NW131E - 14 February 2013

Theo Willem Coetzee to ask the Minister of State Security

(1) Whether (a) his department and (b) any entities reporting to him paid any bonuses to senior officials in December 2012; if so, in each specified case, (i) to whom and (ii) what amount was paid; (2) whether the specified bonuses were performance-based; if not, what is the justification for each bonus; if so, in each case, from which budget were the performance bonuses paid; (3) whether, in each case, (a) a performance agreement was signed with the official and (b) regular performance assessments were conducted; if not, why not, in each case; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?

NW164E - 14 February 2013

John Henry Steenhuisen to ask the Minister of State Security

(1) How many legal matters were dealt with by his department (a) in the (i) 2009-10, (ii) 2010-11 and (iii) 2011-12 financial years and (b) during the period 1 April 2012 up to the latest specified date for which information is available; (2) (a) how many of the specified legal matters were dealt with by (i) the State Attorney and (ii) private attorneys during the specified periods and (b) what are the reasons why his department was not represented by the State Attorney in each specified case; (3) what total amounts were paid by his department to (a) the State Attorney and (b) private attorneys during the specified periods?

NW98E - 14 February 2013

Johanna Fredrika Terblanche to ask the Minister of State Security

(a) How many tickets did (i) his department and (ii) any of its entities purchase to attend business breakfasts hosted by a certain newspaper (name furnished) (aa) in the (aaa) 2010-11 and (bbb) 2011-12 financial years and (bb) during the period 1 April 2012 up to the latest specified date for which information is available and (b) what was the total cost in each case?

NW1E - 14 February 2013

Mario Gaspare Oriani-Ambrosini to ask the Minister of State Security

Whether (a) his department or (b) any (i) agency reporting to him or his department, (ii) contractor or (iii) instrumentality has (aa) tapped, (bb) monitored, (cc) intercepted or (dd) otherwise accessed the content of any (aaa) telecommunications, (bbb) telephone calls, (ccc) emails, (ddd) voice-over-internet communications or (eee) computer of (aaaa) Dr M G Oriani-Ambrosini, (bbbb) any other Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) member of Parliament or (cccc) any IFP parliamentary staff member; if so, in each case, (aaaaa) for what period, (bbbbb) on what grounds, (ccccc) on whose authority and (ddddd) for what reason?

NW4166E - 16 November 2012

Erik Johannes Marais to ask the Minister of State Security

(1) Whether (a) his department or (b) any entity reporting to him, placed any advertisements in The New Age since the inception of the newspaper up until the most recent date for which information is available; if not, in each case, what is the position in this regard; if so, (i) which entity placed the advertisements, (ii) on what date was each advertisement placed, (iii) what was the nature of each advertisement and (iv) what amount was spent on each advertisement; (2) whether any of these advertisements were placed through the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS); if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details of the advertisements placed through the GCIS; (3) whether an independent analysis was conducted by his department prior to placing advertisements to ascertain whether The New Age is read by the intended target market; if not, why not; if so, (a) who conducted the analysis and (b) what were the main (i) findings and (ii) recommendations of said analysis; (4) whether any independent studies of said advertisements were conducted to ascertain whether they were effective within the relevant target market; if not, why not; if so, (a) who conducted the analysis and (b) what were the main (i) findings and (ii) recommendations of said analysis?

NW3391E - 12 October 2012

Lulama Smuts Ngonyama to ask the Minister of State Security

Whether the recent re-evaluation and upholding of the judgement against, and subsequent incarceration of, certain persons (names and details furnished) have strengthened his department's resolve to fight through drug and crime intelligence against syndicates (a) operating in the country and (b) conducting cross-border crimes from South Africa; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?

NW3106E - 07 September 2012

Mponeng Winston Rabotapi to ask the Minister of State Security

(1) Whether (a) his Ministry, (b) his department and (c) any entity reporting to him plan to host end-of-year parties; if not, in each case, what is the position in this regard; if so, in each case, (i) for how many persons and (ii) at what cost; (2) whether the cost of the specified end-of-year parties has been budgeted for in the current financial year; if not, from where will the funding be sourced; if so, (a) what amount has been budgeted and (b) from which part of the budget will it be incurred?

NW2899E - 24 August 2012

Shahid Esau to ask the Minister of State Security

(a) What steps has he taken to give effect to the performance agreement that he signed with the President in 2010, (b) what outcomes have been measured and (c) what follow-up steps has he taken with regard to each specified outcome?

NW2714E - 17 August 2012

Shahid Esau to ask the Minister of State Security

Whether (a) his department or (b) any entity reporting to him makes use of private security firms; if so, in each case, (i) which firms and (ii) what is the (aa) purpose, (bb) value and (cc) duration of each specified contract?

NW2669E - 17 August 2012

David John Maynier to ask the Minister of State Security

(1) Whether the National Intelligence priorities are determined annually; if not, why not; if so, (a) who determines the National Intelligence Priorities, (b) how are the National Intelligence priorities determined and (c) what were the National Intelligence priorities (i) in (aa) 2009, (bb) 2010 and (cc) 2011 and (ii) for 2012; (2) whether he will make a statement on the matter?
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