2018-w823 - 19 April 2018

Darren Bergman to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1)Has any Chief Executive Officer of any entity reporting to his department delivered speeches at international conferences in the 2016-2017 financial year; if so, what are the details of the (a) speaker, (b) name of the conference or symposium, (c) date, (d) venue and (e) topic of the speech with a paragraph on its content; (2) Was any fee paid to secure the speaking engagement; if so, what amount was paid; (3) Did the speaker receive remuneration of any kind for speaking at the event; if so, (a) what was the nature of this remuneration and (b) who paid it; (4) What were the total costs of travel, accommodation and subsistence incurred by his department for these engagements?

Reply from the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services on 19 Apr 2018

I have been informed by the SOEs and the Department as follows:

  1. No.
  2. N/A
  3. N/A
  4. N/A
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2018-w683 - 19 April 2018

Cameron Mackenzie to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(a) What it the total staff complement at the telecommunications entity .ZDNA as at the latest date for which information is available, (b) what posts do the staff occupy, (c) what are their salaries, (d) what number of bonuses were paid to (i) staff and (ii) board members (aa) in the 2016-17 financial year and (bb) since 1 April 2017?

Reply from the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services on 19 Apr 2018

I have been informed by .ZADNA as follows:

(a) The .zaDNA has a staff complement of 10 employees.

(b) The staff members occupy the following positions:

(i) Chief Executive Officer

(ii) Operations Manager

(iii) Policy and Regulation Manager

(iv) Namespace Development Manager

(v) Technical (IT) Coordinator

(vi) Project Support Coordinator

(vii) Internet Governance Coordinator

(viii) Marketing and Communication Coordinator

(ix) Office Administrator

(x) ...

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2018-w822 - 19 April 2018

Darren Bergman to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1) Has he, the Deputy Minister or any directors-general of his department delivered speeches at international conferences in the 2016-17 financial year; if so, what are the details of the (a) speaker, (b) name of the conference or symposium, (c) date, (d) venue and (e) topic of the speech with a paragraph on its content; (2) was any fee paid to secure the speaking engagement; if so, what amount was paid; (3) did the speaker receive remuneration of any kind for speaking at the event; if so, (a) what was the nature of this remuneration and (b) who paid it; (4) what were the total costs of travel, accommodation and subsistence incurred by his department for the speaking engagements?

Reply from the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services on 19 Apr 2018

(1)    (a)-(d) None

(2)    None

(3)    None

(4)    None

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2018-w999 - 19 April 2018

Dirk Jan Stubbe to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

How much land does (a) his department and (b) the entities reporting to him (i) own, (ii) have exclusive rights to and/or (iii) lease from the State to (aa) use and /or (bb) occupy?

Reply from the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services on 19 Apr 2018

I have been informed by the department and entities as follows:

(i) – (bb) -None



(i) – (bb) -None


(i) – (bb) -None


(i) – (bb) –None


  1. – (bb) –None


(i) SAPO owns 442 sites as per Deeds Office. This includes seven sites which have been mortgaged (sold, donated, and wrongly transferred to SAPO and restitution ...

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2018-w678 - 27 March 2018

Marian Robin Shinn to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1)(a) What is the status of the legal challenge lodged by a certain person (name and details furnished) against his dismissal and (b) what is the total amount spent by his department in defence of the challenge; (2) What (a) is the total number of other disciplinary hearings or mediation attempts that have been conducted through entities such as the Public Service Commission and/or the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration to resolve the matter, (b) were the outcomes in each case, (c) are the details of each disciplinary hearing or mediation attempt and (d) was the total cost to his department of defending the dismissal of the specified person?

Reply from the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services on 27 Mar 2018

1(a) The status of the legal challenge instituted by Mr. Buthelezi in the Labour Court on 17 November 2017 praying for the review and setting aside of the arbitration award that confirmed his dismissal from the Public Service, is pending.

(b) To date, the Department did not pay any legal fees for services rendered in relation to the legal challenge lodged in the Labour ...

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2018-w732 - 27 March 2018

Tsepo Winston Mhlongo to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1)Whether his department has a sexual harassment and assault policy in place; if not, (a) why not and (b) by what date will his department have such a policy in place; if so, (i) how are reports investigated and (ii) what are the details of the consequence management and sanctions stipulated by the policy; (2) (a) what is the total number of incidents of sexual harassment and assault that have been reported in his department (i) in each of the past three financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2017, (b) what number of cases were (i) opened and concluded, (ii) withdrawn and (iii) remain open based on the incidents and (c) what sanctions were issued for each person who was found to have been guilty

Reply from the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services on 27 Mar 2018

The Department has informed me as follows:

1. Yes, the Department has an approved sexual harassment policy in place

  1. Not applicable
  2. Not applicable

(i) The Department has no reported cases of sexual harassment

(ii) In terms of the policy, the following sanctions may be imposed on an employee found guilty of sexual harassment:

    • Counselling
    • Verbal warning
    • Written warning;
    • Final written warning
    • Suspension/fine;
    • Demotion
    • Dismissal ...
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2018-w685 - 27 March 2018

Darren Bergman to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

Whether any (a) disciplinary and/or (b) legal steps have been taken against any (i) employee or (ii) former employee for their role in the Media Corner matter; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details of (aa) steps taken against individuals, (bb) their job titles, (cc) charges laid, (dd) outcomes to date and (ee) relevant punishment in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services on 27 Mar 2018

The Department has informed me as follows:

a) Yes,

b) No

(i) Yes, disciplinary proceedings were instituted against employees who served as members of the Departmental Bid Evaluation Committee (DBEC) and the Departmental Bid Adjudication Committee (DBAC).

(ii) No. Disciplinary action was not taken against former employees as the Department lacks jurisdiction over the former employees who are no longer employed in the Public ...

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2018-w373 - 09 March 2018

Bridget Staff Masango to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(a) What is the total amount that was (i) budgeted for and (ii) spent on his private office (aa) in each of the past three financial years and (bb) since 1 April 2017 and (b) what was the (i) remuneration, (ii) salary level, (iii) job title, (iv) qualification and (v) job description of each employee appointed in his private office in each of the specified periods?

Reply from the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services on 9 Mar 2018

I have been informed by the Department as follows:

The Ministerial Handbook provides guidelines on the appointment of the staff in the Private Office. It equally provides the recommended salary levels of each post. The salary levels are adjusted on an annual basis as prescribed in the Public Service Regulations.

The Office of the Minister has eight of the ten staff members allowed in ...

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2018-w338 - 08 March 2018

Karen Jooste to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

Mrs K Jooste (DA) to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services:What amount did (a) his department and (b) each entity reporting to him spend on the promotion or celebration of the Year of O R Tambo on the (i) Africa News Network 7 channel, (ii) SA Broadcasting Corporation (aa) television channels and (bb) radio stations, (iii) national commercial radio stations and (iv) community (aa) television and (bb) radio stations since 1 January 2017?​​​​​

Reply from the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services on 8 Mar 2018

In 2017, all government departments and entities joined the rest of the country and the world in celebrating the centenary of OR Tambo, an illustrious son of the soil who dedicated his life in selfless pursuit of the liberation of South Africa.

However, I have been advised by the Department and entities reporting to me as follows:

(a) Nil.

(b)(i) to ...

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2018-w9 - 19 February 2018

Mosiuoa Gerard Patrick Lekota to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

What (a) are the actions, inactions and conduct of the SA Social Security Agency (SASSA) that formed the basis of the request by the Chief Executive Officer of the SA Post Office for the intervention of the Director-General (DG) of the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) into the process for the implementation of the payments of grants and (b) action has been taken to encourage SASSA’s cooperation?

Reply from the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services on 19 Feb 2018

I have been informed by SA Post Office as follows:

a) There were some disagreements on the implementation of the Services Agreement that was signed on 08 December 2017. SAPO required sign-offs in line with the agreed Service Agreement timelines but they were being delayed by SASSA. This was flagged on numerous occasions but still there were no formal sign-offs provided. Only verbal commitments ...

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