2023-w558 - 08 March 2023

Veronica Van Dyk to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

What (a) total amount has been spent from the R1 million received to establish a feasibility study for the Mzansi National Philharmonic Orchestra (details furnished) and (b) are the relevant details of the breakdown of the expenditure on the Task Team members?

Reply from the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture on 8 Mar 2023

According to our records, R490 525.81 was spent from the R1 million received to establish a feasibility study for the Mzansi National Philharmonic Orchestra, and (b) the relevant details of the breakdown of the expenditure was submitted before to the Portfolio Committee on Sport, Arts, and Culture and to the Honourable member before. Nonetheless, I am pleased to resubmit the details which are enclosed ...

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2023-w416 - 08 March 2023

Veronica Van Dyk to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

Whether, with reference to his reply to question 4331 on 13 December 2022, there was a budget of R54 million allocated to the Mzansi national philharmonic orchestra; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details. 2. of the specified amount, what amount will (a) go towards developing (i) musicians and (ii) orchestras and (b) be spent on (i) travelling and (ii) accommodation? NW455E

Reply from the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture on 8 Mar 2023

1. As clearly explained by my department (DSAC) and NAC during the Portfolio Committee Meetings of 16 September 2022 and 28 February 2023 (Ms. van Dyk was present at both meetings), the allocation of the R54,68million stems from 3 financial years: R11 515 600 (Eleven Million, Five Hundred and Fifteen Thousand Six Hundred Rands Only), allocated in the 2019 – 2020 financial year cycle ...

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2023-w205 - 08 March 2023

Karabo Lerato Khakhau to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

1. What are the details of the (a) destination and (b) total costs for (i) accommodation, (ii) travel and (iii) any other costs incurred for international travel of each (aa) Minister and (bb) Deputy Minister of his department since 1 June 2019; 2. what is the total cost incurred for domestic air travel for each (a) Minister and (b) Deputy Minister of his Department since 1 June 2019

Reply from the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture on 8 Mar 2023

International Travel since 1 June 2019.

International Travel


Deputy Minister

(a) Destination

Report attached.

Report attached.

(b)(i) Total cost accommodation

R 115 395.00

The rest of accommodation was done through DIRCO.

R 7 690.00

The rest of accommodation was done through DIRCO.

(b)(ii) Total cost air/road travel

R 1 305 811.69

R 478 464.35

(b)(iii)Any other cost

R 5 866.65

R 600.00

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2023-w257 - 08 March 2023

Denis Joseph to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

(1)(a). Whether he will furnish the Portfolio Committee on Sport, Arts and Culture with the contract between the Robben Island Museum (RIM) and Silent Events SA with regard to the silent disco party; if not, why not; if so on what date; (2). what was the (a) estimated budget contribution for the event from the side of RIM and (b) financial loss after the event was cancelled?

Reply from the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture on 8 Mar 2023

1. There was no contract entered into between Robben Island Museum (RIM) and Silent Events. Silent Events requested to hire a RIM venue. An inception meeting was held to understand their requirements and to determine if the nature of the event aligned with RIM’s vision, mission and values.

Subsequently, a site visit was conducted to determine if RIM had the capacity to host such ...

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2023-w258 - 08 March 2023

Denis Joseph to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

Considering the world heritage status and political history of Robben Island, (a) which stakeholders were consulted, given the political sensitivity around the event of the Robben Island Museum (RIM) silent disco party, (b) what were the main objections received that led to the cancellation of the event and (c) what future events are in the 2023-24 annual performance plan to promote the mandate of RIM?

Reply from the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture on 8 Mar 2023

Consultation took place with internal stakeholders (RIM’s Ferries Department, Infrastructure and Facilities Management Department, Operations Department, and Heritage Department that includes the Environmental Unit) as well as external stakeholders, however, discussions were underway with the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA).

There were no formal objections received. However, after Silent Events advertised their event before RIM’s internal processes and consultations with relevant stakeholders was ...

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2022-w4601 - 13 December 2022

Veronica Van Dyk to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

(1)Whether the SA Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee advertised the position for a safeguarding company to assist federations with safeguarding matters; if not, why not; if so, (a) on what date and (b) where was the specified advertisement placed. (2) what (a) were the criteria for applicants and (b) does the contract entail. (3) (a) what total number of companies applied and were invited to be interviewed and (b) on what date did this take place. (4) (a) on what date was a certain company (name furnished) appointed and (b)(i) what safeguarding documents are prepared by the specified company for federations and (ii) at what total cost. (5) what total number of federations have adopted safeguarding policies?

Reply from the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture on 13 Dec 2022

The Department is awaiting response from the South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC).

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2022-w4461 - 13 December 2022

Veronica Van Dyk to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

Apart from a single meeting at his department to which the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra (CPO), Mr Louis Heyneman, was invited, (a) on what dates and (b) at which venues did the other formal meetings and/or consultations with the CPO take place as referred to by the CEO of the Mzansi National Philharmonic Orchestra, Mr Bongani Tembe?

Reply from the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture on 13 Dec 2022

It is incorrect to imply that Mr. Louis Heyneman was only invited to a single meeting with the Department for the purpose of the conceptualization of the National Orchestra. Prior to the board of Mzansi NPO being appointed by the Minister, the Department managed the process and was the custodian of the task team of experts. Our records indicate that several meetings were called ...

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2022-w4444 - 13 December 2022

Brian Sindile Madlingozi to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

How does he justify launching the Mzansi National Philharmonic Orchestra, a project that will cost R21,5 million each year and benefit a few white persons when a lot of artists, creatives, sportsmen and sportswomen, who are black in majority, are still crying to be saved from the COVID-19 pandemic devastation? NW5572E

Reply from the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture on 13 Dec 2022

We are fully aware that an incorrect narrative has been promoted with the sole purpose of causing mistrust on what the department is doing. However, the truth of the matter is that the Mzansi National Philharmonic Orchestra sets a new trajectory for addressing apartheid legacies and/or the past injustices in general. These practices are so pervasive and only aimed at maintaining the status quo ...

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2022-w4471 - 13 December 2022

Tsepo Winston Mhlongo to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

(1) With reference to the National Arts Council (NAC), (a) what are the relevant details of the NAC policy on the extension of acting in positions, (b)(i) who are those that are currently acting and (ii) in what capacity and (c) has he found that the specified policy applied was in order regarding their acting and/or extension appointment. (2) what is the total number of vacant positions in the NAC. (3) whether any of the vacant positions have been vacant for more than three months; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the reasons that the NAC is taking so long to fill such positions. (4) what is the involvement of the Council Chairperson in the vacancies (5) what is the name of the former marketing and communications manager of the NAC?

Reply from the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture on 13 Dec 2022

(1)(a). The Labour Relations Act stipulates that the maximum period for acting in a higher position shall not be more three (3) months. The NAC allows an employee to act in a higher position for a three (3) months period and thereafter allow for rotation (where there are suitable candidates) if the position is still vacant. Should a need persist, the acting period can ...

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2022-w4371 - 13 December 2022

Tsepo Winston Mhlongo to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

(1) On what date will the National Arts Council South Africa (NAC), which has four positions available, advertise the position of the (a) Chief Executive Officer, (b) Chief Financial Officer, (c) Communications Manager and (d) Arts Development Officer. (2) (a) what number of (i) full-time and (ii) part-time positions does the NAC have, (b) what total number of positions are vacant, (c) by what date will the vacant positions be filled, in the event that each position has been vacant for more than three months and (d) what are the reasons that the NAC is taking long to fill the vacancies? NW5496E

Reply from the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture on 13 Dec 2022

1. The NAC will formerly advise the Department once the current processes for the recruitment of the CEO and CFO have been completed and advertisement published. Other vacancies that need to be filled in accordance with NAC’s budget and timing requirements will also be published upon approval of the advertisement of the positions. The NAC is completing its evaluations for the appointment of a ...

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