2018-w1138 - 25 April 2018

Dean William Macpherson to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(a) Why has the National Lotteries Commission (NLC) failed to allocate funding towards animal welfare groups, specifically the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, for the past two financial years, (b) What are the detailed reasons and rationale behind this decision and (c) What plans does his department have in place to assist animal welfare organisations, as these groups rely solely on funding from the NLC and the public in order to provide free services and assistance in poor communities?

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 25 Apr 2018

a)  The National Lotteries Commission annually publishes priority areas to ensure more focused funding and maximum impact of the funds allocated. Priority areas are published yearly and available on the NLC’s website. There is continuous work done to ensure that beneficiaries are aware of priority areas and the NLC holds regular Indabas and Post Indaba Stakeholder Engagements with its beneficiaries to ensure that they ...

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2018-w1137 - 25 April 2018

Dean William Macpherson to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(a) Why are there instances of different identity numbers registered for one person on the website of the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC)? (b) How many other instances of different identity numbers were found on the CIPC’s website against the name of one person; and (c) By what date will the CIPC’s database be cleaned up?

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 25 Apr 2018

a)  The CIPC system authenticates individuals against valid Identity Number supplied from the Home Affairs database. This is done either through electronic or biometric validation against the Home Affairs (DHA) database. The DHA is the owner of all Identity Number database.

b) The CIPC is only aware of 2 instances of different Identity Numbers for a single individual.

c) The CIPC does not have ...

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2018-w1146 - 25 April 2018

Hendrik Christiaan Crafford Krüger to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(a) What number of industrial parks and/or incubators have been established in (i) Dr J S Moroka Local Municipality and (ii) Thembisile Hani Local Municipality and (b) in each case, (i) where it is located (ii) what is the description of the facility, (iii) on what date was it established, (iv) what amount did it cost to build, (v) what amount did it cost to run the facility in the past three financial years, (vi) what services and support are provided, (vii) what total number of beneficiaries and/or businesses are reached and (viii) what total number of jobs were created?

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 25 Apr 2018

a) i) the dti is not establishing new industrial parks, however it is revitalising the old state owned industrials parks in the former homeland states. The Siyabuswa Industrial Estate under Mpumalanga Economic Growth Agency (MEGA) in Dr J S Moroka Local Municipality is not yet on the dti list for revitalisation, and there is no dti supported incubator in this Local Municipality.

ii) the ...

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2018-w1001 - 06 April 2018

James Vos to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

How much land does (a) his department and (b) the entities reporting to him (i) own, (ii) have exclusive rights to and/or (iii) lease from the State to (aa) use and/or (bb) occupy?

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 6 Apr 2018

Response from the dti and the entities:

the dti and its entities do not own/have exclusive rights/lease from the State with the exeception of the South African Bureau of Standards. (SABS)

(b) The South African Bureau of Standards (SABS)

(i) owns the following land:

  • The SABS Head Office, at 1 Dr Lategan Road Groenkloof, Pretoria, 0001 which is on 22.0907 hectares of land; ...
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2018-w874 - 04 April 2018

Choloane David Matsepe to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

Whether his department was or is involved in the National Treasury’s review of the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) revenue sharing model; if so, what are the relevant details of the (a) progress made to date and (b) design for a reviewed revenue model?

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 4 Apr 2018

A decision has been taken by the SACU Summit of Heads of State and Government in June 2017 to review the 2002 SACU Agreement. The review of the revenue sharing formula is one of the focus areas. The review aims to among others identify financing options for regional infrastructure and industrial projects. The dti has been working with National Treasury in this regard. National ...

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2018-w854 - 28 March 2018

Anton De Waal Alberts to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

Whether, with regard to businesses providing financial and social contributions to safe houses, children's homes and institutions that (a) also help white children and white disabled persons, (b) only help white children and white disabled persons at a given time, as, for example, only white indigent persons live in the area, (c) help white, black, brown and Indian children and the disabled and (d) help all children except white children and white disabled persons, are eligible for broad-based black economic empowerment points (BBBEE) in accordance with certain generic codes; if not, (i) why not and (ii) how is it justified in each case in terms of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; (2) what are the full relevant details regarding the circumstances under which businesses which provide financial and social contributions to safe houses, children's homes and institutions (a) are eligible for maximum BBBEE points and (b) are not eligible for BBBEE points; (3) on what date did the generic codes for BBBEE points come into effect; (4) whether this regulation on the basis of restrictions on white children and white disabled persons has in any way contributed to the upliftment of previously disadvantaged persons; if so, what are the relevant details of valid scientific data in this regard; (5) whether the generic codes for BBBEE points create an environment where (a) the employment of and financial and social contributions to any white person disadvantages a business that wants to obtain BBBEE points and (b) businesses that are 100% black is earning the most BBBEE points without regard to demographic representation, in other words, can a business be 100% black but never 100% white; if so, what are the full relevant details in each case? [NW933E]

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 28 Mar 2018

1. B-BBEE promotes the achievement of the constitutional right to equality, within the historical context of race being used to control access to South Africa’s productive resources during apartheid. The increase of effective participation in the South African economy by the majority of South Africans previously denied such is envisioned, so as to promote the stability and prosperity of the economy in the future ...

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2018-w920 - 28 March 2018

Anton De Waal Alberts to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(a) What number of South Africa’s bilateral investment agreements have already expired and (b) with regard to each such agreement, (i)(aa) what was the agreement, (bb) which countries were party to the agreement, (cc) on what date did the agreement come to an end and (dd) for how long was the agreement still valid after the agreement had expired and (ii) whether the Government will renew the relevant agreement; 2. whether the agreement provides for expropriation with compensation; if so, which is the relevant clause in the agreement and what are the details contained in it?[NW1002E]

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 28 Mar 2018

(a) The number of BITs that have already expired is 9.

The response to (i)(aa), (bb), (cc), (dd) is attached hereto as Annexure 3.

(ii) There is no intention to renew the agreements. In accordance with the decision by Cabinet, South Africa will only enter into bilateral investment treaties in future on the basis of a compelling economic or political reasons. In addition, the ...

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2018-w918 - 28 March 2018

Anton De Waal Alberts to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(a) What number of South Africa’s bilateral investment agreements are still in force and (b) with regard to each such agreement, (i)(aa) what is the agreement, (bb) which countries are party to the agreement, (cc) on what date does the agreement come to an end and (dd) for how long is the agreement still valid after the agreement has expired and (ii) whether the Government will renew the relevant agreement; 2. Whether the agreement provides for expropriation with compensation; if so, which is the relevant clause in the agreement and what are the details contained in it?[NW1000E]

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 28 Mar 2018

(a) The number os BITs in force is 13.

The response to (i)(aa), (bb), (cc), (dd) is provided in Annexure 1.

(ii) The Government does not intend to renew the BITs still in place. Discussions have commenced with the affected countries. The protection of investment will going forward be in accordance with the Protection of Investment Act.

2. The BITs do provide for expropriation ...

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2018-w867 - 28 March 2018

Hendrik Christiaan Crafford Krüger to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

What number of close corporations are currently (a) registered and (b) still trading in each province?

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 28 Mar 2018

According to the information received from Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC):


Western Cape


Eastern Cape


Northern Cape


Free State


Kwa-Zulu Natal


North West








Grand Total


The above information reflects close corporations that have both an active status (03) or a deregistration status (38 or 08). The legal ...

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2018-w828 - 22 March 2018

Ghaleb Cachalia to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

What (a) amount has been budgeted to develop a special economic zone in Upington in the Northern Cape for the (i) 2018-19, (ii) 2019-20 and (iii) 2020-21 financial years, (b) progress has been made in the development of the specified special economic zone and (c) amount has been spent on the development of the special economic zone to date?

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 22 Mar 2018

a) All provinces with proposed Special Economic Zones were allocated and received financial support from the dti annually from 2013/14 – 2016/17 financial years as part of the pre-designation support for the proposed SEZs. Northern Cape Provincial government was allocated R31 938 587 for the preparation of the proposed Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in Upington, in particular, to fulfil the following key objectives:

  • Pre-feasibility ...
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