2017-w2361 - 31 August 2017

Liezl Linda van der Merwe to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

With reference to the contract signed between the South African Post Office (SAPO) and the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA), (a) what is the monetary value of the contract, (b) what is the period of the contract and (c) will SAPO be able to comply with the relevant requirements of the contract applicable to them to ensure that the Constitutional Court deadline in terms of SASSA being ready to pay out grants on behalf of the State is met?

Reply from the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services on 31 Aug 2017

I have been informed by SAPO as follows:

SAPO does not have a contract with the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) as yet. SAPO has, however, received a letter of intention to work with SASSA.

(a) The final monetary value will be determined out of engagements between SAPO and SASSA.

(b) Not applicable as no contract has been signed.

(c) SAPO has submitted ...

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2017-w2432 - 31 August 2017

Liezl Linda van der Merwe to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

Whether his department has made any progress in the past 12 months to reduce the cost to communicate in South Africa, which remains amongst the highest in the world; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services on 31 Aug 2017

I have been informed by the Department as follows:

The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) is currently working on transparency mechanisms to regulate the expiry of data bundles. Initial interventions will ensure provisions to ensure that all segments of data bundles do not automatically expire after 30 days but have a cascading scale as proposed in ICASA’s Draft Regulations:

1MB to 50MB: ...

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2017-w2377 - 31 August 2017

Marian Robin Shinn to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1)(a) What are the (i) names and (ii) professional designations of each member appointed to the National Cybersecurity Advisory Council (NCAC) in response to the advertisement for nominations published on 23 April 2017, (b) what are the names of the information communication technology, cybersecurity or other sector companies or organisations that employ each of the specified council members and (c) how many nominations were received; (2) Whether the names of the proposed council members were approved by Cabinet; if not, (a) why not and (b) by when will the list be approved; if so, on which date was it approved; (3) Whether he has met with the council yet; if not, (a) why not and (b) by what date does he plan to meet with them; if so, on which date; (4) What (a) is the mandate of the council and (b) deadlines have been set for deliverables?

Reply from the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services on 31 Aug 2017

I have been informed by the Department as follows:

1(a) (i) The Department has not finalised the appointment of the NCAC members. The Department is reviewing the received applications and thereafter the appointment process will be finalised.

(ii) As indicated in 1(a)(i) above, the appointment process has not yet been concluded, however, the professional designations of the applicants are as follows: (5) five from ...

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2017-w2380 - 31 August 2017

Cameron Mackenzie to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(a) What budget allocations have been or will be transferred from his department’s estimates of expenditure to the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa to (i) conduct enquiries to identify priority markets in the telecommunications sector and (ii) address the high cost of communication and (b) from which of his department’s programmes will the funding be drawn?

Reply from the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services on 31 Aug 2017

I have been informed by the Department as follows:

(a)-(b) No budget allocations from the Department’s estimates of expenditure have been or will be transferred to the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA). ICASA has budgeted for this area of work as reflected in its Annual Performance Plan.

Approved/Not Approved


Dr Siyabonga Cwele, MP

Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services


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2017-w2381 - 31 August 2017

Cameron Mackenzie to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1)(a) What are the terms of reference for the inquiry being undertaken by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) into the spectrum requirements of the proposed Wholesale Open Access Network, (b) what amount will be paid to CSIR to conduct the inquiry and (c) what is the expected delivery date of the report resulting from this inquiry; (2) Whether (a) the CSIR or (b) any industry sector stakeholder requested an extension of the specified deadline for the delivery of the report; if not, will such a request be favourably considered in the future; if so, what are the relevant details? NW2628E

Reply from the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services on 31 Aug 2017

I have been advised by the Department as follows:-

(1)(a) To advise the Department on the amount of spectrum required to ensure that the Wireless Open Access Network is viable.

(1)(b) R 1 197 022, 80 (VAT Inclusive)

(1)(c) End of August 2017

(2)(a)&(b) No. This is an internal study to inform the implementation of the policy. The Minister is required by law to engage stakeholders ...

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2017-w2067 - 25 August 2017

Vuyokazi Ketabahle to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

Whether (a) his department and or (b) any entities reporting to him are funding, including by way of discretionary funding; any institution of research and development (i) domestically and or (ii) internationally; if so, (aa) (aaa) what are the names of his specified institutions and (bbb) what are their functions, (bb) from what date has his department or any entity reporting to him been funding them and (cc) what amount has his department contributed towards such funding?

Reply from the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services on 25 Aug 2017

I have been informed by the Department as follows:

(a)(i) Yes,

(ii) No

(aa)(aaa) NAME OF INSTITUTION: African Centre of Excellence for Information Ethics at the University of Pretoria

(bbb) FUNCTION: It conducts research and awareness on the Ethical Dimension of an Information Society

(bb) FROM DATE: financial year 2011/12

(cc) TOTAL AMOUNT CONTRIBUTED: R13 421 440.00 over a period of six ...

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2017-w2314 - 24 August 2017

Mponeng Winston Rabotapi to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

With reference to his reply to question 1775 on 19 July 2017, what is the total amount paid in relation to the State Information Technology Agency employee who required protection because of threats that the employee received?

Reply from the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services on 24 Aug 2017

I have been informed by SITA as follows:

The total amount paid in relation to the SITA employee who required protection for half a day because of threats is R216. 00

Approved/Not Approved


Dr Siyabonga Cwele, MP

Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services


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2017-w1740 - 31 July 2017

Annelie Lotriet to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

Whether any staff of (a) his department and (b) each entity reporting to him were awarded any contracts or agreements to conduct business with any state entity in the (i) 2014-15, (ii) 2015-16 and (iii) 2016-17 financial years; if so, what are the (aa)(aaa) names and (bbb) professional designations of the staff members and (bb)(aaa) details of the contract(s) and/or agreement(s) awarded and (bbb) amounts in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services on 31 Jul 2017

I have been advised by the Department and entities reporting to me as follows:-

The Public Service Regulations, 2016 (Gazette no. 40167) which prohibits public service employees from doing business with the state were gazetted on 29 July 2016. These regulations are applicable to public service employees and not employees of state-owned entities.

a) No staff in the Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services ...

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2017-w1991 - 19 July 2017

Vuyokazi Ketabahle to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

Whether any post office branches and / or facilities were closed down in the period 1 January 2000 and 31 December 2016 in (a) Limpopo, (b) Mpumalanga and (c) North West; if so, (i) what is the total number in each case and (ii) what is the exact location of branch and/ or facility?

Reply from the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services on 19 Jul 2017

I have been informed by the South African Post Office (SAPO) as follows:-

(a) Limpopo:-

(i) (3) three

(ii) Exact location of each branch:

Name of Post Office


Makhado Crossing

Corner Hlanganani Street and N1, Limpopo North

Polokwane South

Asiatic Bazaar Polokwane Excelsior Street, CBD, Capricorn


Tshikondeni Mine, Limpopo North

(b) Mpumalanga:-

(i) (4) four

(ii) Exact ...

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2017-w1878 - 19 July 2017

Vuyokazi Ketabahle to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

Whether (a) his department and (b) each entity reporting to him appointed transaction advisors for tenders in the period 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2016; if so, (i) who were the transaction advisors that were appointed for tenders, (ii) for which tenders were they appointed, (iii) what was the pricing for the tenders in question and (iv) what amount were the transaction advisors paid?

Reply from the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services on 19 Jul 2017

I have been informed by the Department and Entities reporting to me as follows:

(a) No transaction advisors for tenders were appointed by the Department during the period in question.

(b) The South African Post Office (SAPO) was the only entity that appointed transaction advisors during the period in question.

(i) Makombandlela Consulting, 30 April 2014 – 31 October 2014;

KPMG Services, ...

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