2017-w2938 - 27 November 2017

Darren Bergman to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation

(1) Whether he has found that there is a conflict of interest in respect of the alleged use by the SA Football Association (SAFA) of their own vehicles to shuttle voters of a certain political party (name furnished) during recent by-elections in areas in the Western Cape, Northern Cape and Eastern Cape; (2) whether he has been informed of whether the SAFA board approved the specified expenses?

Reply from the Minister of Sport and Recreation on 27 Nov 2017

(1) We are not aware of such an incident. However, if true, the Honourable Member will be aware that, in line with the Olympic Charter, the national Department of Sport and Recreation is not allowed to interfere with the administration of the federations. It may be useful for the Honourable member to bring this matter to the attention of the relevant competent authority, that ...

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2017-w3311 - 27 November 2017

Pebane George Moteka to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation

(1) Whether the (a) chief executive officer and (b) chief financial officer of entities reporting to him are employed on a permanent basis; if not, (2) whether the specified officers are employed on a fixed term contract; if so, (a) what are the names of each of the officers and (b) when (i) was each officer employed and (ii) will each officer’s contract end?

Reply from the Minister of Sport and Recreation on 27 Nov 2017

(1) (a) The Chief Exective Officer (CEO) of Boxing South Africa is employed on a full-time, 5-year contract.

The CEO of South Africa Institute for a Drug-Free Sport (SAIDS) is employed on a permanent, full-time basis.

(b) The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Boxing SA is employed on a full-time, permanent basis.

The CFO of SAIDS is employed full-time, on a performance-based contract.

(2) ...

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2017-w2460 - 27 November 2017

Pebane George Moteka to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation

What amount of the department's budget in terms of (a) monetary value and (b) as a percentage of the department's budget is spent in (i) townships and (ii) in areas that used to be within the former Bantustans?

Reply from the Minister of Sport and Recreation on 27 Nov 2017

The Department of Sport and Recreation South Africa spends its allocated budget against line items such as Compensation of Employees, Goods and Services, Transfers to Provinces and Federations, as well as Capital Expenditure.

The Department’s budget is prepared in line with the common budget template that is applicable to all departments. This template does not provide for the divisions that the Honourable Member is ...

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2017-w3618 - 27 November 2017

Pebane George Moteka to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation

Whether (a) his department and/or (b) any entity reporting to him own land; if so, in each case, (i) where is each plot of land located, (ii) what is the size of each specified plot and (iii) what is each plot currently being used for?

Reply from the Minister of Sport and Recreation on 27 Nov 2017

(a) The Department of Sport and Recreation South Africa does not own any land.

(b) Both entities reporting to the Minister for Sport and Recreation, Boxing South Africa and the South African Institute for Drug-Free Sport (SAIDS), do not own any land.

(i), (ii) and (iii) Fall away.


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2017-w3198 - 27 November 2017

Pebane George Moteka to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation

Whether he will continue with the Sports Focus Schools project that was started in 2015 and (b) what have been the achievements of the project to date?

Reply from the Minister of Sport and Recreation on 27 Nov 2017

(a) Sport Focus Schools (SFS) are the pinnacle of the School Sport System and represent the first layer of our Sport Academy system as outlined in the South African Sport Academies Strategic Framework and Policy Guidelines. The SFS plays a central role in developing and nurturing talent identified by talent scouts in the national school sport leagues. It further ensures that each talented athlete ...

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2017-w3356 - 27 November 2017

Mogamad Nazier Paulsen to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation

Whether (a) he or (b) his Deputy Minister made use of a chartered private jet during the period 1 January 2013 up to the latest specified date for which information is available; if so, what (i) were the reasons for using a chartered private jet, (ii) was the travel route in each case and (iii) did the use of the jet cost the department in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Sport and Recreation on 27 Nov 2017

(a) Yes. On 29 August 2017 to 02 September 2017 the Minister travelled to the Cape Verde Islands at the invitation of the South African Football Association (SAFA).

(i) and (ii) The purpose of the trip was to accompany the senior men’s national soccer team (Bafana Bafana), as the team was to play in a crucial FIFA 2018 World Cup qualifiying match against Cape ...

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2017-w2732 - 10 October 2017

Tsepo Winston Mhlongo to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation

(1) Whether he accompanied the national football squad, Bafana Bafana, for their match against Cape Verde on 2 September 2017; if so (a) what was the reason for this, (b) who paid for the (i) travel costs and (ii) accommodation costs; (2) whether any other costs were incurred on this trip; if so, who will pay for these costs?

Reply from the Minister of Sport and Recreation on 10 Oct 2017

(1) Yes.

(a) The Minister was invited by the South African Football Association (SAFA) to accompany the national senior men’s football team (Bafana Bafana), as the team was to play in a crucial FIFA World Cup qualifiying match against Cape Verde.

(b) (i) and (ii) The traveling costs for the Minister were borne by SAFA.

(2) The only other cost of the trip was ...

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2017-w2506 - 10 October 2017

Tsepo Winston Mhlongo to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation

(1) With reference to his reply to question 1098 on 5 June 2017, (a) which committee or governance structure of the SA Football Association (SAFA) authorised the payment to FIFA, (b) on which date was the payment authorised, (c) what are the names of each member of the specified committee or governance structure of SAFA, (d) on which delegated authority decision by the Board of Directors and/or shareholders of SAFA did the specified committee or governance structure base its decision and (e) what number of the specified members of the specified committee or governance structure of SAFA voted (i) in favour of and (ii) against the decision to make the payment to the Confederation of North, Central and Caribbean Football Associations (Concacaf); (2) whether he will furnish Mr T W Mhlongo with copies of the minutes of the meeting(s) where the decision was made to make the payment to Concacaf; if not, why not; if so, by what date?

Reply from the Minister of Sport and Recreation on 10 Oct 2017

The leadership of the South African Football Association (SAFA) authorized FIFA to make the payment. The details of the payment are with FIFA who made the payment to the Confederation of North, Central and Caribbean Football Associations (CONCACAF). The documentation related to the decision is not in the purview of the Minister of Sport and Recreation. The Olympic Charter, to which South Africa is ...

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2017-w2579 - 20 September 2017

Pebane George Moteka to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation

When are the application dates (a) opening and (b) closing for the board positions of all entities and councils reporting to him?

Reply from the Minister of Sport and Recreation on 20 Sep 2017

The application dates for Boxing South Africa were as follows:

(a) opened on: 28 July 2017

(b) closed on: 13 August 2017

In the case of the South African Institute for Drug-Free Sport, the advertisement is still to be published, as quotations were awaited from the Government Gazette and the National Press. It is expected that the advertisement will be issued shortly before he ...

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2017-w2400 - 20 September 2017

Tsepo Winston Mhlongo to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation

Has Boxing South Africa conducted an investigation into the death of Herbert Nkabiti, a boxer; if not, why not; if so, will he furnish Mr T W Mhlongo with a copy of the investigation report?

Reply from the Minister of Sport and Recreation on 20 Sep 2017

The investigation into the death of Mr Herbert Nkabiti is underway and has not yet been completed. The investigation has been commissioned by the board of Boxing South Africa. Once the investigation is complete and the report is submitted to the Department of Sport and Recreation South Africa, the Minister will apply his mind as to the next course of action.

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