2017-w1236 - 05 June 2017

Denise Robinson to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation

Whether (a) his department and (b) each entity reporting to him has (i) procured any services from and/or (ii) made any payments to the Decolonisation Foundation; if not, in each case, what is the position in this regard; if so, what (aa) services were procured, (bb) were the total costs, (cc) is the detailed breakdown of the costs, (dd) was the total amount paid, (ee) was the purpose of the payments and (ff) is the detailed breakdown of the payments in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Sport and Recreation on 5 Jun 2017

(a) and (b) (i) and (ii) The Department of Sport and Recreation South Africa and the entities reporting to its Executive Authority did not procure any services from and/or make any payments to the Decolonisation Foundation.

Thus (aa), (bb), (cc), (dd), (ee) and (ff) fall away.


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2017-w1331 - 05 June 2017

Tsepo Winston Mhlongo to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation

Is the impasse between Government and the Commonwealth Games Federation over monetary obligations required by the federation resolved; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Sport and Recreation on 5 Jun 2017

The impasse has been resolved. The Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) awarded the bid to host the Commonwealth Games 2022 on 02 September 2015 at its general assembly in Auckland, New Zealand. At the time of awarding the bid, the finance guarantee by the South African Government was not signed, as certain conditions of the host city agreement were not favourable to South Africa and ...

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2017-w1098 - 05 June 2017

Tsepo Winston Mhlongo to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation

(1) Whether, with regard to the alleged payment of approximately $10 million that Fifa made to the Confederation of North, Central America and Caribbean Football Associations in 2008, using South African funds, the person who decided to make the payment had the necessary delegated authority to make such a decision; if not, (a) who authorised Fifa to make the $10 million payment, (b) who should have authorised this delegated authority and (c) who actually authorised this delegated authority; (2) whether the SA Football Association (Safa) conducted a full inquiry into the alleged unlawful payment; if not, why did an inquiry not take place; if so, will he provide Mr T W Mhlongo with a copy of the results of the inquiry; (3) whether Safa intends to recover the $10 million; if not, what are the reasons for not recovering the money?

Reply from the Minister of Sport and Recreation on 5 Jun 2017

(1) FIFA was authorized by the South African Football Association (SAFA) to make the necessary payment to the Confederation of North, Central and Caribbean Football Associations (CONCACAF) and was authorized to do so as the funds were destined for the Host Association being SAFA itself.

(2) There was no inquiry into this matter as the payment was not unlawful and SAFA was well within ...

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2017-w619 - 22 May 2017

Alan Ross Mcloughlin to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation

(1) With regard to the boxing match that took place in Graceland, Secunda, (a) on what date was notice of tender issued, (b) on what date was the deadline, (c) how many promoters tendered, (d) how many were successful enough to go through to the final adjudication and (e) which promoter won the tender; (2) was the specified promoter awarded any other televised bouts in the past two years; if so, how many; (3) what was the final scoring on adjudication of the top five applicants; (4) does Boxing SA deduct anything from the purse for any tournament; if so, what is the percentage?

Reply from the Minister of Sport and Recreation on 22 May 2017

I would like to plead with the Honourable Member to grant the administration an extension of a period not exceeding a further 10 working days to source the correct information to enable me to respond to the question.

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2017-w797 - 22 May 2017

Tsepo Winston Mhlongo to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation

(a) How many sport facilities are currently dysfunctional in each province, (b) what are the reasons in each case, (c) what steps has he taken to rectify the situation in each case and (d) in which municipality is each facility located?

Reply from the Minister of Sport and Recreation on 22 May 2017

One of the stumbling blocks to sport development and improving access to participation opportunities has been the absence of an accurate database of sport and recreation facilities. The Department of Sport and Recreation South Africa is thus commencing with a full-scale facilities audit in the 2017/18 financial year. In this period a comprehensive audit will be done in one Province, namely Gauteng. It is ...

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2017-w938 - 22 May 2017

Erik Johannes Marais to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation

(1) Whether there is any position of (a) chief executive officer, (b) chief financial officer and/or (c) chief operating officer that is currently vacant in each entity reporting to him; if so, (i) how long has each specified position been vacant and (ii) what is the reason for each vacancy; (2) have the vacancies been advertised; if so, (a) were interviews done and (b) on what date will the vacancies be filled; (3) (a) what is the total number of persons who are currently employed in the specified positions in an acting capacity, (b) for what period has each person been acting in each position and (c) has any of the specified persons applied for the positions?

Reply from the Minister of Sport and Recreation on 22 May 2017

(1) Currently, there are no vacancies in the positions of (a) chief executive officer, (b) chief financial officer and/or (c) chief operating officer in the entities reporting to the Department of Sport and Recreation South Africa.

Therefore (i) and (ii); (2) (a) and (b); and (3) (a), (b) and (c) fall away.

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2017-w720 - 22 May 2017

Alan Ross Mcloughlin to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation

With regard to the failure of South Africa's bid to host the Commonwealth Games in 2022, (a)(i) how was the alleged cost of R118 million incurred and (ii) what are the full and precise details of each item of expenditure, (b) what has he found to be the reason for the failure of the bid and (c) what were the reasons for the decision by the Bid Committee to replace Durban as the host city?

Reply from the Minister of Sport and Recreation on 22 May 2017

The expenditure was mainly incurred by the South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC) and the expenditure toward the bid for the 2022 Commonwealth Games is being verified. The information asked for by the Honourable Member shall be provided before long.

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2017-w373 - 22 May 2017

Nomsa Innocencia Tarabella Marchesi to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation

What is the (a) make, (b) model, (c) price and (d) date on which each vehicle was purchased for use by (i) him and (ii) his deputy (aa) in the (aaa) 2014-15 and (bbb) 2015-16 financial years and (bb) since 1 April 2016?

Reply from the Minister of Sport and Recreation on 22 May 2017

(aa) The following vehicles were used by Minister Fikile Mbalula and Deputy Minister Gert Oosthuizen in the (aaa) 2014-15 and the (bbb) 2015-16 financial years:

Vehicles utilised from Pretoria office base


(i) Minister

(ii) Deputy Minister

(a) Make

Mercedes Benz

Mercedes Benz

(b) Model

ML 500


(c) Price

R940 885.80

R928 161.77

(d) Date of acquisition

07 July 2011

20 March 2013 ...

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2017-w621 - 08 May 2017

Darren Bergman to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation

(a) How many South African boxing bouts registered through Boxing SA have been aired on TV in the past 24 months, (b) which fights were broadcast on (i) Supersport, (ii) SABC and (iii) eTV and (c) how were these fights allocated to each province?

Reply from the Minister of Sport and Recreation on 8 May 2017

(a) The Boxing is Back campaign in partnership with South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC), Boxing SA (BSA) and Sport and Recreation South Africa (SRSA) started in June 2015. Since June 2015 there has been 9 tournaments broadcast in different provinces, listed below is a schedule of allocation:

(b) The fights broadcast by the different Channels were as follows:

(i) Supersport




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2017-w389 - 24 April 2017

Darren Bergman to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation

(1) Whether the Fencing Federation of South Africa motivated to the SA Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC) for Juliana Barrett to participate in the 2016 Olympic Games hosted by Brazil; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) (a) what was the criteria set by SASCOC for athletes to participate in the 2016 Olympic Games; (3) did the specified person meet the (a) international federations' and (b) domestic federations' criteria; if so, (i) why was the specified person not allowed to compete in the 2016 Olympic Games and (ii) who made the decision?

Reply from the Minister of Sport and Recreation on 24 Apr 2017

1. The South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC), together with the National Federations (NFs), set the policy for participation in the Olympic and the Paralympic Games. The policy is signed off by the President representing the respective NF two years prior to any games. Once the selection criteria have been signed off by the NF, the onus is upon the NF to ...

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