2022-w3430 - 27 October 2022

Brian Sindile Madlingozi to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

Following the video of the seventy-year-old veteran actor, Mr. Vusi Thanda, begging for financial assistance on social media, what steps has he taken to mitigate the embarrassing financial situation which thespians often find themselves in?

Reply from the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture on 27 Oct 2022

This matter has over the years affected various creatives across all domains and genres. It could be attributed to the unfavourable contractual agreements between creatives and their employers and/or management, lack of financial management including tax and budgeting.

The Department has over the years supported and will continue supporting various initiatives to empower and educate creatives in these matters quite early in their careers ...

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2022-w3595 - 27 October 2022

Veronica Van Dyk to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

(1). What are the reasons that the approved Presidential Employment Stimulus Programme 3 (PESP3) list for funding was published late. (2). whether he has found to be true the allegations that the National Arts Council (NAC) had spent the two hours that the specified list was late for interfering and fiddling with the final adjudication decisions of the Advisory Panels; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the reasons that the NAC was involved in the delay of the publication of the PESP3 list. (3). what are the reasons that the NAC interfered in the process when persons who are not members of the NAC, such as an advisory panel, are in accordance with section 11(3) of the National Arts Council Act, Act 56 of 1997, supposed to advise the NAC on the merits of applications for grants and on any matter relating to the field of the arts for which it was appointed?

Reply from the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture on 27 Oct 2022

(1). The List was not published late, the NAC published the approved list on the due date (30th September 2022) on all the social media platforms. The social media sites were our quickest way to disseminate the approved list following the crash of the NAC website due to extremely heavy traffic. The website was then restored after a couple of hours and the information ...

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2022-w3431 - 12 October 2022

Brian Sindile Madlingozi to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

1. Having heard how the creativity of Solomon Linda was abused by white persons both locally and abroad, what measures have been taken to assist poor, vulnerable and uneducated artists, so that they are not exposed to the same exploitation and slavery by unscrupulous producers and record company executives?

Reply from the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture on 12 Oct 2022

We have vigorously supported the initiative by the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition in the development of the Copyright Amendment Bill and Performers Protection Bill, which have since been by the National Assembly and has sent them to the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) for concurrence. The main aim of the two bills is to protect the interest of the creative workers.


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2022-w3354 - 12 October 2022

Tsepo Winston Mhlongo to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

With reference to his replies to questions 1988 0n 15 June 2022 and 1989 0n 15 June 2022 in the context of his constitutional obligations to account and to provide reports concerning matters under his control, what are the reasons that he, as the executive authority, does not directly furnish Mr TW Mhlongo with the information, instead of referring to third party submissions only?

Reply from the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture on 12 Oct 2022

In terms of Section 13 (5) (b) (ii) of the National Sport and Recreation Act, the Minister is debarred from involvement in matters of administration in sport. The Section states that “The Minister may not interfere in matters relate to administration of sport and appointment of or termination of the service of the Executive Members of the sport or recreation body.

In addition, the ...

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2022-w3319 - 12 October 2022

Denis Joseph to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

1(a). What percentage of the budget of the SA Institute for Drug-Free Sport was spent on education related to anti-doping in the 2021-22 financial year, (b) which sporting codes received the most attention, and (c) what type of educational programmes are used to prevent the use of prohibited substances. 2(a). from what age and/or stages in sporting codes do anti-doping start and (b) what is the motivation for such early intervention?

Reply from the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture on 12 Oct 2022

1(a). The South African Institute for Drug–Free Sport (SAIDS) in their response indicated that (a) Due to COVID restrictions and the increased use of webinars, only 2% of the budget was spent on education in 2021/22 years. Generally, expenditure on education is in the region of 10% and expenditure has been further supplemented by a Lottery Grant over the past five years.

(b). Rugby ...

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2022-w3318 - 12 October 2022

Denis Joseph to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

(1). (a). Which sporting code are the biggest challenge for the International Institute for Drug-Free Sport and (b) what is the similar sporting code record in the Republic? (2). whether the SA Institute for Drug-Free Sport intends to propose a world ranking list to the International Institute for Drug-Free Sport of countries with sporting codes that are guilty of contravention of anti-doping regulations; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details. (3). whether he has been informed of the ranking of the Republic on any international body for drug-free sport; if so, (a) what is the Republic’s ranking, and (b) on which institute’s list?

Reply from the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture on 12 Oct 2022

There is no organization that we know as International Institute for Drug-Free Sport.

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2022-w3342 - 12 October 2022

Tsepo Winston Mhlongo to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

(1). With reference to his department requesting information about the Theatre & Dance Policy Consultative Conference that was scheduled to take place on 2 and 3 September 2022, what amount was a certain person (name furnished) and/or his organisation and/or associates paid for their engagement to drive the policy conference. (2) whether his department issued an open and transparent call for bids regarding the tender; if not, how did his department elect the specified person’s organisation to drive the policy conference; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture on 12 Oct 2022

1. The total project amount awarded is R993 000, 00, and is inclusive of the policy conference amongst other deliverables as outlined in the response to Parliamentary question 3343.

2. The Departmental applied its internal SCM Procurement Process through Request for Quotations (RFQ) which is within an R1 000 000, 00 quotation threshold recommended by SA Treasury.

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2022-w3343 - 12 October 2022

Tsepo Winston Mhlongo to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

(1). With reference to the Theatre & Dance Policy Consultative Conference that was scheduled to take place on 2 and 3 September 2022, for which a certain person (name furnished) was awarded R993 000, (a) how was the amount awarded, (b) was there a public call for expressions of interest, (c) what are the terms of reference between the specified person and his department and (d) what are the budget line items. (2). what are the reasons that people and/or institutions who made submissions have been excluded from the conference when they have clearly demonstrated knowledge, expertise and an interest for engagement in the policy development process. (3). whether the conference has invited 20 delegates from each province; if not, what number was invited; if so, how (a) were the delegates selected and (b) do their skills and talent base reflect the nine focus areas of the conference?

Reply from the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture on 12 Oct 2022

1. The amount awarded is based on the three quotations which were received. They were assessed and an appointment was made.

2. A Request for Quotations (RFQ) for a project within R 1 000 000, 00 Treasury Threshold was used.

3. Terms of References were detailed as indicated herein below:

This is a national policy which requires participation and input from DSAC, Task Team, ...

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2022-w3446 - 12 October 2022

Khanya Ceza to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

(a) By what date will provisions be made for local platforms such as radio, television and museums through which artists will be able to express their craft within their communities and improve tourism and (b) how will his department discourage artists from migrating to Johannesburg in order to build their profile?

Reply from the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture on 12 Oct 2022

(a). In as far as the craft sector is concerned the Department is looking to set up a permanent national exhibition, the Beautiful Things Exhibition (BTE), alongside an outlet for transactions, in City of Tshwane to provide craft practitioners from all parts of the country with an opportunity to showcase and derive economic benefit from their products by February of 2023. The last edition ...

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2022-w3016 - 28 September 2022

Bhekizizwe Nivard Luthuli to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

(1). whether his department, in collaboration with the SA Police Service has conducted a full investigation into the events surrounding the death of Mr. Simiso Buthelezi after a boxing match in Durban on 5Jjune 2022; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2). whether (a)the Boxing South Africa Board and/or (b) his department will introduce additional safety regulations for boxing in relation to the events surrounding the specified person’s death; if not, why not; if so, what are the further relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture on 28 Sep 2022

1. Yes, the board instructed the Medical Advisory Committee of Boxing South Africa (MABBSA) to conduct the full investigation in this matter. The investigation is led by Dr Selepe who is the Chairperson of Boxing South Africa Medical Advisory Committee.

The committee has released a draft report which is yet to be discussed with the family and then be shared with oversight committees. There ...

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