NW2720E - 28 October 2016

Cornelius Petrus Mulder to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

Whether, given the sluggish South African economy and low projected growth, he will consider collecting evidence-based data around economic models that work and that do not work, from some special economic zones, in collaboration with the Minisiter of Labour, attempting to relax labour regulations and in that limited geographic space to determine whether it does not result in more job opportunities; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 28 Oct 2016

Since the introduction of the new Special Economic Zones Policy and the introduction of a new package of incentives for SEZ investments; the overall investment performance of South Africa’s special economic zones has improved significantly. For example, total secured investments in the 4 operational IDZs increased from R19, 7 billion at the beginning of the 2016 to R41, 2 billion at the end of ...

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NW2648E - 21 October 2016

Mof S P Kopane to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

Whether any (a) internal and/or (b) external forensic reports pertaining to (i) his department and/or (ii) each entity reporting to him were completed from 1 January 2009 up to the latest specified date for which information is available; if not, in each case, why not; if so, what is the (aa) name, (bb) subject matter and (cc) date of conclusion of each of the specified forensic reports?

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 21 Oct 2016

(a)(b) (aa) The Department of Trade and Industry received and completed two hundred and fifty five (255) investigations since 1 January 2009 to date. Of the 255 investigations, sixty one (61) related to the Entities of the dti.


the dti Cases

Entity Cases

Total Cases

Jan-Dec 2009




Jan-Dec 2010




Jan-Dec 2011




Jan-Dec 2012 ...

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2016-w2142 - 19 October 2016

Geordin Gwyn Hill-Lewis to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

Noting the circumstances around the resignation of the Chief Executive Officer of the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications, (a) how will he ensure that the current backlog in the processing of the applications for a Letter of Authority is dealt with as speedily as possible and (b) what is the time frame for handling the specified backlog?

NW2460E - 14 October 2016

Geordin Gwyn Hill-Lewis to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

Noting the circumstances around the resignation of the Chief Executive Officer of the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications, (a) how will he ensure that the current backlog in the processing of the applications for a Letter of Authority is dealt with as speedily as possible and (b) what is the time frame for handling the specified backlog?

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 14 Oct 2016

(a) An Acting CEO; Advocate Edward Mamadisi, from the Legal Services section of the dti, has been appointed and commenced duties on Monday 17th October. Advocate Mamadisi will be supported by staff from within the dti and the process will be the subject of an oversight process led by the Group COO and the Deputy Director General; Industrial Development Division.

(b) Based on ...

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2016-w2041 - 30 September 2016

Johanna Steenkamp to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

What formal qualifications does each of his department’s (a)(i) Chief Financial Officers and/or (ii) acting Chief Financial Officers and (b)(i) Directors-General and/or (ii) acting Directors-General possess?

2016-w2111 - 30 September 2016

Choloane David Matsepe to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

What amount did (a) his department and (b) each entity reporting to him spend on advertising on the (i) Africa News Network 7 channel, (ii) SA Broadcasting Corporation (aa) television channels and (bb) radio stations, (iii) national commercial radio stations and (iv) community (aa) television and (bb) radio stations (aaa) in the 2015-16 financial year and (bbb) since 1 April 2016?

2016-w1895 - 27 September 2016

Dean William Macpherson to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

With reference to his reply to question 349 on 25 February 2016, (a) how many industrialists have been approved to date, (b) what are their names, (c) in which companies have the specified industrialists taken equity, (d) what is the total amount of money that has been dispersed to each of the specified industrialists for the specified equity, (e) what are the terms and conditions attached to the repayments of the specified amounts and (f) how many jobs have been (i) created and/or (ii) retained by each of the specified industrialists to date?

NW2422E - 23 September 2016

Choloane David Matsepe to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

What amount did (a) his department and (b) each entity reporting to him spend on advertising on the (i) Africa News Network 7 channel, (ii) SA Broadcasting Corporation (aa) television channels and (bb) radio stations, (iii) national commercial radio stations and (iv) community (aa) television and (bb) radio stations (aaa) in the 2015-16 financial year and (bbb) since 1 April 2016?

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 23 Sep 2016

(i) (aa) (bb) (aaa) (bbb)

No spending was recorded in the department on advertising with the Africa News Network Channel or with the South African Broadcasting Corporation’s television channels in the 2015-16 financial year and from 1 April 2016 to date.

(ii) (bb) (aaa) (bbb)

The spending on advertising with the South African Broadcasting Corporation’s radio stations was R511 382.91 in ...

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NW2387E - 23 September 2016

Zelda Jongbloed to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) Whether each Head of Department (HOD) of his department signed a performance agreement since their appointment; if not, (a) what is the total number of HODs who have not signed performance agreements, (b) what is the reason in each case, (c) what action has he taken to rectify the situation and (d) what consequences will the specified HOD face for failing to sign the performance agreements; if so, (i) when was the last performance assessment of each HOD conducted and (ii) what were the results in each case; (2) whether any of the HODs who failed to sign a performance agreement received a performance bonus since their appointment; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) at what rate and (b) what criteria were used to determine the specified rate; (3) whether any of the HODs who signed a performance agreement received a performance bonus since their appointment; if so, (a) at what rate and (b) what criteria were used to determine the rate?

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 23 Sep 2016

1. Yes the HOD signed a performance agreement since appointment.

   (i) Last performance assessment was conducted on 08 December 2015.

   (ii) The results of the assessment were above satisfactory.

2. Not applicable – HOD complied with a performance agreement.

3. HOD did not receive any performance bonus since appointment.

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NW2352E - 23 September 2016

Johanna Steenkamp to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

What formal qualifications does each of his department’s (a)(i) Chief Financial Officers and/or (ii) acting Chief Financial Officers and (b)(i) Directors-General and/or (ii) acting Directors-General possess?

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 23 Sep 2016

(a)(i) Chief Financial Officer

The qualifications for the Chief Financial Officer are Bachelor of Commerce and Honours Bachelor of Accounting Science.

(a)(ii) acting Chief Financial Officer

There is currently no acting CFO within the Department

(b)(i) Directors-General

The qualifications for the Director-General are Baccalaureus Lurisprudenciae, Honours Baccalaureus Artium Degree and Master’s Degree in Economics.

(b)(ii) acting Directors-General

There is currently no acting Director-General within ...

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