NW4426E - 16 October 2015

M S Malatsi to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation

With reference to his reply to question 2388 on 7 October 2015, has his department now sourced the information; if not, when will the information be made available; if so, what were the (a) salaries, (b) bonuses, (c) travel, airtime and data allowances and (d) stipends payable to the (i) Chief Executive Officer and (ii) Chairperson of the (aa) 2010 Fifa World Cup Bid Committee and (bb) 2010 Local Organising Committee in the (aaa) 2004-05, (bbb) 2005-06, (ccc) 2006-07, (ddd) 2007-08, (eee) 2008-09, (fff) 2009-10 and (ggg) 2010-11 financial years?

Reply from the Minister of Sport and Recreation on 16 Oct 2015

We are still trying to source this information as the Bid Company has long winded up its affairs and the information required is not readily available.

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2015-w3385 - 14 October 2015

Mmoba Solomon Malatsi to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation

With regard to the return of boxing broadcasting to the SA Broadcasting Corporation (a) who allocates the dates for broadcasting the fights and (b) on what bases are these dates allocated; (2) Do promoters of boxing apply for the allocation of certain broadcasting dates; if so ( a) to who do they apply and (b) what are the relevant details of this application process; (3) (a) What was the total cost of the broadcasting rights fees for the boxing matches broadcast from (i) Gauteng on 26 June 2015 and (ii) the Eastern Cape on 24 July 2015 and (b) in respect of each specified case what amount was (i) generated for hosting the specified fights (ii) paid to each of the fighters (iii) paid to the referees and (iv) paid to the match officials?

2015-w3286 - 07 October 2015

Mmoba Solomon Malatsi to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation

(1)​(a) On what date was a fighting licence issued to the late Phindile Mwelase for her fight on 12 October 2014 with Liz Butler, (b) by which official at Boxing South Africa was the licence issued and (c) what was the position of the official who issued the licence at the time; (2)(a) who are the members of the team appointed to investigate the specified person’s death and (b) from which (i) company or (ii) department were the specified team members appointed; (3)what amount (a) has been budgeted for the investigation of the specified person’s death and (b) has been paid to the investigative team as at 25 August 2015; (4)has the investigative team submitted its (a) preliminary report and (b) final report; if not, (i) why not and (ii) when are the respective deadlines for submission of the specified reports; if so, when did the specified team submit the specified reports?NW4043E

2015-w3386 - 07 October 2015

Pebane George Moteka to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation

(1)​(a)(i) What total amount did his department spend on his travel costs between Gauteng and Cape Town in the 2014-15 financial year and (ii) how many trips did he undertake between Cape Town and Gauteng in the specified financial year and (b) what total amount did his department spend on (i) hotel and (ii) residential or other accommodation for him in (aa) Cape Town and (bb) Pretoria in the 2014-15 financial year; (2)(a)(i) what total amount did his department spend on the Deputy Minister’s travel costs between Gauteng and Cape Town in the 2014-15 financial year and (ii) how many trips between Gauteng and Cape Town did the Deputy Minister undertake in the specified financial year and (b) what total amount did his department spend on (i) hotel and (ii) residential or other accommodation for the Deputy Minister in (aa) Cape Town and (bb) Pretoria in the 2014-15 financial year?NW3890E

Reply from the Minister of Sport and Recreation on 7 Oct 2015

The Department requires additional time to respond to this question as the details required needs sufficient time to collate. The Department of Sport and Recreation has a very small finance Directorate and will not be able to respond to this question within the period allocated to reply to questions.

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2015-w3257 - 07 October 2015

Pebane George Moteka to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation

(1)​What (a) total amount did his department spend on air travel between Gauteng and Cape Town for employees attending Parliament business in the 2014-15 financial year and (b) is the total number of trips that were undertaken; (2)what is the total amount that his department spent on (a) accommodation and (b) car rental in Cape Town for employees attending Parliament business in the specified financial year?NW3859E

2015-w3618 - 07 October 2015

Mmoba Solomon Malatsi to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation

Has he engaged the SA Football Association to address the inequality in match fee payments between Banyana Banyana players and Bafana Bafana players; if not, why not; if so, (a) when did the meetings take place and (b) what were the outcomes of the specified meetings?

2015-w3616 - 07 October 2015

Mmoba Solomon Malatsi to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation

(1)​What have the total legal costs been to date in respect of (a) past and concluded and (b) present and ongoing cases between him and/or his department and a certain person (name and details furnished) in respect of (i) defamation of character and (ii) broadcasting rights; (2)what was the outcome of each specified past and concluded case; (3)(a) which legal firms represented his department in each of the specified cases and (b) who are the (i) directors and (ii) partners of each of the specified legal firms?NW4284E

2015-w3174 - 07 October 2015

Anton De Waal Alberts to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation

(1) Whether the Government is or was in any way involved in the Local Action Committee (LAC) of the 2010 Fifa Soccer World Cup Tournament, the SA Football Association (Safa) and the Diaspora Project; if not, (a) in what way was the Government then involved in the 2010 Fifa Soccer World Cup Tournament, (b) on what legal grounds was the relationship between the Government and Safa founded and (c) what amount did the Government budget for and spend on the 2010 Fifa Soccer World Cup Tournament and the eventual hosting of this event; if so, (i) what was or is the legal nature and extent of the Government's involvement in each case, (ii) what were the reasons why the LAC's ordinary members (aa) were never aware of any donations made by South Africa to the Confederation of North, Central American and Caribbean Association Football (Concacaf) and (bb) could not study and approve the LAC's final, audited financial statements for the 2009-10 financial year and (iii) why did the Diaspora Project specifically target the Concacaf for a donation, rather than places in the diaspora where many more Africans are found, such as in the United Kingdom; (2) whether he is aware that none of the LAC's ordinary members (a) were aware of any donations made by South Africa to the Concacaf and (b) were ever able to study and approve the final, audited financial statements of the LAC for the 2009-10 financial year; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether he is aware that none of Safa's ordinary members knew of any donation made by South Africa to the Concacaf?

2015-w3617 - 07 October 2015

Mmoba Solomon Malatsi to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation

(1)​Will his department take steps to recover money that was (a) unethically spent and (b) fraudulently earned by two certain persons during their tenures (names and details furnished) at Boxing South Africa, in light of the findings of the investigations against them; if not, why not; if so, what amounts does his department intend to take steps to recover; (2)when will (a) he advertise the vacancy for the position of Chief Executive Officer of Boxing South Africa, (b)(i) applications for the specified position be assessed and (ii) applicants be interviewed and (c) the specified vacancy be filled?NW4285E

NW4286E - 18 September 2015

M S Malatsi to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation

Has he engaged the SA Football Association to address the inequality in match fee payments between Banyana Banyana players and Bafana Bafana players; if not, why not; if so, (a) when did the meetings take place and (b) what were the Friday, 18 September 2015 1337 INTERNAL QUESTION PAPER: NATIONAL ASSEMBLY NO 38 - 2015 outcomes of the specified meetings?

Reply from the Minister of Sport and Recreation on 18 Sep 2015

The Minister has taken notice of the inequity in match fee payments amongst women's and men's national teams. The Departmental Review Committee with the Big 5 sporting bodies (Athletics, Netball, Football, Rugby and Cricket) seeks to address this matter amongst the many issues being looked into. The work includes specific support to support the National Women's teams, improvement of match fees, ring fenced funding ...

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