2023-w947 - 18 April 2023

Bhekizizwe Nivard Luthuli to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

(1)Whether his department has any plans of repairing and reopening the Red Location Museum which has been closed since 18 October 2013 due to community protests around RDP housing issues; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether he has had any communication with the Department of Human Settlements regarding the issues raised by the community around the museum as it was reported that the wiring, power sockets, fencing, air-conditioners and palisade fencing were also stolen from the premises as a result of the closure and that repair costs for the building were estimated at R12-million; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture on 18 Apr 2023

According to the information received from the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture:

(1) The operations of the Red Location Museum do not fall under the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture. Therefore, the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture has not made any budgetary planning to repair and to reopen the museum.

(2) The Department of Sport, Arts and Culture has not had ...

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2023-w1223 - 13 April 2023

Veronica Van Dyk to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

(1)Whether any other federations were invited to the safeguarding conference held by the SA Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC) on 17 and 18 February 2023; if not, why not; if so, what federations; (2) whether the sports federation representatives who were present at the conference were only those affiliated to the SA Gymnastics Federation; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether the statement allegedly made by a certain person (name furnished) about putting names of people on the sexual offenders’ register represents SASCOC policy; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture on 13 Apr 2023

The Department has requested input response from the South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee and awaiting their response.

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2023-w1224 - 13 April 2023

Veronica Van Dyk to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

(1)With reference to the recent safeguarding conference held by the SA Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee on 17 and 18 February 2023, where the SA Gymnastics Federation (SAGF) promoted themselves as being the leaders in safeguarding despite dropping the ball on two very big matters involving rape cases, what is the way forward with regard to how safeguarding will be dealt with in the future; (2) (a) how will criminal matters be handled at the SAGF and (b) to whom will the matters be referred, in light of the indication by the SAGF that they will no longer conduct internal investigations for criminal matters; (3) with reference to the arrest that was recently made in the Western Cape, which the SAGF was boasting about, what support will be offered to the victims of the crime?

Reply from the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture on 13 Apr 2023

(1) SA Gymnastics Federation (SAGF) is receiving ongoing criticism with regards to the one case mentioned in case 1. While the reflection is that SAGF dropped the ball, the cases were managed in accordance with the safeguarding policy in place at the time of the case being reported was one of misconduct and was therefore handled by an external safeguarding partner. In the internal ...

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2023-w1104 - 13 April 2023

Bhekizizwe Nivard Luthuli to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

Whether, in view of the construction at the Ohlange Heritage Site in Inanda, KwaZulu-Natal, where the massive JL Dube Memorial Amphitheatre worth R33m is currently being built, he will furnish Inkosi B N Luthuli with details on (a) the progress of the building, (b) the challenges faced by his department in the development of the project and (c) how his department with its partners have overcome the specified challenges; if not, why not, in each case; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture on 13 Apr 2023

According to the information received from the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture

(a) The project is currently at 95% progress (practical completion), service providers are currently attending to identified snag-list, it is anticipated that the snag-list will be completed within the next two weeks and the project will be handed over back to the department for further handling.

(b) The challenges faced by ...

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2023-w986 - 13 April 2023

Brian Sindile Madlingozi to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

(a) Why did the National Arts Council postpone the announcement of the Arts Organisations Support Funding outcomes that was expected on 10 March 2023 and (b) what kind of criteria was it going to use in assisting the deserving creatives?

Reply from the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture on 13 Apr 2023

According to the information received from the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture

a) The National Arts Council received 654 applications from arts practitioners in the various disciplines by the 9th of January 2023, which was the closing date. A total of 339 applications were served at panel for review after passing the compliance stage. On 06 March 2023, the Panel of Chairpersons Committee ...

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2023-w1130 - 13 April 2023

Bhekizizwe Nivard Luthuli to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

Whether he will furnish Inkosi B N Luthuli with (a) a detailed breakdown of the total cost and (b) the total cost of the SA Sport Awards that were held on Saturday, 25 March 2023, at the Sun City Superbowl in the North West; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture on 13 Apr 2023

Before providing a detailed breakdown and total cost of the SA Sport Awards that were held on Saturday, 25 March 2023, at the Sun City Superbowl in the North West it is important to share the strategic intent and steps being undertaken to realise such.

The National Sport and Recreation Plan (NSRP) specifically Strategic objective 8 is, “To acknowledge the achievements of individuals within ...

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2023-w931 - 13 April 2023

Denis Joseph to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

What (a) progress has been made regarding the relocation of the Robben Island Museum (RIM) archiving and collections project at the University of the Western Cape and (b) efforts have been made and/or are in process to ensure that RIM archiving and collections are more accessible to the public?

Reply from the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture on 13 Apr 2023

(a) Robben Island Museum (RIM) and the University of Western Cape (UWC) have established a joint Task Team that is working on improving the relationship between the two institutions and look at practicalities of the possible relocation of Mayibuye Archives, thus developing a plan to be endorsed by the Governance Bodies from both institutions. The process faced minor delays, new RIM Council was appointed ...

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2023-w1129 - 13 April 2023

Bhekizizwe Nivard Luthuli to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

Whether he will furnish Inkosi B N Luthuli with an update and/or relevant details on the digitalisation of the National Archives project; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details

Reply from the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture on 13 Apr 2023

Yes, we are delighted to share the update on this project. For a very long period the National Archives and Records Service of SA (NARSSA) partnered with other institutions to digitise archival records due to lack of resources. The first digitisation project started in 2014/2015.

In 2020/21, as part of the Presidential Employment Stimulus Package (PESP), the National Archives and Records Service of South ...

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2023-w967 - 13 April 2023

Bhekizizwe Nivard Luthuli to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

(1)Whether, with reference to Netball South Africa setting the total budget for the costs for organising the 2023 Netball World Cup at R88 million in 2019, he will furnish Inkosi B N Luthuli with details and/or an update of the amount spent on the event as at the latest specified date for which information is available; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether the set budget has been exceeded; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture on 13 Apr 2023

According to the feedback received from the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture

(1) The 2019 budget alludes to the budget that was distributed together with the Heads of Terms which the first document is outlining the key aspects of Agreement between International Netball Federation now known as World Netball and Netball South Africa.

The 2019 budget and the current budget are continuously being ...

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2023-w1000 - 13 April 2023

Heloise Denner to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

(1)Whether a cost estimate was done for the name changes of Fort Beaufort, Somerset East and Brooksnek in the Eastern Cape; if not, (a) why not and (b) how will the impact on the fiscus of the Eastern Cape with regard to the name changes be determined if a cost estimate was not done; if so, what are the costs associated with the changing of each geographic name; (2) whether there was a public participation process in each of the locations; if not, why not, if so, (a) where, (b) on what date was it held and (c) what were its findings; (3) in light of the fact that many geographical names were changed in the Eastern Cape during the course of the 6th Parliament to date, which include Port Elizabeth to Gqeberha, King William's Town to Qonce and Uitenhage to Kariega, what (a) total number of geographical name changes took place in the Eastern Cape since 2019 and (b) was the cost estimate for all the name changes in total

Reply from the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture on 13 Apr 2023

(1) A cost estimate was not done for name changes of Fort Beaufort, Somerset East and Brooksnek in the Easter Cape, (a) all the work of both the Provincial Geographical Names and the South African Geographical Names is funded by departmental programmes as part of the allocation as per government mandate.(b) there will be no impact on the fiscus through the work of both ...

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