NW1081E - 11 April 2016

Gregory Allen Grootboom to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

Has (a) he and/or (b) his Deputy Minister ever (i) met with any (aa) member, (bb) employee and/or (cc) close associate of the Gupta family and/or (ii) attended any meeting with the specified persons (aa) at the Gupta’s Saxonwold Estate in Johannesburg or (bb) anywhere else since taking office; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, in each specified case, (aaa) what are the names of the persons who were present at each meeting, (bbb)(aaaa) when and (bbbb) where did each such meeting take place and (ccc) what was the purpose of each specified meeting?

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 11 Apr 2016

Yes. By way of example, the Minister’s office in the last month received on average, 10 invitations and requests per day from a wide range of stakeholders. Some of these requests are for meetings to be held in the office, invitations to events at embassies, networking sessions organised by Chambers of Commerce, numerous speaking engagements and so forth. Stakeholders include owners of large businesses, ...

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2016-w761 - 29 March 2016

Dean William Macpherson to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

With reference to his undertaking in June 2015 to engage with the National Treasury to extend his department’s Manufacturing Competitiveness Enhancement Programme beyond its current 2017-18 deadline, (a) what progress has been made to date with the engagement with the National Treasury, (b) what are the details of the proposed extension of the specified programme, (c) what is the value of the proposed extension of the specified programme and (d) when will he make an announcement in this regard?

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 29 Mar 2016

The department continues to engage National Treasury on the Manufacturing Competitiveness Enhancement Programme (MCEP) with the purpose of extending it beyond 2017-18 and securing additional funds. The outcome of the negotiations with National Treasury will be communicated through the government budget process.

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2016-w762 - 29 March 2016

Dean William Macpherson to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

With reference to his reply to question 527 on 10 March 2016, (a) which class of travel did Ms Philisiwe Mthethwa use to travel to Cape Town for the specified event and (b) which key stakeholders did she meet with on the side-lines of the specified event for the benefit of the implementation of the mandate of the National Empowerment Fund?

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 29 Mar 2016

Ms Philisiwe Mthethwa attended the budget vote on 24 February 2016, at the invitation of the National Treasury.

The total cost of her attendance to the event was R7 419.44 which was for her Business Class return flight. The NEF did not incur any car rental or accommodation costs for this trip as the CEO stayed at the official residence of her husband and ...

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2016-w763 - 29 March 2016

Geordin Gwyn Hill-Lewis to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

Whether, with reference to the prevailing drought in the country and the sugar industry’s own forecasts of a significant shortage in local production of sugar for 2016 and 2017, he is considering a temporary removal of duties on imported sugar to assist consumers and alleviate food price inflation; if not, why not; if so, what is the progress in this regard?

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 29 Mar 2016

The sugar industry has assured us that they have produced sufficent sugar to supply the domestic market in 2015/16 year despite the severe drought in several sugar growing regions. Thus sufficient raw sugar is in stock at the sugar terminals with a small surplus for export. However, due to the unexpectedly high demand for refined sugar especially by the soft drinks manufacturers – due ...

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2016-w735 - 29 March 2016

Deidre Carter to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

Whether Government, in line with its policy to increase beneficiation of minerals, has succeeded in encouraging entrepreneurs to utilise South African steel which is struggling to find ready markets to produce (a) automotive parts, such as chassis, for export around the world, (b) high quality cutlery, (c) pots and pans, (d) wire fencing, (e) hulls for boats and ships; if not, why not; if so, how is South African produced steel being used in component and product manufacture for domestic consumption and for export as well?

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 29 Mar 2016

South Africa’s industrial policy has sought to strengthen the downstream more labour-intensive segments of manufacturing while ensuring that the competitive advantage enjoyed by upstream capital- and energy- intensive and export-oriented industries is retained and enhanced. In the steel value chain, to promote beneficiation, cost competitiveness and viability of SA’s steel industry, government has had protracted engagements with the dominant player since 2004 to give ...

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2016-w616 - 17 March 2016

Bantubonke Harrington Holomisa to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) With reference to the activities of the original owners of the Gold Reef City Casino Gambling Licence and the Gauteng Gambling Board (GGB), the Registrar of Companies and the National Lotteries Commission, NLC, formerly known as National Lotteries Board, NLB, (a) to which legal entity or entities was the Gold Reef City casino licence awarded, (b) what were the names of the directors of the entity or entities to whom the Gold Reef City casino licence was awarded on or about 22 April 1998; (2) whether the structure known as The Apartheid Museum was completed by Gold Reef City Casino, complying with the undertakings given to the Gauteng Gambling Board at the time of the application for a licence; (3) whether an application for a grant-in-aid from the SA Apartheid Museum, Registration Number 2001/019108/08, and signed off by a certain person (name furnished) was received by the National Lotteries Board in November 2004; if so, (4) who were the referees the specified person listed in the statutory declaration on behalf of the SA Apartheid Museum; (5) was a grant-in-aid amounting to R1, 58 million approved and paid to SA Apartheid Museum, Registration Number 2001/019108/08 by the National Lottery Board with regard to the above mentioned application?NW728E

2016-w724 - 17 March 2016

Bantubonke Harrington Holomisa to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1)Whether , with reference to the activities of the original owners of the Gold Reef City Casino Gambling Licence and the Gauteng Gambling Board (GGB), the Registrar of Companies and the National Lotteries Commission, NLC, formerly known as National Lotteries Board, NLB, whether a certain person (name furnished), a founding director of a certain company (name furnished), served for a period as Chief Executive Officer of the aforementioned board; if so, (a) what was the period of the employment of the specified person as CEO of the specified board, (b) what circumstances gave rise to such a situation, (c) according to what statutory of legal authority was an external contractor appointed to serve in the position of CEO of a government institution and (e) was the appointment of the specified person not a breach of the specified board’s policy concerning the conflict of interests; (2) who were the other natural persons and/or juristic persons with a financial stake in certain companies (names furnished) at the time of the grant of R1.5 million; (3) whether a certain company (names furnished), in any manner, influenced the adjudication of the application for funding submitted by a certain person (name furnished) on behalf of a certain museum (name furnished); (4) can the recordings of a certain trust fund (name furnished) be made available when they adjudicated the application for a grant-in-aid submitted by the specified person?NW844E

2016-w723 - 17 March 2016

Bantubonke Harrington Holomisa to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1)Whether, with reference to the activities of the original owners of the Gold Reef City Casino Gambling Licence and the Gauteng Gambling Board (GGB), the Registrar of Companies and the National Lotteries Commission, NLC, formerly known as National Lotteries Board, NLB, a certain person (name furnished), submitted all the documents, including the certificate of incorporation of the SA Apartheid Museum, in terms of the statutory requirements of the National Lotteries Board, if not, why not; if so, who were the directors of the SA Apartheid Museum, inspected and passed by the National Lotteries Board; (2) does Parliament have a copy of the entire incorporation file of the SA Apartheid Museum including the obligatory CM5, Name Reservation Form, with regard to The Registrar of Companies mentioned in the opening paragraph; (3) (a) whether, with regard to the Gauteng Gambling Board, (GGB) the principal financiers behind the Gold Reef City casino licence project were the twin brothers (names furnished) and (b) whether the specified persons also funded the Youth Investment Network company belonging to a certain person (name furnished); (4) whether the specified owner of the company was an employee of the GGB before and/or during the period that, through the Youth Investment Network, he was a person with financial interest in the application for the Gold Reef City casino licence; if so, what position did the specified person hold at the GGB and the relevant dates of his employment with reference to the applicable GGB human resources policy at the time and in respect of issues related to conflict of interest?

NW844E - 11 March 2016

Bantubonke Harrington Holomisa to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) Whether , with reference to the activities of the original owners of the Gold Reef City Casino Gambling Licence and the Gauteng Gambling Board (GGB), the Registrar of Companies and the National Lotteries Commission, NLC, formerly known as National Lotteries Board, NLB, whether a certain person (name furnished), a founding director of a certain company (name furnished), served for a period as Chief Executive Officer of the aforementioned board; if so, (a) what was the period of the employment of the specified person as CEO of the specified board, (b) what circumstances gave rise to such a situation, (c) according to what statutory of legal authority was an external contractor appointed to serve in the position of CEO of a government institution and (e) was the appointment of the specified person not a breach of the specified board’s policy concerning the conflict of interests; (2) who were the other natural persons and/or juristic persons with a financial stake in certain companies (names furnished) at the time of the grant of R1.5 million; (3) whether a certain company (names furnished), in any manner, influenced the adjudication of the application for funding submitted by a certain person (name furnished) on behalf of a certain museum (name furnished); (4) can the recordings of a certain trust fund (name furnished) be made available when they adjudicated the application for a grant-in-aid submitted by the specified person?

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 11 Mar 2016

1. (a) According to the response received from the NGB, Mr Biyela was never an employee of the Gauteng Gambling Board.

(b) According to the response received from the NGB, Mr Mokhobo served as an Acting Chief Executive Officer of the GGB.

(c) According to the response received from the NGB, Mr Mokhobo served as an Acting Chief Executive Officer of the GGB from ...

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NW843E - 11 March 2016

Bantubonke Harrington Holomisa to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) Whether, with reference to the activities of the original owners of the Gold Reef City Casino Gambling Licence and the Gauteng Gambling Board (GGB), the Registrar of Companies and the National Lotteries Commission, NLC, formerly known as National Lotteries Board, NLB, a certain person (name furnished), submitted all the documents, including the certificate of incorporation of the SA Apartheid Museum, in terms of the statutory requirements of the National Lotteries Board, if not, why not; if so, who were the directors of the SA Apartheid Museum, inspected and passed by the National Lotteries Board; (2) does Parliament have a copy of the entire incorporation file of the SA Apartheid Museum including the obligatory CM5, Name Reservation Form, with regard to The Registrar of Companies mentioned in the opening paragraph; (3) (a) whether, with regard to the Gauteng Gambling Board, (GGB) the principal financiers behind the Gold Reef City casino licence project were the twin brothers (names furnished) and (b) whether the specified persons also funded the Youth Investment Network company belonging to a certain person (name furnished); (4) whether the specified owner of the company was an employee of the GGB before and/or during the period that, through the Youth Investment Network, he was a person with financial interest in the application for the Gold Reef City casino licence; if so, what position did the specified person hold at the GGB and the relevant dates of his employment with reference to the applicable GGB human resources policy at the time and in respect of issues related to conflict of interest?

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 11 Mar 2016

1. According to the information received from the NLC, the SA Apartheid Museum, in support of its applications supplied all the required information viz.:

i. Prescribed application form, duly completed.

ii. Project plan and motivation for said project.

iii. Project budget.

iv. Notice of registered office to show registration number.

v. Articles of Association of a Company not having a share capital.

vi. Memorandum ...

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