2017-w4006 - 12 December 2017

Tsepo Winston Mhlongo to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation:

What (a) is the total number of commissions of inquiry that he has commissioned since his appointment to the portfolio on 31 March 2017, (b) are the (i) details and (ii) are the timelines of each inquiry and (c) is the budget for each inquiry?

Reply from the Minister of Sport and Recreation: on 12 Dec 2017

(a) I have not established any Commissions of Inquiry since my appointment, as such Commissions can only be established by the President of the Republic as provided for in the Constitution. I have, however, established the following 2 Committees of Inquiry since my appointment:

(i) The FNB Stadium Committee of Inquiry; and

(ii) The SASCOC Committee of Inquiry.

(b) The respective Terms of Reference ...

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2017-w620 - 08 May 2017

Darren Bergman to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation:

(1) With regard to the fight in East London on 22 April 2016, where certain fighters (names furnished) were not paid, how did Boxing SA allow the fight to continue without having the purse money; (2) have any other fights been allowed to take place without purse money being paid to Boxing SA (a) in the 2015-16 financial year and (b) since 1 April 2016; if so, (i) which fights and (ii) have the purse monies been paid to the fighters since 28 February 2017; if not, which amounts are still outstanding?

Reply from the Minister of Sport and Recreation: on 8 May 2017

(1) At the time of sanctioning the said boxing event, which took place on the 22 April 2016 at East London, Boxing SA had reasonable grounds to believe that it was in receipt of a legitimate legal commitment by the provincial department of Sports, Arts and Culture in the Eastern Cape to pay for the purse money.

It later emerged that the written undertaking ...

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2017-w622 - 24 April 2017

Tsepo Winston Mhlongo to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation:

(1) What position does a certain person (name furnished) currently hold in his department; (2) Whether he has taken any action against the specified person for alleged racism; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Sport and Recreation: on 24 Apr 2017

The individual in question is no longer with the Department of Sport and Recreation South Africa.

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