NW4973E - 20 November 2015

Geordin Gwyn Hill-Lewis to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) Was (a) he and/or (b) his department made aware of the notice of suspension of South Africa’s eligibility for the African Growth and Opportunity Act, Public Law 106 of the 200th Congress, issued to the Congress of the United States of America by President Mr Barack Obama on 5 November 2015, prior to the notice being issued; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (i) when and (ii) in what format did the specified advance notice take place; (2) whether he took any steps to avoid the issuance of the specified notice; if not, why not; if so, what are the further relevant details?

NW4972E - 20 November 2015

Geordin Gwyn Hill-Lewis to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) What formal communication at a Ministerial level and/or otherwise took place between his department and the United States of America regarding the (a) market access negotiations for (i) poultry, (ii) beef and (iii) pork and (b) out-of-cycle review of the eligibility of South Africa in respect of the African Growth and Opportunity Act, Public Law 106 of the 200th Congress, in each case in terms of (i) the date of the letter, meeting or phone call and (ii) a short summary of its contents; (2) whether he will release the specified correspondence to Mr G G Hill-Lewis; if not, why not; if so, when can it be expected?

NW4916E - 16 November 2015

Geordin Gwyn Hill-Lewis to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) (a) What progress has been made with the review of the Sugar Act, Act 9 of 1978 and (b) what is the timeline for (i) the publication of the specified review and/or (ii) an Amendment Bill; (2) how many emerging black farmers have been empowered to produce sugar?

NW4915E - 16 November 2015

Geordin Gwyn Hill-Lewis to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) Whether, in light of the sustained devaluation of the Rand in recent years, his department intends to review the current formula for sugar import duties which are currently calculated based on a fixed price of USD 566; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) what was the overall tonnage of sugar imported into the country prior to the implementation of the Dollar Based Reference Price, excluding the sugar imported from Southern African Customs Union member countries; Monday, 16 November 2015 1549 INTERNAL QUESTION PAPER: NATIONAL ASSEMBLY NO 49 - 2015 (3) what is the actual average cost of production per metric ton of refined sugar in the country?

NW4914E - 16 November 2015

Geordin Gwyn Hill-Lewis to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) With reference to the drought-affected sugar industry, what is the expected shortfall of sugar in the country in the (a) current and (b) next three financial years; (2) whether his department has been approached by (a) the SA Sugar Association (SASA) and/or (b) any of its members for special dispensations with regard to the importation of sugar (i) from sugar-producing countries such as Brazil, India or Thailand or (ii) through the loosening of the existing quota system for Southern African Development Community countries where SASA members have operated; (3) whether SASA will still manage to fulfil the 150 000 ton export allowance to the European Union; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) whether his department is considering lifting duties on International Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis 150 sugar which is not produced in the country; if so, what are the relevant details?

NW4855E - 16 November 2015

Dean William Macpherson to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) With reference to the stopping of the consideration of applications made to his department’s Manufacturing Competitiveness Enhancement Programme due to funding issues, (a) how many applications have been put on hold for the current 2015-16 financial year, (b) what is the total value of the specified applications and (c) how many jobs would have been created through the specified applications; (2) whether his department had any engagements with the National Treasury to secure more funding for the specified programme for the (a) 2015-16, (b) 2016-17, (c) 2017-18 and (d) 2018-19 financial years; if not, why not; if so, (i) when were these engagements held and (ii) what are the further relevant details?

NW4854E - 16 November 2015

Dean William Macpherson to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) With reference to the public hearings conducted for the Promotion and Protection of Investment Bill held in Parliament on 15 September 2015, (a) what (i) was the cost of a certain person’s (name furnished) trip from Geneva to Cape Town to brief the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry on the specified Bill and (ii) class of travel did the specified person fly in and (b) when did the specified person (i) arrive in and (ii) depart from South Africa; (2) whether the specified person conducted any other business while in South Africa; if so, what are the relevant details?

NW4832E - 16 November 2015

William Mothipa Madisha to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) Whether, with reference to the reported imminent loss by South Africa of benefits emanating from the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) (details furnished), he and his department have been proactive, prompt and prescient in dealing with all matters pertaining to the AGOA in order to safeguard the country’s favourable terms for export to the United States of America (USA); if so, what are the relevant details in this regard; (2) whether he intends to brief the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry fully about the negotiations with his counterpart in the USA; if not, why not; if so, (a)(i) when and (ii) what are the further relevant details and (b) what steps does he intend to take to settle the dispute?

2015-w3952 - 13 November 2015

Michael Waters to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

What are the reasons that the application for funding from the National Lottery Board by the Edenvale Child Welfare Centre was declined? 2) (a) When last was funding by the specified board approved for the specified centre and (b) what amount was allocated to the specified centre? NW4818E

2015-w3922 - 09 November 2015

Dean William Macpherson to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(a) How many overseas trips did a certain person (Mr Asogan Moodley) of the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications take since 1 January 2015, (b) what were the (i) dates, (ii) destinations and (iii) reasons of each specified trip and (c) what was the (i) cost of each specified trip and (ii) class of travel of each specified trip?
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