NW2205E - 16 September 2016

Dean William Macpherson to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

With reference to his reply to question 349 on 25 February 2016, (a) how many industrialists have been approved to date, (b) what are their names, (c) in which companies have the specified industrialists taken equity, (d) what is the total amount of money that has been dispersed to each of the specified industrialists for the specified equity, (e) what are the terms and conditions attached to the repayments of the specified amounts and (f) how many jobs have been (i) created and/or (ii) retained by each of the specified industrialists to date?

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 16 Sep 2016

(a) A total number of 22 projects have been approved under the Black Industrialist programme between the dti and the participating Development Finance Institutions (DFIs). In terms of the dti’s grant funding for Black Industrialists (BIs), 9 Black Industrialists projects have been supported for their investments in assets.

(b) The 9 incentivised Black industrialists projects include the following:

Baynes Transformers, K9 Pet Foods, Naledi ...

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2016-w1774 - 15 September 2016

Dean William Macpherson to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1)(a) What is the total number of Letters of Authority (LOA) that are in backlog at the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications (NRCS) as at 6 September 2016, (b) what is the detailed breakdown of the specified backlog in LOA per industry sector and (c) what is the average waiting period for LOA to be issued; (2) whether he will make the performance agreement signed by the Chief Executive Officer of NRCS (Mr Asogan Moodley ) available to Mr D W Macpherson; if not, why not; if so, by when?NW2082E

NW2082E - 09 September 2016

Dean William Macpherson to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) (a) What is the total number of Letters of Authority (LOA) that are in backlog at the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications (NRCS) as at 6 September 2016, (b) what is the detailed breakdown of the specified backlog in LOA per industry sector and (c) what is the average waiting period for LOA to be issued; (2) whether he will make the performance agreement signed by the Chief Executive Officer of NRCS (name and details furnished) available to Mr D W Macpherson; if not, why not; if so, by when?

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 9 Sep 2016

1. (a) The total number of Letters of Authority (LOA) that are in backlog at the NRCS as at 30 June 2016 are 1170 out of a total of 3605 handled during this period, resulting in 2435 approvals.

(b) The detailed breakdown of the specified backlog in LOA per industry sector as of 30 June 2016 is 15 for the Automotive sector, 39 for the Chemical, ...

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2016-w1670 - 23 August 2016

Brandon Rodney Topham to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

What was the (a) total amount spent and (b) breakdown of such expenditure by his department on its participation in the Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of Fraud, Corruption, Impropriety or Irregularity in the Strategic Defence Procurement Packages to date?

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 23 Aug 2016

(a) The department spent a total of R2 763 194.97 towards its participation in the Commission.

(b) This amount entails fees paid towards securing external services for the provision of legal advice to the dti inclusive of the drafting of witness statements. However these external services were later terminated and the department utilised in house legal services. The internal legal service working in conjunction with the ...

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2016-w1572 - 06 June 2016

Bantubonke Harrington Holomisa to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

With reference to his replies to questions 616, 723 and 724 on 17 March 2016 and 1153 on 3 May 2016 relating to the activities of the original owners of the Gold Reef City Casino Gambling Licence, the Gauteng Gambling Board, the Registrar of Companies and the National Lotteries Commission, (NLC) formerly known as the National Lotteries Board (NLB), during which investigations carried out by him in consultation with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) and the NLC it was unearthed that a company, named The South African Apartheid Museum at Freedom Park, Registration Number: 2001/019108/08, date of registration 14 August 2001, existed which had not previously been introduced into the questions for his reply and that, according to paragraph (3)(a) of his reply to question 1153 on 3 May 2016, the two company names are not registered on the CIPC’s database, (a) has the CIPC determined that these two company names and their memorandums have never ever been incorporated by the Registrar of Companies and, therefore, are not registered on the CIPC database, (b) has the CIPC determined that these two company names and their memorandums were in fact incorporated by the Registrar of Companies and later removed by the Registrar, because of some or other irregularity and (c) is it that the directors of these two companies have themselves deregistered their companies and that this therefore explains why their names and memorandums are now not registered on the CIPC database;

NW1742E - 27 May 2016

Mr B H Holomisa to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) With reference to his replies to questions 616, 723 and 724 on 17 March 2016 and 1153 on 3 May 2016 relating to the activities of the original owners of the Gold Reef City Casino Gambling Licence, the Gauteng Gambling Board, the Registrar of Companies and the National Lotteries Commission, (NLC) formerly known as the National Lotteries Board (NLB), during which investigations carried out by him in consultation with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) and the NLC it was unearthed that a company, named The South African Apartheid Museum at Freedom Park, Registration Number: 2001/019108/08, date of registration 14 August 2001, existed which had not previously been introduced into the questions for his reply and that, according to paragraph (3)(a) of his reply to question 1153 on 3 May 2016, the two company names are not registered on the CIPC’s database, (a) has the CIPC determined that these two company names and their memorandums have never ever been incorporated by the Registrar of Companies and, therefore, are not registered on the CIPC database, (b) has the CIPC determined that these two company names and their memorandums were in fact incorporated by the Registrar of Companies and later removed by the Registrar, because of some or other irregularity and (c) is it that the directors of these two companies have themselves deregistered their companies and that this therefore explains why their names and memorandums are now not registered on the CIPC database; (2) whether, with reference to a summation of all the facts on his version through the CIPC, which reveals the existence of two companies sharing Unique Company Registration Number: 2001/019108/08 and sharing date of incorporation: 14 August 2001, one of these companies, the SA Apartheid Museum, enjoys the benefit of public funds in the amount of R1,585,000 received from the NLB after submission of a statutory declaration by Mr Christopher Till, when applying for funding in November 2004; if so, can he, (a) in consultation with officials of the NLC, who were named in previous replies, provide the National Assembly with non-confidential information of SA Apartheid Museum under Project Number: 18052 regarding the Constitution of SA Apartheid Museum and the Registration Certificate and Memorandums, (b) confirm that all applicants are advised to read the rules before applying for funds and that one of those rules stipulates that the three referee's given in any application must be independent of the applicant and (c) in consultation with officials of CIPC who were named in previous replies, provide the National Assembly with each of the two CM5 Name Reservation Forms, that with payment of a fee, are a prerequisite to registration of the memorandum of a company; (3) whether, in consultation with officials of CIPC who were named in previous replies, he has found that the specified officials are unable to provide the two CM5 Name Reservation Forms; if so, can he have them categorically state that as a fact?

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 27 May 2016

1. Response from CIPC

(a) and (b) In order for the CIPC to confirm the above, the name and registration number of the two entities to whom the casino licence was awarded (owners of the Gold Reef City Casino Gambling Licence), needs to be provided. Full content of the entity file The South African Apartheid Museum at Freedom Park was provided but for completeness ...

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2016-w1493 - 25 May 2016

Stevens Mokgalapa to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1)What was the value of trade between South Africa and the Kingdom of Norway in (a) nominal and (b) real terms in the (i) 1994-95 and (ii) 2015-16 financial years?

2016-w1531 - 25 May 2016

Yusuf Cassim to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) Whether his department was approached by any political party for any form of funding (a) in the (i) 2013-14, (ii) 2014-15 and (iii) 2015-16 financial years and (b) since 1 April 2016; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; (2) whether his department provided any form of funding to any political party (a) in the 2013-14, (ii) 2014-15 and (iii) 2015-16 financial years and (b) since 1 April 2016; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?NW1702E

2016-w1566 - 25 May 2016

Thembekile Richard Majola to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

What amount did (i) his department and (ii) each entity reporting to him spend on advertising in the 2015-16 financial year and (b) how much has (i) his department and (ii) each entity reporting to him budgeted for advertising in the 2016-17 financial year?

NW1663E - 20 May 2016

Stevens Mokgalapa to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

What was the value of trade between South Africa and the Kingdom of Norway in (a) nominal and (b) real terms in the (i) 1994-95 and (ii) 2015-16 financial years?

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 20 May 2016

(a) (i) The value of trade between South Africa and the Kingdom of Norway in the nominal terms for the financial year 1994-1995 was R581, 697,918.

(ii) The value of trade between South Africa and the Kingdom of Norway in the nominal terms for the financial year 2015-2016 was R2 710 584 082.

(b) (i) The value of trade between South Africa and the Kingdom ...

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