NW2020E - 19 September 2014

David John Maynier to ask the Minister of State Security

(1) Whether the communication of a certain person (name furnished) has been intercepted by any organ of state during the period 22 April 2009 and the latest date for which information is available; if not, why not; if so, in each specified case, (a) which organ of state intercepted the specified person’s communication, (b) over what period was the specified person’s communication intercepted and (c) for what purpose was the specified person’s communication intercepted; (2) whether, in each specified case, the specified person’s communication was intercepted lawfully following authorisation by a designated judge in terms of the Regulation of Interception of Communications and Provision of Communication-related Information Act, Act 70 of 2002; if not, in each specified case, what is the position in this regard; if so, in each specified case, when was the authorisation received; (3) whether he will make a statement on the matter?

NW1982E - 19 September 2014

Dirk Jan Stubbe to ask the Minister of State Security

(a) Which posts in his department are vacant in the (i) highly skilled, (ii) highly skilled supervision and (iii) senior and top management levels and (b) in each case, what has been the duration of the vacancy?

NW1971E - 19 September 2014

David John Maynier to ask the Minister of State Security

(1) Whether his department has (a) policy, (b) legislation and/or (c) regulations in place to regulate bulk interception of communication conducted by the State Security Agency; if not, in each specified case, why not; if so, in each specified case, what is the title of the document; (2) whether in each specified case the document is classified; if not, why not; if so, (a) why is the document classified and (b) at what level is the document classified?

NW1801E - 12 September 2014

Archibold Mzuvukile Figlan to ask the Minister of State Security

(a) Which travel agents has his department used during the period 1 April 2012 up to the latest specified date for which information is available and (b) what is the quantum of funds spent with each of the specified travel agents in the specified period?

NW1867E - 12 September 2014

Michael Bagraim to ask the Minister of State Security

Whether (a) his department and/or (b) any entities reporting to him sponsored political party (i) advertisements, (ii) events and/or (iii) paraphernalia in the (aa) 2011-12, (bb) 2012-13 and (cc) 2013-14 financial years; if so, (aaa) for which political party and (bbb) what was the monetary value of the sponsorship in each case?

NW1834E - 12 September 2014

Dirk Jan Stubbe to ask the Minister of State Security

What is the quantum of funds spent by his department on all advertising for each financial year between 1 April 2010 up to the latest specified date for which information is available?

NW1410E - 29 August 2014

Santosh Vinita Kalyan to ask the Minister of State Security

(1) Whether (a) he and (b) the Deputy Minister has each employed a ministerial special advisor; if so, (2) (a) what is the name of the special advisor, (b) when was the advisor appointed, (c) what are the duties of the advisor, (d) at what post level was the appointment made, (e) what is the salary level of the advisor, (f) what is the duration of the employment contract entered into with the advisor and (g) why was it necessary to appoint the advisor?

NW1037E - 22 August 2014

Petrus Johannes Groenewald to ask the Minister of State Security

(1) Whether he is aware of allegations that members of Al-Qaeda and/or other terrorist organisations are being settled between Joubertina and Uniondale; if so, (a) how many members are there, (b) to which organisation(s) do the members belong, (c) for what reason are they being settled there, (d) to what extent are international conventions that were signed by the Government, being violated by such settlement of specified groups and (e) what will he do about it; (2) whether he will make a statement regarding the matter?

NW833E - 25 July 2014

Dirk Jan Stubbe to ask the Minister of State Security

(a) How many (i) judgments and (ii) court orders were made against his department in the (aa) 2010-11, (bb) 2011-12, (cc) 2012-13 and (dd) 2013-14 financial years and (b) in each case, (i) how many of these (aa) were implemented and (bb) await implementation by his department and (ii) what was the nature of the (aa) judgment and/or (bb) court order?

NW882E - 25 July 2014

David John Maynier to ask the Minister of State Security

(1) Whether (a) he, (b) the Deputy Minister, (c) the Director-General or (d) any of his staff (i) attended, (ii) accepted an invitation and/or (iii) received tickets to the 2014 Soccer World Cup in their official capacity; if so, what are the relevant details including the (aa)(aaa) names and (bbb) positions of those who attended and (bb) breakdown of the amounts spent by his department on (aaa) travel, (bbb) accommodation, (ccc) entertainment and (ddd) any further specified expenses; (2) (a) what is the breakdown of the amount spent by his department on any persons accompanying (i) him, (ii) the Deputy Minister, (iii) the Director-General or (iv) any of his staff to attend the 2014 Soccer World Cup including (aa) travel, (bb) accommodation, (cc) entertainment and (dd) any further costs and (b) in each case, what is the (i) relationship and (ii) reason for accompanying the relevant person?
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