NW2042E - 26 July 2013

Theo Willem Coetzee to ask the Minister of State Security

(1) With reference to his reply to question 1073 on 10 June 2013, why were intelligence failures not reported in the Annual Report; (2) whether he can provide the Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence with details of such instances of intelligence failures?

NW2010E - 26 July 2013

Petrus Johannes Groenewald to ask the Minister of State Security

(1) What are the reasons why the report on Nkandla has been classified according to the Minimum Information Security Standards; (2) whether he fixed or recommended this classification; if so, why; if not, who classified it; (3) whether he will make a statement on the matter?

NW1988E - 21 June 2013

Francoise Adrianus Rodgers to ask the Minister of State Security

How many employees of each specified (a) national, (b) provincial and (c) municipal organ of state have (i) valid and (ii) invalid (aa) top secret, (bb) secret, (cc) confidential and (dd) restricted security clearance?

NW1772E - 07 June 2013

Donald Cecil Smiles to ask the Minister of State Security

What amount did his department spend on (a) promotional items and (b) cocktail receptions on the occasion of his 2013 Budget Vote debate?

NW1722E - 07 June 2013

Armiston Watson to ask the Minister of State Security

Which places have been declared prohibited places in terms of section 14 of the Protection of Information Act, Act 84 of 1982?

NW1668E - 31 May 2013

Emma More to ask the Minister of State Security

(1) Whether (a) he, (b) any specified officials and (c) any other persons have been issued with a government or official credit card (i) in the (aa) 2011-12 and (bb) 2012-13 financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2013; if so, in each instance, what is the (aaa)(aaaa) name and (bbbb) job title of each person to whom a credit card was issued, (bbb) credit limit, (ccc) outstanding amount as at the latest specified date for which information is available, (ddd) monthly expenses incurred for each month since receiving the credit card, (eee) reason for such a person being issued with a credit card and (fff) uses that such a credit card is intended for; (2) whether the credit limit of any specified credit card was exceeded at any time since it was issued; if so, (a) whose credit cards are over the limit and (b) what is the reason for the credit card exceeding the limit?

NW1487E - 23 May 2013

George Gaolatlhe Boinamo to ask the Minister of State Security

What amount has his department spent on (a) catering and (b) entertainment in the (i) 2012-13 financial year and (ii) since 1 April 2013?

NW1207E - 10 May 2013

Donald Cecil Smiles to ask the Minister of State Security

(1) Since 1 January 2011, how many applications under the Promotion of Access to Information Act, Act 2 of 2000, were received by (a) his department and (b) entities reporting to him, and in each case, how many were (i) granted, (ii) refused and (iii) deemed refused under section 27; (2) since 1 January 2011, how many internal appeals under the Act were received by (a) his department and (b) entities reporting to him, and in each case, how many were (i) granted, (ii) refused and (iii) deemed refused under section 77(7); (3) who is the information officer for (a) his department and (b) each entity reporting to him, and in each case, what are the contact details of the officer?

CW145E - 22 March 2013

Dirk Benjamin Feldman to ask the Minister of State Security

(1) Whether the Government is in control of the state of intelligence and evidence in stock theft occurrences in KwaZulu-Natal (details furnished); if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether high levels of dangerous arms still remain in the hands of gangs of cattle rustlers in the rural areas where stock thefts are rife; if so, (a) what is the state of intelligence regarding this matter and (b) what action is the Government taking in this regard?

CW71E - 01 March 2013

Johannes Raseriti Tau to ask the Minister of State Security

(1) What progress has been made since May 2012 with regard to the (a) restructuring and consolidation of the intelligence architecture and (b) establishment of the State Security Agency; (2) whether the (a) restructuring and consolidation, (b) establishment of the Agency and (c) resignation of certain senior officials of the intelligence community have had any negative impact on the (i) ability of the Agency to deliver on its mandate and (ii) morale of its members; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (aa) what measures have been put in place to address and resolve this matter and (bb) what are the further relevant details?
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