2018-w521 - 19 April 2018

Veronica Van Dyk to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1)      What (a) is the name of the biggest service provider of telephone services in the (i) Kamiesberg, (ii) Khai-Ma, (iii) NamaKhoi and (iv) Richtersveld Local Municipalities in Namaqualand in the Northern Cape and (b) are the details of all telephone-related technology that her department maintains in Namaqualand; (2) What are the relevant details of (a) the name of each cellular telephone company that services the specified areas, (b) the percentage of citizens who have access to some form of telephone service in the specified areas, (c) the number of reception towers erected by each cellular telephone service provider in each case and (d) any plans to erect more reception towers in the near future in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services on 19 Apr 2018

I was advised by the Department and ICASA as follows:

(1)(a) (i)&(iv) In the Kamiesberg and Richtersveld local municipalities, the service providers of telephone services are:

  • Cell C
  • Vodacom
  • Telkom
  • MTN

The relative sizes of these operators has not been determined for these specified areas, as to who is the biggest service provider.

(1)(a) (ii) &(iii) In Khai-Ma and NamaKhoi local municipalities, the telephone ...

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2018-w817 - 19 April 2018

Marian Robin Shinn to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(a) On what date was each Deputy Director-General of his department appointed, (b) for what period was each specified person appointed, (c) what are the relevant details of each person’s (i) annual salary and (ii) annual bonuses paid out in each year since the appointment and (d) on what grounds were the bonuses paid in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services on 19 Apr 2018

(b) All Deputy Directors-General in the Department were appointed permanently.

(c)(ii) No bonuses were received

(d) Not applicable








DDG: ICT Infrastructure Support


R1,136,910 (first notch of DDG)

R1,201,713 (Annual cost of living adjustment)

R1,267,806 (Annual cost of living adjustment)

R1,299,501 (Annual cost of living adjustment)

R1,318,995 (2nd notch ...

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2018-w679 - 19 April 2018

Marian Robin Shinn to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(a) What is the status of the legal case in the matter between .ZA Domain Name Authority and the ZA Central Registry, (b) what attempts at mediation of the issue have been held to date, (c) by whom were they conducted and (d)(i) by what date and (ii) what was the outcome of those attempts?

Reply from the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services on 19 Apr 2018

I have been informed by .zaDNA as follows:

(a) The matter is currently under arbitration and is set for argument on 02 May 2018.

(b-d) The following mediatory events occurred:

  1. The former Deputy Minister, Prof. Hlengiwe Mkhize met both parties separately in or around August 2016 in an attempt to have the matter resolved speedily and amicably.
  2. Both ZADNA and ZACR held a mediation ...
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2018-w816 - 19 April 2018

Marian Robin Shinn to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(a) On what date was the Director-General of his department appointed, (b) for what period has the specified person been appointed, (c) what are the relevant details of the person’s (i) annual salary and (ii) annual bonuses paid out in each year since the person’s appointment and (d) on what grounds were the bonuses paid in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services on 19 Apr 2018

a) 21 March 2016

b) For a period of five (5) years commencing on 21 November 2016 and terminating on 20 November 2021.





i R1,689,750 (first notch of salary level 16)

i R1,782,687 (Annual cost of living adjustment)

i R1,782,687 (cost of living adjustment not yet announced)

ii R0

ii R0

ii Assessment period must still be finalized

d) Not ...

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2018-w681 - 19 April 2018

Cameron Mackenzie to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1)What (a) number of regular and special meetings did the .ZA Domain Name Authority (ZADNA) board hold in the past two years, (b) are the details of each register of attendance, agenda and decisions made at each meeting and (c) was the venues and costs for (aa) catering, (bb) accommodation, (cc) travel and (dd) directors’ fees in respect of each meeting; (2) Whether there has been any change to the .ZADNA board in the specified period; if so, (a) what were the reasons for all resignations and/or removal from the board, including (b) by whom the decision was made, (c) on what date did each removal and/or resignation occur and (d) what are the names of the persons who (i) replaced board members who resigned and (ii) on what date will the new members be joining the board?

Reply from the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services on 19 Apr 2018

I have been informed by .ZADNA as follows:

(1)(a) In the past 2 (two) years (2016/17 & 2017/18), ZADNA had a total of thirteen (13) meetings, 9 (nine) being regular Board meetings and 4 (four) being special Board meetings

(b) Directors’ Board meeting attendance

Directors’ Board meeting attendance for 2016/17

Director name

Board meeting dates

Total number of meetings attended by Directors

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2018-w820 - 19 April 2018

Cameron Mackenzie to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

What are the details of (a) all achievements reached by the South Africa Internet For All project since its inception and (b) each project, with reference to (i) its implementing agency, (ii) delivery status and (iii) cost to his department or the entities reporting to him; 2. Whether any of the specified projects were donated by companies or organisations; if so, what are the details of the value of the project; 3. Do any of the specified companies or organisations receive any tax incentives or broad-based black economic empowerment scorecard points for their involvement in the specified projects?

Reply from the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services on 19 Apr 2018

I have been informed by Department:

1 (a) (I) Infrastructure database Project - CSIR currently is carrying out an assessment of existing infrastructure in underserved areas and to then to create an aggregated database to indicate the gaps. This project will assist the Project Teams to focus on areas where infrastructure exists and where there is no infrastructure for the deployment of technologies that ...

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2018-w680 - 19 April 2018

Marian Robin Shinn to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(a) What (i) is the status of the .ZADNA annual report for the 2016/17 financial year, (ii) is the cause of the delay in publishing the specified report and (iii) action has she taken to resolve the matter and (b) by what date will the matter be resolved?

Reply from the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services on 19 Apr 2018

I have been informed by .zaDNA as follows:

(a) (i) The .ZA Domain Name Authority (ZADNA) submitted its 2016/17 Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements (AFS) to myself on 07 February 2018. The Annual Report was finalised subsequent to the finalisation of the 2016/17 AFS.

(ii) ZADNA could not finalise its 2016/17 external audit because of the pending ZACR arbitration regarding ZADNA’s determination to ...

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2018-w682 - 19 April 2018

Cameron Mackenzie to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(a) What is the total number of co.za email addresses that were registered with the telecommunications entity .ZADNA (i) at the end of each of the past five year financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2017, (b) What number of new co.za addresses were registered in each of the specified financial years up to the latest specified date for which information is available and, (c) What are the relevant details of the geographic spread of the addresses between rural and urban areas?

Reply from the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services on 19 Apr 2018

I have been informed by .zaDNA as follows:

(a) None. This is because neither .ZADNA nor the .za second level domain registry operators keep record of email addresses as these vary from each domain name.

(b) N/A

(c) N/A

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2018-w684 - 19 April 2018

Darren Bergman to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

What number of overseas trips were taken by the CEO, Mr Vika Mpisane, of .zaDNA in (a) 2016 and (b) 2017; 2. (a) What(i) was the purposes of each trip, (ii) active role did the person play, (iii) was the detailed breakdown of the cost of each trip and (b)(i) who and/ or (ii) which departmental budget covered the costs in each case; 3. (a) Who accompanied the person on each trip, (b) why in each case and (c)(i) at what cost and (ii) from which budget were the costs paid in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services on 19 Apr 2018

I have been informed by .zaDNA as follows:

1. (a) The .zaDNA CEO undertook six overseas trips in 2016 as follows:

(i) ICANN Marrakesh (Morocco) Conference in March 2016;

(ii) Asia-Pacific Internet Resources Capacity Building Program in Beijing; China in May 2016;

(iii) dotAfrica mediation (together with ZACR CEO) in Los Angeles (California) in September 2016;

(iv) ICANN Hyderabad (India) Conference in November 2016; ...

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2018-w821 - 19 April 2018

Darren Bergman to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(a) What is the nature and terms of involvement of a certain company (name furnished) with Sentech, (b) how was the arrangement initiated, (c) what is the value of the involvement, (d) what deliverables are expected from the specified company, (e) what are the details of the costs to Sentech of connecting the company’s signals to its network and (f) has he found that the arrangement is compliant with the Public Finance Management Act, Act 1 of 1999?

Reply from the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services on 19 Apr 2018

I have been informed by SENTECH as follows:

a) Sentech procures satellite capacity from Intelsat and currently has three lease agreements with Intelsat with the longest (length of agreement) due to expire on 30 July 2030.

b) The satellite capacity is a key commodity and strategic product for Sentech as it allows Sentech to continue to be relevant in the DTH broadcasting space. Sentech ...

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