not procure any goods or services from co operatives for the period 1 April 2015 to 31 January 2016.

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NW97E - 11 February 2016

Yusuf Cassim to ask the Minister of Science and Technology

Whether she has entered into a performance agreement with the President, Mr Jacob G Zuma, with regard to the implementation of the Medium-Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) 2014-2019; if not, why not; if so, (a) which key indicators and targets from the MTSF are reflected in the agreement, (b) how many performance assessments has she undertaken in consultation with the President since the agreement was signed, (c) what progress has been made in meeting the key indicators and targets from the MTSF, (d) what are the key obstacles to implementation and (e) what is the plan to address such obstacles?

2015-w4165 - 18 December 2015

William Mothipa Madisha to ask the Minister of Science and Technology

(a) Whether the National System of Innovation was resulting in a year-on year increase in the respect of (a) productive research, (b) economic and professional exploitation of knowledge in South Africa, (c) leveraging of private sector and international funding for innovation, (d) building knowledge-generation and knowledge-exploitation capabilities in rural and historically disadvantage higher education institutions and (e) developing and strengthening regional and provincial innovation systems and capabilities to meet community and industry demands; if not, why not, in each case; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?
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